WTF americans?!

WTF americans?!


Watch the last two episodes

what about them

I haven't watched but I assume this is a parody of all the libtard "what being a cuck taught me about feminism" articles

also why is that girl so hot? how come hollywood doesn't put more thick sexy girls on TV?


I don't think I would be able to sleep at night without knowing my wife's pussy had been filled with superior black cum.

>For you

The last episode was a godsend showing brief glimpses of her T H I C C.

I dont understand the broken psychology behind wanting other men to bang your gf or wife or whatever, so fucking weird. Also that it's a race thing is weird,

im white but ill bang your gf while you watch if you want.

It's american thing

>implying this isn't made primarily for the white male audience

nothing gives white males the highest pleasure than being cucked by minority men. it's in their nature

W-w-w-what tv show is this??!!?


Truly /ourguy/

fuck me she's hot

Me and my wife are not interested in tiny white dicks. Only the BBC will do for my lady.

is she his mother or wife?

This is strangely arousing. But I hate cuckhold porn.

It's called satire, of course Sup Forums has to make everything about them.

I don't understand white men at all. Why in the fuck would a guy want to watch another guy fuck his wife while he just sits in the corner and does nothing? What does he get out of it?

No, you just hate yourself for liking it.

she's 70lbs too heavy

It's a fetish, one that a tiny minority has, you realize that right?

I assume it has to do with humiliation.

He should have killed her right on the spot.

you think satire like ''just let a buff black guy fuck your girlfriend in front of you while you submissively watch'' existed 10 years ago?

this isnt fucking satire anymore. its public conditioning via the media

what the fuck
no wonder you faggots worship the alt-right
this is pure degeneracy

yeah that's why I said it's a parody retard

a terrible show on fx called youre the worst

>tiny minority
literally the majority of white american males

Post her thiccness lads

He uncucks himself


Who do you think is the main consumer?

Finally a character we can identify with

It's a mix of misogyny and racism. He likes seeing women be degraded, and in his mind seeing a nigger fuck her is degrading the shit out of her.

It's the same reasons there are guys who get off on watching a girl get fucked by a dog.

As a white girl that loves BBC, there's nothing hotter than a white man that supports the cuck lifestyle.



Yet another jew buzzword term used to cover up the truth.

L O N D O-

Actually, nevermind.

>literally the majority of white american males

Stop projecting your cuck fetish onto other people faggot. Show us the stats to back that shit up

lol is that breitbart

Literally /ourguy/

I dont get cuckolds why cant they let white males fuck their wives why must it ALWAYS BE BLACKS?

Nah, I'm too much of a jealous man. Even with my girlfriend now I fly into jealous rage if she has a conversation.

>People here can't tell that its mocking their cuck fears

i imagine how angry it makes them
it's one thing to have your fetish in the dark, but to have it out in the light

it just all makes more sense to me




It's funny how this was dismissed as "crazy" when the dude writing a kids TV shot had literally also written a cuckold fetish movie.

No one wants to see your pathetic, flabby, pale white body and your laughable penis on top of their wife. We want strong, virile black bulls that can stretch ours wives pussy.

because it is crazy

You're the Worst sucks. I miss Married.




because deep down inside white boys know they are frauds compared to dark men

I just want to see her in fucking bra and panties then I can leave this god forsaken thread





Can we get some subtitles here?

Anyone have the cock cage webm? Where he writhes on the floor and says I'M A WORM

I didn't know Kelly Clarkson has a cuck husband.

Literally /ourgirl/

>It's a fetish, one that a tiny minority has, you realize that right?

Literally every white man I've ever met is into it.

When is enough going to be enough?

Is it true that Alex Jones hates racism?

It is crazy. That's like saying Mad Max and Happy Feet affected each other.

here you go pham:

We need to go back to a time where women like this were backhanded and kicked into the street.

Memes aside, why do people do and enjoy this. Like why subject themselves to this humiliation, how fucking pathetic do you have to be to enjoy cuckholding

This is true.

You act like this is commonplace and not a bizarre/depraved arrangement being poked fun at by a comedy show.

no dude
ask for pictures of her
you're better than this

You compare fetishes?

>Paul is portrayed as the weakest beta male ever
>gets cucked
>last two episodes he finally breaks
>divorces her and totally fucks her over financially

Yeah but it's promoting the cuck lifestyle, right /po-I mean Sup Forums?

He needs those clicks for his water filters.

Do explain pls.

LOL look at these redditors falseflagging like a motherfucker

you aint foolin anyone lil guys

>they haven't seen the part where he says 'better lawyer up bitch' and walks out smoking a cigarette after he realises what he has become


It's a logical conclusion of blacks as savages/slaves. It thus becomes taboo for a white woman to sleep with a black man, and consequently it becomes fetishized.
It's an end result of the propaganda in early 1900's that depict black men as sexually aggressive towards white women
Expect the same thing to happen to muslims in Europe in a few decades, as they are already reporting crimes of refugees raping British women


>the cuck is called Paul
>the bull is called Raul

Because so many people are familiar with 1900s propaganda?


Black guys are disgusting.

t. girl

She wants a divorce, he agrees nicely but when she asks him to disregard the prenup he basically tells her to fuck off and to get a good lawyer with a sadistic smile on his face. Then he takes advantage of her stupidity during the alimony negociations

And Robert Rodriguez wrote Machete and Spy Kids. And Martin Scorsese wrote Hugo and The Last Temptation of Christ.

What's your point?

timestamp or tranny

>thinking he could beat a white women in court
>when he specifically consented to being a cuck

that's why most of the white men who support this racist fetish are not libtards.

That actually looks like a preview image for some fetish porn.

>you think satire like ''just let a buff black guy fuck your girlfriend in front of you while you submissively watch'' existed 10 years ago?
Exactly. Satire never changes to reflect the times. The Importance of Being Earnest is a perfect reflection of our Victorian society and everything after is degeneracy.


I dont understand why any guy with a decent amount of money would get married

I bet the producer is called Saul

>implying each and every single doormat libtard """man""" who's "proud" of being cucked won't have a psychotic break at some point down the line

It's going to be glorious to watch all those articles start rolling in about how these dudes all snapped in the next 5 years.

Talking about cuckoldry in TV Shows, why the fuck were so many fucking Cucks in this show? Because Swedes?

The progression of culture and the way which we depict sex, violence, and race are all loosely connected and evolve precariously over time, a depiction of black people in 1915 is not just that director/author's opinion about black people, it is speaking for an ambiguous part of society that holds the same belief
Art, politics, entertainment, and culture all evolve simultaneously to reflect the society they represent