What the fuck has gotten into him...

What the fuck has gotten into him? If I was him I would have shot Negan in the fucking head when he came knocking on the door

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He was cucked to death

he literally was cucked so bad last ep.

negan talks about his dick down his throat
tells michonne the baby isn't his
gets cucked by negan

They could have just rpg'd the heck out of the first baricade and continue their journey but they are retards and act like it's their first day in a zombie apocalypse constantly. I hope they all get killed off this season and we get to follow someone who is more competent.

>shoot Negan
>somebody else becomes new Negan
>get killed by saviors

Shane died long ago user

>die with dignity
>be a cuck

Sad. SAD day.

>get yourself killed along with everybody you love for absolutely no gain
>bide your time and win later

TWD ain't the same as it was before

>die in an epic last stand
>live as slaves

People like you are the reason why the West is becoming so feminine and cucked. Merely "staying alive" isnt something to aspire to. Death with honor>>>>> being a slave

Healthy young Shane goes to Rick, gets pumped with massive shot of many blades, doesn't feel good and changes - ZOMBIE. Many such cases!

And then you would have had 100s of Negan's men crashing through the gates and killing everyone in Rick's group. He should have loaded up and moved about 2 states away until Negan's numbers are depleted by small hit teams he could leave behind.

You suck at survival and stand no chance on your own. Stay close to your parents theyre the only reason you are still alive.

>implying they'd get anywhere near the gates with Rick's arsenal

Things would have worked out fine if Rick killed the first group.

Better to die on your feet, than live on your knees.

Why are you still here then?

why would negans men start hunting down rick? im pretty sure that must of the people that work for him hate him. i dont know if there would be any real motivation for them to attack ricks group if the kill negan

Where? I live in Russia

Who would become the next Negan? Most obvious contender would be dead too.

The only thing keeping a dictatorship in one piece is the dictator. When you remove him, infighting begins. Saviors wouldn't even care about Alexandria after Negan's death, at least for some time.

U no speaky da engrish?

Why havent you died to uncuck the west yet?


Of course they would care about a hostile group that just killed their people.

Are you retarded ?

Honestly the show would have redeemed the shitty finale last season if Negan just showed up and Rick blasted his fucking head off at the door with his Pythin limp wrist and all Negan's men are like, "What the fuck we could have just shot him this whole time," and then they all break into gangs and bands together and rape and pillage the communities and Rik and company just try to fend off the broken army eventually being overrun and driven out of Alexandria but it was all worth it to feed that smug cunt a bullet who thought he was somehow invincible.


I couldnt care less about the west, faggot,im just pointing how sissified and attached to life Western "men" are

Rick's people killed like 40 saviors by the end of season 6. Obviously they don't care that much about vengeance

I assume Rick is allowing Negan to believe he's won. If Rick attacked him, he would lose. What else can you do against an absolute madman like Negan?

Rick doesn't know that.

ik that rick doesn't know but people in this thread are saying that if he did fight back they would destroy him basically.

>give up all your guns
>to protect your dead wife's bull-daughter

I bet if Negan died Simon would not only lead the attack on Alexandria but he'd also get rid of the No Rape policy just so Rick can watch Carl's boypussy explode.

Are we getting a Hilltop episode tonight?

Sure can't wait for another episode where nothing actually happens t b h

maggie kills gregory

Nice excuse faggot.

>not hiding a cache of guns

Sure, you might not have enough people RIGHT NOW but what's to stop other survivors turning up?

Besides, Rick's group have shown they can handle larger threats before, and if Rick's group, the Hilltop and the Kingdom joined forces then they would have the numbers to end Negan

Negan has no lieutenants to fill his shoes. I haven't catch up with the series past Season 3 but I guarantee you that they're going to make Negan into some realpolitikal nihilist who only has a following because of how he can manipulate the people under him and knows how to scare others into submission or subjugation. He doesn't have any top lieutenants to take over, there's nothing special about his system of rule aside from his personality and character which enabled it. Meta-ly, Rick should've known after hearing about him from whatever settlement he's currently in, and others, that Negan was some special person that they're greatly devoted to, and not some ideology, that killing him will essentially ruin the whole get-up. If there was someone as great or threatening as Negan in the Saviors, then there would be a power divide or internal conflict going on with him and Negan, if that person can be trusted to assume his role once he goes.

But none of this matters. Because this isn't some unique drama that aims to give didactic lessons on the test of societies and governments in a post-apocalyptic scenario and how they respond to the problems that arise, but a poorly written and unguided zombie show with linear villain cycles. Negan's going to die or follow the stupid route in the comics and there's going to be another eccentric masochist villain that's going to replace him and so-on until the show gets cancelled.

Asking a Russian to die to save the west is like asking a Palestinian to sacrifice himself to save Israel or asking an Indian to sacrfice himself for the glory of Pakistan. How old are you?

he specifically has a right-hand man, simon

I dont get it, russians are basically like farm animals to normal people.
You should die for your master you know.

>4 episodes in
>Sasha and Tara still not even been in an episode

They were not even in the scene where Rick was asking everyone where the gun are

>the state of this writing

>They were not even in the scene where Rick was asking everyone where the gun are
that part really irked me
they had like 5 of the most important characters missing in that scene while Rick was saying "WHERE'S THE GUNSSSS"

>Negan has no lieutenants to fill his shoes.
What the fuck makes you think this


>Carl not there
>Sasha not there
>Eugene not there

>one of your own men took two of their guns matching that description
>better gim dat ghnz

Tara is on a long supply run with Heath iirc, so they won't even be aware of Negan yet

Sasha not being in it yet though is a mystery

Eugene was there, dumb frogposter

>I haven't catch up with the series past Season 3
>but i still feel like i can post a paragraph about whats currently happening

Are you guys just pretending? Sasha was in the premiere. Quit huffing paint.

How much of that show is comfy post-apocalypse rebuilding, compared to carnage and fighting bad guys?

none of the above until the last couple episodes

prior to that it was a soap opera with a token zombie every episode

it's pretty fucking trash

That was a continuation of the last season though

I understand her not being in the Carol/Morgan episode, but her not being in the last episode where they literally tore the town apart deciding what shit to take was baffling.

She just think "ah fuck it" and went for a nap or something?

Sasha accompanied Maggie to Hilltop with Glenn's body.

Thanks. I was this close to actually watching it

just don't. S1 is good and all but it's just so fucking bad past that

They must not have had the rpg or Negan would have taken it then.

>Death with honor>>>>> being a slave

If even half the people who say this actually followed through, slavery wouldn't have been an institution in human civilisation since the year one.

>That was a continuation of the last season though
That was Season 7 Episode 01 you autistic weirdo. She's at the Hilltop with Maggie.

>rick kills negan
>is the new negan
>show ends

The fact that everyone in his organisation seems to primarily motivated by fear of him?

the S6 finale and S7 premiere were two parts of the same scene, is what he means.

Negan said he will come after a week, but showed up early. They were caught off-guard, hence nothing was hidden.

They are right. Why kill Negan right away when Rick DOES know he has tons of people at his disposal. Rick doesnt know that Negan's people hate him there has been no indication of that on the show. Youre mixing up the comic with the tv show.

>i havent watched the show for 3 years but let me tell you why the newest bad guys don't make any sense
>i haven't watched the last 3 seasons, but let me tell you why you are wrong for telling me my assumptions are wrong about the new bad guys

Negan's #1 right hand man is completely on board with every step of Negan's plan. He didn't go with them to Alexandria either. If Rick and co took them out at Alexandria they would have killed Negan and 30 or so of his guys, at most. Simon (his right hand man) whips the rest up into a frenzy and they go and siege Alexandria

Yes we are and I feel that too user

But Negan comes to the hilltop so at least Negan action shall resume

I hope he licks his lips

I know you struggle with human emotions but you can fear and respect someone at the same time. The only faggot who doesn't like Negan was the one from the bottom rung of the Saviors. The fighters entrusted with guns are shown to be enthuistic about being Saviors. Maybe the holes in your brain from huffing all that paint has made you forget all the hopped up lunatics the Saviors have. I can tell you would be a cuck too useless to earn points.

Holy shit, how did this not happen sooner?

worst show on television. carl looks like a fag

well doesn't TWD have like 21 or 24 eps a season?

I know they are in the later episodes in a lot more though

>i know

Boy, I simply cannot wait to hear how you 'know' this.

>my roommate uses Easy Street as his alarm now

due to spoiling dead plots for each episode and actors.

i thought that was the joke. that the current negan wasnt the first negan and theoretically not the last

i dont read the comic but am aware of many times it deviated from the comics story line

>The only faggot who doesn't like Negan was the one from the bottom rung of the Saviors.

The faggot at the bottom rung pretends to like being a Savior when Negan's around too.

That's generally what you do when not being enthusiastic about things will get you mutilated by the sociopath running the show. There's no indicated the Saviors have any espirit de corp or 'culture', they're just a raider gang held together by the biggest psycho.

Negan doesn't share power with anyone, we've seen no 2ICs in his organisation, the closest he seems to have to a right hand man is the burnt cunt he's currently tormenting. If you decapitated the Saviors, they'd splinter into a bunch of competing gangs.

why is jdm too lazy to lift weights? rick lifts weights. daryl lifts weights. they're the same age as jdm.

Fucking faggots on this board....

he has Lucille and CORE STRENGTH

He did. Pay attention

At most you can watch the first season, but past that it's just pointless.

>we've seen no 2ICs in his organization

yes we have

>the closest he seems to have to a right hand man is the burnt cunt he's currently tormenting

no, Dwight isn't his 2nd in command either

Are you the guy who hasn't watched the last 3 seasons, trying to make all kinds of assumptions based on fuck knows what?

>yes we have

Citation Needed

>no, Dwight isn't his 2nd in command either

Citation Needed and a trip to the Dictionary to discover the meaning of the phrase 'the closest he seems to have'.

>he has Lucille
lucille is his can of spinach

sheesh. find a woman and fuck her. seriously, just have sex with someone, I beg you

I'd like to see you go against a guy who has his arm around your daughter's neck telling you that you belong to him now or your whole family gets raped, and tortured to death in the worst imaginable way possible. If you think there is a choice in slavery you are mentally immature. Idiot.

>Kill Negan
>Saviors kill Rick
>Saviors kill everyone else

is fantastic.

Why don't they just load up some supplies and go back to the prison? They already cleared the roads. There's supplies and seeds for food there assuming it wasn't looted. Do the blood trick, kill the zombies, dig a moat, and live the good life. Fence is easily fixable.

Sasha brought Maggie to hilltop do you retards even pay attention at all or simply shitpost?


>Rick holds up Negan's bat of crushed skulls, proclaims "Now I am Negan." and morphs into him.

>rebuildfag having freedom to call anyone else dumb

You are literally a poo poo head. Simon is clearly shown to be his second in command. The only way to miss that is if you're a glue-eating retard. Dwight, the burnt face guy, is a dude who tried to escape the Saviors but they caught him and now he's forced to do all the shit he has to do. Far from second in command.