So what do YOU accept as canon anons...

So what do YOU accept as canon anons? I kinda want to start reading some old republic stuff but if it's all made up bullshit that never happened I don't wanna waste my time. Do you accept Disney's "new canon"? if the old canon doesn't directly contradict the new movies do you consider it Canon?

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I consider that Darth Plagueis novel and Muun persona are canon.

I say so, it gotta be.


idgaf about comics, books and feminist propaganda movies

user, the canon stuff didn't happen either

Just the original trilogy in it's original form.

Everything else is just kicking a dead horse.

And when VIII retcons it will You?

What are you talking about?


daisy ridley is jlaw emilia clarke level

that's a bit boring though. It has so much potential to be expanded

If Ep 8 or 9 make Lord Snoke or whatever into something that retcons Plagueis, will you still accept the novel as canon?

The only shit worth your time really is:

Labyrinth of evil
Darth Bane Trilogy
Darth Plagueis
Thrawn Trilogy

And thats it. Maybe some of the NJO stuff and the tales of the Jedi comics. Alsonsome clone wars comics like Battle for Jabiim.

But user, with "Tarkin" nearly everything except for Plagueis race is canon.

1-7 movies
TCW movie and show
Rebels show
some books. very few comics. biggest problems with the EU was the comics because those writers couldn't keep their capeshit autism in control, so we got dumb nonsense like luke skywalker clones, or when luke and hans son turn into literal super saiyan force beings.

also we will never get a movie or show that explains and shows the different lightsaber combat forms in detail and that depresses me

The first two old Republic video games, revan was a man, exile was a woman, the entire dark forces saga. Kyle katarn and Jan stole the death star plans, the empire isn't white supremacist, Luke will always be the most powerful jedi and is the chosen one, Obi Wan was always more powerful than ani.

yeah, but they always hire some hack for expanding the universe, the same mistake the old Eu did

Anything made before the jewish mouse bought it.

i geniunely think TCW show was what the prequel movies should have been like. Everything happens too fast despite having 3 whole movies because Lucas wastes screentime on pointless shit like podracing, jar jar, or really long padme anakin romance. also he doesnt really show any darkside except for the sand people slaughter, other than that it looks like he goes from 1-100 in ROTS alone.

anakin in TCW show is subtle, hes still a jedi and good, but he disagrees with the council/obi wan. agrees with the war and is friends with Tarkin and palpatine scene is a perfect example and probably one of the best scenes in the whole show

ep 4-6
I'm ok with the prequels, but won't really mind if they retcon some of the events, or remake them completely.

I only really care about the KOTOR games and the movies, not really interested in this new 7-9 trilogy or Rogue One though's all made up bullshit that never happened dude.

Btw I completely forgot there's now an episode 7...

IV to VI (the original theatrical cuts)
parts of the Han Solo trilogy
parts of the OT radio drama
most of the Thrawn trilogy
the Dark Forces series (all the way from Soldier for the Empire to Mysteries of the Sith)
the X-Wing series (all of the '90s video game series)
the other X-Wing series (the book series which has nothing to do with the afore-mentioned games)

Fuck Disney's canon. I never liked the prequels but in some ways, what Disney is doing is so much more worse. And fuck them for giving EA the exclusive rights to make Star Wars games.

Forgot to add the first two KotOR games to the list, I liked those. Even if you consider the main gameplay to be geared towards making the player feel like the most awesomest character ever, the overall atmosphere and the world exploring is great.

>Snoke turns out to be Plagueis
>"HA! He isn't a Muun, stupid nerrrrds!"
>Snoke is in a new body