ITT: actors ruined by the 2016 election

ITT: actors ruined by the 2016 election

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problematic fav

still fav tho

>tfw you know realize that Chris Evans is a beta Reddit numale and you could drop his ass with ease.

>tfw used to like Michael Shannon
The meme war was won, but at what cost

>Michael Shannon
>de Niro
Am I missing anyone

Why are populists always ugly as fuck? Is that why plebs identify with them?

What's a populist? Someone who is popular and won?

I dunno man, only betas must vote for the winner I guess.

>that as a woman it’s “effing depressing” that so many people are voting for Donald Trump

>the presidential election is a “punch in the gut” to her as a woman, and makes it hard to go about her daily life.

please no...

how come hollywood is full of liberals? you'd think extremely spoiled rich people that play pretend for a living would be somewhat snobbish

Doesn't she know that over 50% of white women voted for trump which is more than Hillary and that over 40% of total women voted him. She's hot as fuck, but why is she such an idiot

It coincides with the fact that it's almost all jews.

And because they will never come in contact with the reality of (((diversity)))

the entire MCU cast got BTFO by the election,but the most cucked are Chris evans,Scarlet johanson and RDJ.

Artists and creative people are usually pretty open minded about stuff. That's why being gay, for example, is ok.

Guy is from New England AND a Hollywood actor. Of course he's gonna be ultra liberal.

You suck donkey balls

Any story on this? was this a break in or domestic violence?

>how come hollywood is full of liberals?

Because conservatives ask the wrong questions.

You shouldnt stick your nose in rich people's business.

Because it's more about her own self-interests. Hillary was going to change things in for women. Wages especially. Now it's not going to happen.


>implying anything can ruin Chris Evans eternal happiness

Read a fucking book

>start following her for Captain Marvel
>everything in her Twitter is about FUCKING WHITE MALES

From what I remember the nigger was waiting outside for the husband to leave, once he did he broke in just to steal stuff.

Agreed w/ everyone listed so far, but instead of just boycotting these assholes we need to vote with our dollars and support celebrities on the right side of history like Nugent, Baio, etc. Don't "buy" their music and tv and films digitally, as they won't see much of it, but go to their websites and order physical copies. Remember Christmas is coming up to and they'd be great gifts for friends and family. We need to show the media that there is money in traditional conservative voices.

>unironically still defending a beta cuck who spat his dummy out when the election didn't go his way

Hey, I recognize that show. It's about a pig that does ballet or some shit.

DC wins again

it's a drop in the ocean when it comes to black-on-white violence. Just a result of decades of telling black people that white people are to blame for everything wrong in their lives.

Because they are real men doing real jobs and not some gay who thinks his opinion is valid because he cosplays as captain america on the silver screen.

>black live matters, everyone

>he thinks Bin Al-fleq is happy with Trump

Zero though? That's kinda sketchy.

It's like anyone involved with Disney and Marvel took a collective shit on their own faces. Disney really wanted that TPP deal to go through by using Hillary I guess.

I can't imagine being a woman.
Knowing that you're physically incapable of defending yourself if any average man wants to really hurt you would be terrifying.


Fuck off, everybody knows statistics are racist

Eh, Shannon just outed himself as the biggest cuck and he was arguably the best thing about Man of Steel.

If you mean actors that are against Trump, then they are not ruined

remember when people said ronda could beat any male fighter?top kek

That's why it should be free to keep firearms and teach people how to use them, I'm envious of american's laws about self defense.

but that's impossible

it's an entire country, some of them had to be raped by white men

That implies women know that there are consequences for anything. Look at how many women are anti-gun when it's their best friend against giant men that could kill them

>Definition of populist
>1: a member of a political party claiming to represent the common people;
So exactly what I posted. Gotcha.

Have we been cruel and unfair with qts?

That man abuses drugs man, have pity

>See Goyim, from the top of my condo i know what's best for you!

Women are way less likely to be victims of physical assault compared to men. Most men prefer to beat weaker men. And there are nobody to protect those weak men but themselves.

IT's not like she even tries to fight him. Even if women are physically weaker than the majority of men they can still put up a fight.

the source is official government statistics.



That's why you carry a gun dummy.

Knives and guns exist for a reason.
Besides, they can just scream and beta males will pop outta nowhere to help them.

take a look on Jeffrey Wright's twitter
it's embarrassing

I don't see anything.