What's the best Brockhampton song?

What's the best Brockhampton song?

is it socially acceptable to be a white rapper now?

either JUNKY or STAR


Only if you don't become massive

Take G-Eazy or Paul Wall for example, they became pretty famous and a lot of people know about them, but they've never topped the charts and not literally EVERYONE knows about them

and then you have Macklemore and Iggy Azalea, who both had chart-topping hits so people blame them for taking attention away from black rappers and call them culture vultures.


the FUCK YOU part ruins it

The one where
>Kevin raps about being gay
>Ameer raps about how he used to deal
>Dom raps about being depressed
>Matt raps about being cool
>Merlyn secretly has the best verse
>Joba shows up at the end

Junky, Gummy, or Ben Carson.

Except G-Eazy had chart-topping songs
Me, Myself & I hit the top 10 in the US and I believe he has a song in the top 20 right now

Last time I checked everyone on Sup Forums hated Brockhampton

only the plebs

plebs like you dont realize why they're so bad

I'm talking #1 though, I'm talking artists whose that you cannot escape even if you turned off the radio, artists that everyone is paying attention to and talking about

enlighten me masta

Blah blah blah industry plant blah blah blah

QUEER, but they're all good in different ways


okay, first let me talk about the music itself then ill go into the delivery. Their music is quite literally made up of three different things that are all done better by other artists in the same genre.
>the "hardcore rap" that isn't presented well because there's nothing new to it nor is the delivery anything of note from any of the artists rapping.
>"pop rap" about adolescents and being a college kid is mundane and says nothing about the situation itself, it presents the situation and makes people "aware" that it exists and provides no emotional dwelling on the subject nor any solutions or support.
on saturation alone there are like more than 2 songs about being in college and "being who you want", thats another problem with them they dont cut down the albums to the best 12 or 14 songs
>there's the frank ocean-esque R&B that although bearface has singing ability, its utilized horrifically in these blatant frank ocean rip off songs.
the group themselves have little to no personality or any staying power, which is why they will quickly fade into obscurity or be known as a generic version of indie rap or as "odd future for white pitchfork kids in their college years". The hooks have no catchiness as well, which is surprising considering how many songs they have and have yet made 1 good hook or chorus that sounds pleasing to the ear. The beats present themselves as "different" yet are the complete opposite with no boundaries being pushed or any means of originality intended.


Thats the best way i can sum up brockhampton, "odd future for white pitchfork kids in their college years" because their music doesn't in any way challenge the listener or present any new ground in Hip hop yet they present themselves to be so, calling themselves a "boy band" feigning creativity. Completely safe in every sense of the word, they suck.

also all their verses are the same, as seen here except for merlyn who is basically a carrebian ODB but doesn't offer any sort of personality outside of his accent.

One of their worst senpai. It's good but feels so vanilla compared to most of what they've done.

As long as you're not corny and obviously suburban. Mac Miller has a good reputation.

the fuck you part really depends on the mood I'm in when I listen to it.


next question. which is the better album?

Sat 1

next question. why the fuck is RYM rating Sat2 higher?

because they are obssessed with objectives, so anytime an artist phones in an album they go crazy and rate that shit highly

its tokyo and tokyo is my personal answer

if you can write this many words then you are purposely choosing to not like them, which is the most truly the most normie thing

There's so many of them

None of them.