Wow he truly is our guy

Wow he truly is our guy

He genuinely just seemed like a regular kid whose mental problems lead him down the wrong path, like so many other people. Only difference was that he actually put the effort in to make music and was lucky enough to get some recognition for it.

You're not kidding lol rip gustav


b a s e d

>put effort



Is this real?

I've definitely seen the first two on Twitter.

Its real but hating jews is also a leftist position you pleb fuck

Nigga I'm a leftist who's pro-white what's your point? lmao

Lmao that literally isn't a thing mate

You're actively working against your own race by being a leftist, there is no two ways about it.

Imagine being dumb enough to have made any of the above comments.


have sex soyboy

HAHA. Tell me about it. Everyone has been yapping on about this fella passing so I figured I'd have at least a quick listen. First thing I pull up on youtube was one the most repugnant and vile audible experiences I've had the misfortune of listening to in a while.

Don't get me wrong, it sucks to lose someone unexpectedly...but that "music" was garbage holy shit.

I hate that I slept on this dude. Fuck. FUCK. I feel like shit for getting into him after his death.

If anyone has depression and addiction issues around or close to you, please, please help. They need it, because you never know when they'll be gone.

Peep is honestly a legend boy gonna be remembered

>mfw I actually realize Peep was unironically based way after his passing

israel is a bullshit evil state regardless of how jewy it happens to be


shut the fuck up

>regular kid
>parents are rich harvard graduates who buy him anything he wants

lmao ok bro

t. brainlets who know nothing about nazbol or political philosophy in general



It's ok bro we know you're a Zionist Jew but there's no need to get THAT worked up lol

I've been there, it sucks. I'm an addict myself, getting off oxy's was hard as hell but I did it. I don't want to go back. People trivalize those problems, when they shouldn't. Mental illness is a serious issue. I don't care how many tumblr kids want to say "I'M SO DEPRESSED AND BIPOLAR" when they no little to nothing about how it's not something but a fashion statement, it's real shit people go through and there's nothing "hip" or "beautiful" about it. It's a living hell.Most of these kids, they're self diagnosed because they looked up symptoms on webmd and have no idea what it's really like. I've been through the meds, I've been through the withdrawl, the shakes, and puking onto my floor at night. I have the scars on wrist, and people think it's just for attention. There's broken people that self medicate that really need help and those people are overlooked until they're dead or close to it.

you're drunk go to bed

oy vey this is literally an annutha shoah

it's sad where a whole forum of people can tell when he's drunk off his ass


t. Zionist

his facebook friends can tell the difference too