Everyone claims this is a perfect album

>Everyone claims this is a perfect album
>Listen to it
>21 century schizoid man
>"Wow, amazing"
>Talk to the wind
>The rest 10 minutes of Moonchild
>"Well, there goes my boner"
>The court of the Crimson King

Literally, this would be a perfect album but those 10 minutes ruin that.

Other urls found in this thread:


Moonchild is the perfect pleb filter.

I think it's a good palette cleanser but I also respect your opinion and hope you are having a nice day

What don't you like about Moonchild?

My favorite track is ITCOTCK

Literally the opposite
>title track = wow amazing
>last 10 mins of Moonchild = AMAZING
>Moonchild = FUCKING GREAT
>Epitaph = Masterpie-
>I Talk to the Wind = there goes my boner
>21st Century Schizoid Man = ok not really


Please explain me why do you like it.

It's not because is instrumental (obviously) but I just feel nothing when I hear it.

I loved the instrumentals in Larks' Tongues in Aspic and in Red (both calm and messy?) because I feel they want to transmit something, I feel music is talking to me.

Feels worse than silence.

Same for you.

I love that track too.

Schizoid Man=tCotCK>ITttW>Moonchild>Epitaph

>Schizoid Man=tCotCK
Ok now you just want to make me angry

i just dont get this complaint everyone bitches about the 10 minutes in Moonchild constantly literally i heard this album for the first time in the seventh grade and i loved every minute of it

the intended effect imo is moonchild lulls you into this micro aural experience cause its a trio of muted drums guitar and vibes playing super quiet and the playing/communication is amazing, fripp is flawless and beautiful and the drumming and vibes are tight af too and it seems to go on forever it just stretches out time and you think its over then its not then its over and you didnt even notice and everything is so still and quiet and then

fucking killer huge chords and choir come in with the epic closer. its like they took the chord at the end of Day in the Life and made a 9 minute long epic out of that vibe. it's a fucking masterpiece and this record has impeccable pacing and a totally unique flow.

Moonchild free jam into In the Court is easily the emotional peak of the album, just pay attention during the jam instead of being a pleb

Like the other guy said, I think it's a good palette cleanser, it winds things down before the big finale. It's probably the weakest track on the album for me, but I don't feel it ruins the album because it's a nice break from the fast pace of the album.

The last ten minutes of Moonchild is a relaxing free improvisation track that also creates anticipation for the title track.

I like ITCOTCK but I think they really shine on Red, Lizard, and Larks Tongues

>Actually falling in the "You must wait for it meme"

I bet you fuckers say the same when you had to do all the missions again in Metal Gear Solid V before the ending.

A track doesn't need that shit.


Great album, but not even the best album of the band.

millennials just don't have the attention span for anything greater than 3mins

this, moonchild hypnotises you then itcotck starts and fuck me in ass

Moonchild is brilliant. It works in a way that is different from most other music. To me, the different instruments feel as though they are having a conversation, dipping in and out of one each other, bouncing melodic ideas off of each other... slowly building to a minor but still present crescendo and finale at the end. It really is brilliant.

The song is a pleb filter because it proves that your mind is not capable of understanding music outside of the context of straightforward rhythm, verse - chorus song structure, and vocals. You can not yet appreciate music on a purely melodic and textural level. Pay attention to it. Just because it isn't "catchy" doesn't mean it's bad. It creates a unique sonic soundscape and mood that pulls from some jazz tradition and some classical tradition but is, in the end, wholly it's own. Best song on the album.

>tourist from Sup Forums has shit taste

I wish King Crimson would be available for streaming to listen to them anytime

Fuck you Fripp you autismo

>Best song on the album.
Everything was perfect until that

>go in archive
>download full discog
>put it on device of choice

it's not rocket science

>not just pirating your whole music collection so it's available any time

b-but what if they catch me user

i can't do it i'll just have to never listen to red ever

red is the best album ever recorded. it's worth it user. trust me.

>b-but what if they catch me user
Use a VPN

Literally nobody cares about downloading old music off of rutracker anyway, it's only recent movies/tv and music that has the slightest chance of being cracked down on

Moonchild is 10/10, don't fall for the meme.

In The Court of The Crimson King is alright but a bit long unless I'm in the mood. Not bad though. It's a 9/10 album IMO.


I could only find Larks, itcotck and Lizard.


>is the best album ever recorded
You mean Wish You Were Here, right?

Still, Starless is worth getting arrested for,

>he doesnt like i talk to the wind
>one of the most mellifluous, pleasant and charming songs of all time
Do you hate fantastic musicianship?

This makes it seem like there was nothing really special about the song itself, but that it is just special because of what comes after and before it.

I've listened to plenty of pieces of music that find operate on this concept of small interactions building off of each other for the sake of creating some musical texture and enjoyed plenty of them, but I just can't seem to enjoy Moonchild's second half. I just cant seem to find the instrumental interactions interesting, and feel that the intended effect was acheived within the first 3 minutes. Is the original vastly different from/better than the Steven Wilson version, or am I just going to settle for skipping the last 4 minutes?

>I just cant seem to find the instrumental interactions interesting

You need to PAY ATTENTION and play it loud, get immersed in it. The silence and pauses are in themselves elements of the song. Melodically, everything happening is extremely interesting. The soundscape is important. What you don't hear is just as important as what you do hear. This is all the advice I can give you. If you can't get it, I'm afraid it's your loss.

>feel that the intended effect was acheived within the first 3 minutes

This just shows how misguided you are. The ballad section is going for a completely different effect than the free-form instrumental improvisation section.

Remember, it's a build, not random noodling. The instrumental section climaxes beautifully. It's not pointless and it's not uninteresting in the slightest. In fact, it's shockingly beautiful.

Im a fan of ambient music, so I enjoy the use of silence and pauses.
By intended effect, I meant the effect that the lulling hypnotizing effect the other poster mentioned. I also meant the first 3 minutes of the improv section. I will listen to it again though, louder this time

I listened to the first two songs on this album and found them incredibly lame, does it get any better?

There's no correct way to listen to music you just need to listen to it no need to make shit louder to get an intended effect. I by no means think moonchild is a bad track but shit music isn't a thing you can experience the right way. You just need to listen to it how you want, not overcomplicate things.

Starless is a perfect song.

Please listen to it.

Especially the live version Radical Action to Unseat the Hold of Monkey Mind




t. IGN

>im on the outside looking inside
>what do I see
this faggot

Don't mind me, just posting the best King Crimson album.

How accurate is this?

>TCoL in God Tier
>Lizard in Shit Tier
I don't have a reaction image suitable enough to convey my disgust and confusion

Talk, but it's only talk?
Arguments, agreements, advice, answers
Articulate announcements
Babble, burble, banter
Bicker, bicker, bicker
Brouhaha, balderdash, ballyhoo
Comments, cliches, commentary, controversy
Chatter, chit-chat, chit-chat, chit-chat
Conversation, contradiction, criticism
Debates, discussions
These are words with a D this time
Dialog, duologue, diatribe
Dissention, declamation
Double talk, double talk
Expressions, editorials
Explanations, exclamations, exaggerations
It's all talk

Yes, it's a masterpiece. No, it's not up for debate.

Don't worry mate it's nothing special, most people who like it only think it's good because it's the first time they hear a free form solo, and let me tell you that those are SHIIIIIT.
The only people who like them are pretentious old jazz dudes who take themselves way too seriously

>God Tier
ITCOTCK, Red, Discipline
>Great Tier
Three of a Perfect Pair, Islands,
>Good Tier
Lizard, In the Wake of Poseidon, THRAK,The Power to Believe
>OK Tier
Beat, Larks Tongues in Aspic
>Bad Tier
The Construction of Light, Starless and Bible Black

nice visual

larks tongues is god tier,
three or a perfect pair is okay tier

Ladies and gentlemen, these are the very same people that call the 5th Spiderland track "For Dinner..." pointless.

I bet you sing along to songs...

do I smell a samefriend?

yes, it's obvious. so what's your point?


Honestly I used to dislike Moonchild but I've grown fond of it. Provides a nice little break, but I do feel it goes on for slightly too long. Luckily the Steven Wilson 40th anniversary mix cuts 3 minutes out of it.

This is some hot contrarian garbage btw

Is it even possible to listen to this album without buying a physical copy or pirating?

I actually like every song on the record except for 21st Century Schizoid Man.

>Local record store has a copy on vinyl come in
>Some chucklefuck picks it up and buys literally seconds after I spot it behind the counter
>Pirate a second rate copy from ru

Life is suffering

*deletes moonchild*

In the wake is just worse in the court

How the hell do you not like I Talk to the Wind

Couldn't agree more. Pictures of the City and In the Wake of Poseidon sound respectively like 21st schizoid man and Epitaph wannabes.