Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology...

Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology, but the movie of Atlas Shrugged sucked.

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

>I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

Atlas Shrugged was a horrible book. What did you like about it?

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

King Vidor's The Fountainhead was okay. Not "good," really, but better than the Atlas Shrugged abortions.

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

somebody ought to give Anthem the paul verhoeven starship troopers treatment

>Objectivism is god tier ideology
explain why you believe this


explain this

I am curious on why one thinks it's god tier and the other is so dismissive that needs to samefag and post multiple times to express his disdain.

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

I don't think anyone was samefagging. It's genuinely funny that somebody could think that. Read about Ayn Rand on wikipedia if you are actually curious.

>when op has shit tastes in literature

>Objectivism is god tier ideology
Let me guess, you're a high school kid who played Bioshock, then read Atlas Shrugged, and now you think the world owes you something for all your hard work.


>Ayn "daddy issues the philosophy" Rand

nice bait op

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

You know Bioshock is anti-objectivism. Right?

All the Rand film adaptations are exactly as good as the source material.

>fedora poster

Let me guess, you're a faggot cucklord who has no life expierences. Nice try faggot. Level up in life kid.

NOT AN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Not him, but Bioshock has this Starship Troopers like thing to it where a lot of people think that it promotes what it's criticizing.

> heh, shut up...kid.*vanishes in the shadows*

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

Are there any actual arguments against Objectivism or is it just memes?

the fight club effect

The Fountainhead movie was alright.

Nice bait thread btw.

Geez I don't know if there is an argument about the ideology made by a slav jew who lacked the empathy gene and assumed everyone was ill but her

It doesn't work.

OP, people are making fun of you because you've adopted an ideology based on actions that happened in a work of fiction. Some of these events even violate the laws of physics but you need to believe in them in order for the proof of the correctness of Rand's ideology. In fiction you can make people do whatever you want and events turn out however you wish. As a result, you should not allow fiction to prove anything.

If you enjoy Rand's work from a literary perspective, there is nothing wrong with that but don't base your worldview on it.

>Objectivism is god tier ideology
Come back here when you'll be 18

Just go to Brazil

Yeah but the retarded children that played the game and like Objectivism are too dense to realize irony.

Why? You're here and underage so he should be allowed too, Sup Forums

What does Brazil have to do with it?

50 years later

>you think the world owes you something for all your hard work

What is it about Objectivism that gives you that impression? Entitlement is antithetical to Objectivism.

just memes. memes are the new language of retards.

> tfw a video game is acutally better than a movie for once

Ayn Rand being a hypocrite doesn't invalidate her philosophy.

If Ayn was such an ubercunt why did she live on welfare while being an amphetamine junkie for most of the 50s? Some fucking hero you got there.. a dumb bitch tramatized by nazis writes a bunch of delusional shit that some rich guys like because it serves their agenda. Fuck that cunt.

well, she paid her taxes.

Define "work".

>A = A

>Ayn Rand
Can one get more pleb than this? Literally shit-tier pixiebook philosophy.

It proves that her philosophy is either unachievable or a joke perpetrated on the public.

Yes. Yes it does.
Thats how things work in the real world.

It kinda does
It just shows how retarded and impractical her ideology is, she just assumes everyone is an emotionless robot and if you have empathy for someone you don't even know you're ill

It absolutely does. Objectivism is incredibly stupid.

Anthem was shit

Because roads.

>Geez I don't know if there is an argument about the ideology made by a slav jew who lacked the empathy gene and assumed everyone was ill but her

I think Ayn Rand is a hack and Atlas Shrugged was one of the worst experiences Ive slogged through, but can you explain this part "lacked the empathy gene and assumed everyone was ill but her"

Accepting government handouts was not against Ayn Rand's ethics. Being lazy and refusing to work was.

lowest of the plebeian class, scum

I love Atlas Shrugged, but how the hell do you think Objectivism is a good ideology?

I wish we got a good tv show out of the book, due to it's length I'd say a tv show would do it much more service. Then again, I wonder if it would make a good tv show to begin with.

>people should be selfish and act in their own interest. never pay taxes.
>surprised no one builds unprofitable things that government would have built to run society

Add in the fact that property rights do not exist without a government that can protect them. The weak, old and crippled could never own any property without a government because brutes would just steal it without compensation. Libertarianism is as stupid as Socialism.

She assumes that people have empathy bevause spciety demands it from them not because they want it
It is like, if you see a kid hungry on the street and give this kid you don't even know a loaf of bread, you do it because society expects and pressure you to do it
The flaw in this scenario is that people have free williing sympathy, they don't do that because of the society pressuring them, they do it because they have emotions, Rand lacked emotions and empathy and simply could not comprehend these things in any other way than illness

She paid for it with her taxes

It's a fallacious ad hominem attack.

If someone conveys an idea that demonizes drugs, but they use drugs themselves, that makes them a hypocrite. But it doesn't substantially discredit the idea that drugs should be demonized.

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

Taken over by corporations, there wasin effect a coup earlier this year, not the brazil poster

I'm sorry but if even you can't live by your ideology don't preach it
At least commies have cuba

anthem was awesome in terms of dystopia.

Lol holy shit is this you Zack?


Liberals promote diversity and peace yet they are hateful and wanted to elect a person who wanted to start WW3. WHen your ideology is full of so many hypocrites then your ideology is shit.

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

>Objectivism is God tier ideology

The Trump administration will indeed deem you a model American citizen.

>mfw Sup Forums is filled with retards who can't even structure a simple argument

The first page of Atlas Shrugged is a guy giving money to a beggar and it's not portrayed as a bad thing.

People are greedy, stupid and selfish. Without checks to prevent them, powerful people will take advantage of everyone else. If someone is born into wealth (as most rich people are) they'll stay in wealth because they'll be able to keep gaining more power and nothing can stop them. They can abolish minimum-wage laws, safety standards, unions.
Objectivism is modern-day feudal slavery.

I love how you shitlibs have already started morphing anything you don't like into "Trumpism"

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

he wants to fucking spend money on infrastructure you dunce. He is literally an old school Democrat before they got infiltrated with cultural marxism.

It's been a while since I've read on objectivsm so I'm probably talking out of my arse but I'll give it a go.

So the complete rejection of altruism just leads to a society where individuals just do whatever they want in attempt to better themselves, by doing so people just become even more selfish. Also the idea of working to improve yourself in objectism is subjective, your idea of self improvement could be being a better thief or murderer.

Also how can completely rejecting altruism produce a productive society?

the notion than a welfare state is a cause for lazyness has been proven wrong, when citizens have the basics covered by the state paid by taxes lets people spend more time on work and be more effective. Here in Norway we have very little unemployment compared to most of the world. Thinking the worst of all people is only projecting

>Liberals are hateful!
This isn't Sup Forums. You can't just use your favourite word as a safety blanket to cover everything you don't like
"Liberal" means as much on Sup Forums as "patriarchy" does on Tumblr.

Objectivism is retarded but so are you idiots

This. white and asian welfare states can work. it's when you add others to the mix does it become a terrible thing.

>says the shitlib

It's about time. Conservatives have labelled everything they don't like as "Liberal" for years.

>powerful people will take advantage of everyone else

you mean, like politicians?

>They can abolish minimum-wage laws, safety standards, unions.

err, powerful people love those things. these are all entry barriers to competition.

Why is the government more effective at protecting rights than individual citizens? What is is it about Libertarian or Objectivist thinking that prohibits the protection of those who cannot protect themselves? Would it not be in their self interest to keep their community safe?

You don't have to be sorry for your opinion. But that's another criticism of Rand herself and not the ideology.

yea because everyone thinks of classical liberals and lazzaie faire when people say "liberals" now a days. if you have been living under a rock for the past 2 weeks liberals have been rioting and destroying cities because a democratic election. where's the peace they spout?

>a crippled homeowner with no family or friends and no other assets but his home can somehow protect himself from robbers and thieves without a government (police)

how many black people do you have in norway?

>err, powerful people love those things. these are all entry barriers to competition.

How did you draw THAT conclusion? What make you think that I'm a "Shitlib" or that I was morphing anything into "Trumpism"? If anything I thought I was handing out a compliment. I don't know what punch bowl you've been drinking out of but I don't want any of what you've been drinking.

Please explain the reason behind your post because I've studied the deeds and actions of Mr. Trump and have actually read Atlas Shrugged from start to finish. Your post makes no sense.

>i've studied the deeds and actions of Mr. Trump
He hasn't even taken office yet and you are saying you know the guy who used to be a former Democrat is gonna go Ayn Rand on America?

Don't Breathe was pretty great

>Objectivism is god tier ideology

So your solution to the fact that people are self-interested is to give overwhelming power over your life to a body that rationally wants to maintain that power as well?

>liberals have been rioting and destroying cities
All of them? Or a few thousand pissed off retards in one shithole country where everyone's constantly on edge because they're getting raped (dry) every day from rich jews?

>not my president
>call for abolishment of electoral college
>alt right banned from twitter already
>media going full anti- trump be it fake news or comedy shows
CNN fucking complained Trump ate a steak dinner for fuck sake.

>god tier
I think something is worth $50. Another person thinks it's only worth $30. The thing in question cost $60 to get to the shelves.

Who is right? We both are, because value is subjective

>Libertarianism is anarchism
read a book, nigger

Libertarians are like socialists.
"guys REAL Libertarianism hasn't been tried out yet. the great depression happened because of too much government g-guys."

Most of our immigrants are adapting, and it is work that requires generations of time, having a strong secular state with clear laws disabeling the government support for religious groups and deny a religous frame of law. We are not imbaciles like the swedes in this case, they own us on other issues though.