I have been eat this stuff and the turkey strips for 3 weeks I get at the doller store along with the Fanta I do this...

I have been eat this stuff and the turkey strips for 3 weeks I get at the doller store along with the Fanta I do this so I have another money for power to tell my Opinion Is right on Sup Forums

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Interesting, go on...

is it good? sometimes I think dogfood looks good.

you have to go back

I concur

This looks like the kinda stuff I eat on easy street.

have you started barking and licking your balls?

staright outta' the tin?
heated up?

Paying for collage sucks ass so I have to cut corners
Yeah it's good the chicken one sucks
Ok what's you fav
I bet it taste the same
Cold if I heat up it whould stink up the place

thanks, i'll be tryin some choice doggo chow soon.

cat food?

Sounds like your brain is being affected you crazy fuck

At least it's not cat food. Still. It can't be cheaper than a few potatoes, half an onion and a couple tablespoons of olive oil. Eat like a goddamn human being, you sad sack of shit. You fucking waste of carbon.

Are you the doggo from earlier?

>potatoes, half an onion and a couple tablespoons of olive oil

fucking Ritz-Carlton up in here...the 1%'s days are numbered, buddy.

I'm about 100% certain that Ramen is cheaper and tastes better

OP you madman

>not enjoying healthy food you made yourself
>not taking pride in being able to take a bunch of plants and turn them into a tasty meal
enjoy your box of macaroni.

I hate people like you. Really underestimating how much food costs. Couple potatoes, onion, and olive oils? That's at least five dollars. People who eats shit like in the OP doesn't have five dollars. I've been there before and it's pretty much dollar to dollar. And I fucking hated people telling me "oh, you can totally eat cheap and healthy." Yeah, if you buy food for a week at a time. You think bestitution allows you to buy food for a week? You're living literally day to day, fucker. Fuck off with your "well intentioned" shit if you ain't ever been there before.

Kek calm down Pedro

mumm, macaroni n' cheese puls a can of wolf brand chili (basically dog food already)

that's some choice chili mac

Speaking of, prostitution is the best -stitution. Sounds like someone is too proud to suck a few dicks for $5 a pop behind the truckstop. No excuse to stoop to dog food.

what the fuck is this? some sort of welfare?

also I don't know where you're getting your info. You should probably look at where your shopping. Is it Safeway? They're fucking expensive where I live. I go to Frys for pretty much everything. Albertsons is pretty good, more expensive than Frys imo. Wal*Mart grocery is typically the cheapest you can find, but I bought potatoes there and they were not the best. If you're going to buy fresh produce you shouldn't bargain bin.

frysfood.com/weeklyad?StoreCode=00021&DivisionId=660 This is the ad for my weekly Frys, I think this link will work. I looked up the Fry's Weekly Ad on Google.

Look, I eat like dogshit all the time, but only because I'm lazy. I'd much prefer to cook, I feel a lot better than I cook my food, and it IS CHEAPER. Why do you think processed food is so cheap? It's food + labor added on. They're recouping the cost somewhere. It's probably in shit ingredients. Microwaved food, frozen chicken "breasts" made out of rib meat and assholes, shit like that. It's all leftovers and scraps processed into mildly nutritious, fairly flavorful food. All the flavor is fucking fake-out chemical shit though.

Once you start cooking fresh food and go a couple days without drinking a soda or eating chips, you begin to notice differences. Everyone's mouth is fried from eating crap all the time. You can't taste a difference until you give up the shit for a while.

uhm how are your shits?

A bottle of extra virgin olive oil is probably 2 dollars tops. Soybean oil is $1.50 for a huge-ass bottle that will last for months.

Potatoes are like $.50 a pop, at the most. Generally you can guy a huge-ass bag of potatoes, it's like 20 potatoes for $6

An onion is $.85, whole

I don't know where you shop bro but it sounds like a ripoff if you're spending $5 for fried potatoes

this especially if you know some gardens to discretely pick from

also beans/rice. cheap as fuck if you buy bulk



>I have been eat this stuff

>Paying for collage

You have to be autistic for college. On top of that you need to know how to spell
You don't have either of these attributes

Your consumption of dog food will be in vain. Find a way to cheat, it's your only hope if you want to stay in school

Dog food in bulk is about 50 cents a can
It also has more calories and vitamins. I imagine it's more filling too

Alpo>>>top ramen

Please do not eat dog food.

Chances are if you're near a computer there are simple, cheap ways to easily get food and cook it.

People survived the fucking depression without eating dog food, I'm sure you can survive being poor and stupid.

Yeah or, don't be a garden nigger and plant your own. See if your community offers garden plots. Across the street their's a tiny fenced-off plot in the park that people can get permission to grow in. Idk if there's a fee, if there is it's probably token.

But, growing is pretty advanced shit. We live in a developed world. You don't need to grow your own damn food, it's more economic to spend your time on another task that earns cash and buy food that is vastly cheaper and higher yield than you could manage on your own.