/bb/ Big Brother OTT

Previously on /bb/: HoH (Head of Household): Morgan
Veto: TBD
HoH Nominations: TBD

Safety Ceremony 1: TBD
Safety Ceremony 2: TBD

Care Package winner: Justin

Most Likely Going Home: TBD

10:00 pm EST nominations

4:00 pm EST veto comp

4:00 pm EST veto meeting
10:30 pm EST live DR

8:00 - 9:00 pm EST eviction

Other urls found in this thread:



took them how many weeks to get off-brand jenga?

11 more days..

>Mfw hue talks about her narrow set vagina.

>tfw enough people wont watch BBCAN so /bb/ will die until next year

wait they get board games? That's comfy af

>faggot OP keeps making threads early
>other thread is still active

can't wait for this shit season to end and the good thread makers to return


good bbcan sucks

Reminder that there is no OTEV this season so our gals will be safe.

It was the comfiest, bro.


>Our girls going over days
>Shit crew talking about how annoying Shelby is

man these girls got the days down



i like how 3 or 4 days ago they were discussing them in front of krispy and she realized the shitfit had 2 wrong and went and confirmed it with justin and jason

yet they still keep calling them stupid


she wanted monte's dick

Kryssie hasn't mentioned this has she?
Pretty sure he means from CD sales and not BB money.
>implying they will sell any CDs

He had to die so Shelby could look cute in his jacket.


he died for our sins but if he was still around he wouldve been inside shelby by now

lmao these comments

you'd think a cancer survivor like him would give the money to some cancer kid charity

You know my dick is up!

wait what? what was she going to expose?

pass me the rope america

why does their band picture look like something from 2006 myspace

nothing she even said she's there to promote her band


>The heaviest floater ever

It'd be funnier if she was actually a floater

is krispy the heaviest female to ever be on BB?

>He thinks Robin Hood is just a children's book

he probably thinks alice in wonderland is just a disney animated film

he probably thinks three musketeers is just a candy bar

only jenga?



what music does /bb/ listen to during boring feeds?

if I meet chimpman next month there won't be a /bb/ thread for me to post about it in

The Weeknd 's old shit

girl confirmed

animal collective

white fuccboi confirmed



does Sup Forums beat you if you ever try to form your own taste in music?


any you guys ever been to a spa? I'm nervous I'm going to get a boner

early blue october. Like, their first two albums

just remember that if you make eye contact in the sauna then that is an agreement to at least give each other a handy

top 40 radio

kekking at this band



whats wrong with them?

the answers is goat emo material


Take pics and gloat next June

>search the band on youtube
>click on first song that shows up - Hate me
>chorus sounds just like that my chemical romance song

thanks, I will

>judging a band by one song, specifically their most popular song

I seriously hope you guys don't do this

I'm not a grill

do you ever have taste that doesnt come from Sup Forums


one of my all time favorite angsty songs, check it yo.

And if you like violins, their whole first album is pretty as fuck.

"Hate Me" isn't that great but it is the first song I heard from them

their most popular song is a good way to judge the fanbase tho

You're looking at 16 albums from a library that has more than 1000, so possibly


I don't play dat emo shit son


*Flobots. No w.


>off-brand jenga

In order to save money, they had the construction crew make a set for $12,000.

I watched this show in the mental hospital.

is that the i can ride my bike with no handlebars band?

I like my violins the way they are supposed to be heard

This is the most viewed song called "the answer" on youtube btw: youtube.com/watch?v=0XhSMKL8jqI

Hey guys AJ Mass here

The results are in:

>1. The Marriage of Convenience #1 - Alex
>2. The Mad Scientist - Shelby
>3. The X Factor - Justin
>4. Captain Loophole - Scott
>5. The Diplomat - Jason
>6. The Loose Cannon - Neeley
>7. The Marriage of Convenience #2 - Morgan
>8. The Idiot Savant - Shane
>9. Old Reliable - Monte
>10. The Narcissist - Danielle
>11. The Cheerleader - Whitney
>12. The Ninja - Cornbread
>13. Fresh Meat - Kryssie

>their most popular song is a good way to judge the backpackers* tho

you are one of my least favorite fantasy analysts

Yup. One and the same

man, fuck a backpacker



with a rhino's dick?

the safety ceremony idea was really disappointing. i hope they dont bring it back

has there ever been a case where a true free agent won an hoh?

fuck off showfag

Reminder that AJ and Rob did a BB draft right before the first buyback and the first two picks in their draft were Nicole and Paul.

In a sense, we're living in a mental hospital right now

I want... to... habeeb

y'all dont wanna hear me you just wanna dance

but their second picks were Z and Reddit


you can dance if you want to you can leave your friends behind

its the same as the old keywheel, i like it

the memory wall nom is dumb

>the memory wall nom is dumb
Thank you, bring back the wheel. Everyone waiting for a direct reveal is just dumb.

Safety ceremony added a little suspense, when there were tons of people and sides hadn't been settled with 2 superfactions, but that's unneeded for the regular show.

I hope one of the qt girls win


STFU Taran, go suck off Brent

taran is actually a power bottom

The wheel was better, it happened all at once and had suspense.
Safety ceremony takes too long, splitting it between 2 days is stupid, it hasn't been suspenseful in weeks.
The wheel is still good even if everyone knows who's going up. It's quick and everyone is right there.
Memory wall sucks shit.

reminder that brent is our gay

and jordan parhar is the worst