Is there any Jazz albums that are emotional?

I feel like the vast majority of Jazz just 'sounds nice', hit me up with some seriously emotional jazz

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so what you're saying is you just don't know how to listen to jazz


OP you have to pay attention to the sound, and try to contextualize each instrument with the player behind it. Pay attention especially to moments of improvisation- jazz is pretty good at making you cry if you want it.

Meh desu, I feel like so much of it is just wanky, like I love some Davis, Hancock and Alice Coltrane, but I just don't find it to be emotional or moving, it feels impressive and sounds really nice, but rarely does it say anything interesting or hit me in emotional spots like a rock artist would...

Probably because the only emotions you recognize are "sad" or "angry" like almost all Sup Forumstants.

Jazz is capable of a much wider range of more subtle emotions than almost any other kind of music. You just actually have to listen to the details.

Unless you play jazz or compose music yourself, it will probably take months and months of listening to jazz before you really even start to catch on to those details a little bit.

There was a debate around emotion in playing vs. Feeling. It's along the lines of you can technically play with feeling, some people thought it was superior to emotional playing. I think it was a reaction against free jazz. It is interesting though, playing something that sounds sad or playing when you are sad. Or happy.


If you're listening to jazz for "emotional" as if you're listening to some teenager rock record then I would highly recommend for you to stop.

Most educated people such as myself, listen to jazz for the technique of the players and not some superficial "emotion"

What's the difference between feeling and emotion?

>Most educated people such as myself, listen to jazz for the technique of the players and not some superficial "emotion"
Except all music is rooted in emotion

Some players play their jazz and play it with their emotions.

Some others play their jazz technically knowing how to make sounds give a feeling to the audience.

In theory. Or so I read.

Jazz studies major here. Never got into any "music appreciation" courses but the long and short of it is that the best way to get into jazz is to play music yourself. An appreciation for technical mastery will stem from there. Keep in mind that there are a billion different "styles" of jazz, and perhaps you haven't found one for you? The origins of jazz stem from call-and-response and early American blues music that was born into existence as a reaction against the agony imposed on the musicians by their slaveowners. Grief, regret, addiction, and other working-class laments are common themes for jazz music. In layman's terms, rock music is often emotionally simple in it's delivery, whilst jazz musicians often experiment harmonically and create new chords on the spot to emphasize certain emotional elements and dull others. Think of it as a more human reaction to emotional stimuli- wavering around a melancholic theme and then changing to the next, sometimes wildly unstable, sometimes very structured.

Best of luck!

Good point, perhaps it's a ridiculous debate. And then the next thing is the listener f-

no. that's dumb

the goal of music is to express emotion. technique is a tool for expressing emotion

>the goal of music is to express emotion
ahh yes I remember being 13.

What user's referring to is that there is a difference between player and composer, despite jazz musicians often playing both parts. I don't think anyone on this board is able to legitimately claim that music serves one sole purpose, be it to express emotion or otherwise.

Is it really though?

Yep. How wouldn't it?

60s Mingus imo

How is user wrong?

>How is user wrong?

>I hove no argument

gee imagine trying this hard to appear intellectual

t. never listened to Pharoah Sanders

tijuanna moods,too

why don't you "emotionally" suck my dick and ill tell you?

so many kids pretending they listen to Jazz are shitting on you.

Here's an actual recommendation of some emotional jazz

>Most educated people such as myself, listen to jazz for the technique of the players and not some superficial "emotion"