Black Vilains

Has anyone played as many black villain roles as Samuel L Jackson?
Who's your favorite Sam Jack villain?
Who's your favorite or notable NON Sam Jack black villain?

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what about mexican villains? or eskimo villains?


faggot BLM retard.

Why can't you start your own thread for them?
Why does someone always have to do something for you?

>Who's your favorite or notable NON Sam Jack black villain?

Just in general because he's a bad ass or is there more?


James earl Jones was great in Conan, and I'm not sure how much Star Wars counts but he was great there as well

>I'm not sure how much Star Wars counts but he was great there as well

To be fair I think you have to see some version where the actors voice isn't dubbed over to determine how much is physical performance and how much is voice.

Speaking of villains, how do Slavs feel about being fodder for both Keanu and Denzel respectively? Back on topic, I heard Live and let die was rather controversial for its all black villain cast. I sort of get it, especially with the epitome of white male competence being the hero. Kotto was pretty neat in Truck Turner.
It's not really a fair comparison, since Vader's voice was always going to be dubbed over and he only spoke the lines for the sake of the other actors' performances

It's never not funny that David Prowse sounds like Rick Moranis in Spaceballs.

What's SamLJ's best performance
and also one that isn't just his typical shouty black man gimmick

kingsmen the secret service is one of the worst movies i have ever seen

>I heard Live and let die was rather controversial for its all black villain cast. I sort of get it, especially with the epitome of white male competence being the hero

I get it too, but I think the fact of a black run organization being capable enough to warrant Bond interfering with your shit in the first place is kind of cool. The problem might be not enough black heroes around to counter balance an all black evil empire.

>he only spoke the lines for the sake of the other actors' performances

Yea but the guy was obviously trying. in those clips. I'm giving it to Jones.

>one that isn't just his typical shouty black man gimmick

The Red Violin?



this one would be my favorite but that lisp just gets annoying

Denzel Washington was pretty good as Malcolm X.

The movie didn't really capture the "fuck niggers" vibe of the book

Don' ack mad at me, honey. Ah was fixin' tuh treat yuh tonight. Tek yuh tuh Smalls Par'dise, mebbe. See dem high-yallers shakin' 'n truckin'. Dat Birdie Johnson, da maitre d', he permis me a ringside whenebber Ah come nex


Eve's Bayou is a decent movie where he just plays a father trying to be a decent guy.

Also the movie has incest in the most surprising way.

comes close

The reason he does so many villain roles is because he is one

Fukken black panther cunt

>best Sam Jackson villain
Pic related

>best black non Sam Jackson villain

>Speaking of villains, how do Slavs feel about being fodder for both Keanu and Denzel
Russians in american movies are so comical and unrealistic, no one can seriously be offended.

yeah nah

The Octopus is him at his best.

>tfw Sup Forums is pleb as fuck

Black Jason Statham?

One of the few good racial recasts, so much that it was the best part of that shitty movie.

I'll have a Samuel Jackson

Was he really a villian? He was just muscle trying to move up the criminal ladder

>Who's your favorite Sam Jack villain?
Pulp Fiction
>Who's your favorite or notable NON Sam Jack black villain?
Thulsa Doom

This was before the blackwashing craze so he was actually chosen for how good an actor he was. Also watch the Directors Cut.

i think he was less sympathetic than the other characters.

there was talk about him playing Shonuff in a remake. The rest of my childhood has already been ruined so it will probably happen.

Seriously though is he trying to set a record or just cash in because this guy seems to never turn down a project.