What have you picked up during this November's Criterion sale? Also, judge other poster's purchases

What have you picked up during this November's Criterion sale? Also, judge other poster's purchases.

>Dr. Strangelove
>Repo Man

>Mulholland Dr.
>Good Morning
>L'Enfance Nue
>Identificazione Di Una Donna

I was also going to get the Criterion release of the Dekalog but decided to get the Arrow release instead, which has arrived before any of the Criterions and that was from Amazon.uk

I ordered Paris, Texas and Boyhood the other day. I held off getting too many because my birthday is coming up and I'm expecting my gf will be giving me The Dekalog and probably a couple of others.

wow only 40 bucks a movie on sale wut a deal!


Good meme mate.

It brings me great joy that Linklater will soon have 6 Criterion titles to his name.

>buying movies

I bet you buy music on iTunes too, huh?

Hey guys, just because you live with your parents and don't have jobs you don't need to embarrassingly rail against owning things. It's going to be okay.

I fucking love Arrow, they're so much better than Criterion imo

not OP but I buy my music on vinyl, my movies on disk and my books are print

I've never owned an arrow film before, I got Hard To Be A God from them but haven't watched it yet

are they PAL only?

>The Squid & the Whale
>Punch-Drunk Love


also picked up Rabid and Dead Ringers because Cronenebrg

oh, and also C.H.U.D. from Arrow

I think all 5 are shipping from Amazon dot ca this Tuesday.

>The American Friend

I thought Dead Ringers was out of print from them. Good scores anyway.

I wish Baumbach did commentary tracks for his movies. He's never done a single commentary, it's pretty irritating.

I have Criterion's Kicking and Screaming and Frances Ha.

>Andrei Rublev
>Del Toro Trilogy
>Punch Drunk Love
>High and Low
>Three Colors
>Blood Simple

How did I do?

Kicking & Screaming is probably one of my favorite films, and Criterion editions.
Dead Ringers is out of print. I ordered it and Rabid from Scream/Shout Factory.

Very well.

I really want to see their transfer of Blood Simple. Sounds like a major improvement. That cover art is also gorgeous.

>being this much of a plebe

I'm surprised that the Coens only have two Criterion releases.

Oh I see.

Yeah, Kicking and Screaming is disappointingly overlooked. I think I love Squid and the Whale slightly more than it but both of them are two of my favourite movies. Kicking and Screaming has been depressingly relatable for the last few years for me now. It captures the feeling of drift so beautifully.

Lost Highway is far superior.

It really isn't. Lost Highway is great though. I'm not sure why you can't just love both of them instead of arbitrarily comparing them.

Nice, the Del Toro collection looks good, except I already have 2 of the 3. I'm going to pick up Fantastic Planet, Blood Simple and A Touch of Zen.

My guess is that the major studios don't want to give up the rights. I think kino lorber is releasing Barton Fink but I'd love to see Criterion pick up Miller's Crossing, TMWWT, and/or A Serious Man.

Kino Lorber has some great releases.

I've only seen The Squid and the Whale once so I'm excited to watch it a second time. I really love Baumbach, even though Margot at the Wedding did't really work for me. I still haven't seen While We're Young and Mr. Jealousy. Greenberg is probably my personal go-to.

I'd also love to see the Big Lebowski and O Brother Where art Thou, but that's just me

Being john malkovitch and dekalog

>Day for Night
>Blind Chance
>Aki Kaurismaki's Proletariat Trilogy

As far as I'm aware, this release is pretty definitive.

I agree on Margot. While We're Young is unfortunately pretty weak and actually frequently awkwardly uncomfortable in its depiction of millennials. Some of his stuff dips too far into angry cynicism that I can't really get on board with it. Mr. Jealousy is barely worth watching to be honest. Absolutely his worst movie. I agree though man, the movies of his that I love (Squid, Frances, Kicking especially, and Mistress) are all very close to my heart.

I have it, it's great. but I love the criterion aesthetic, that cover has too much going on. The book inside is dope though.

anyone picked up Lone Wolf & Cub??

>he fell for the "criterion sale" meme

They have one of those "sales" every couple months so they sell stuff for normal price and everyone thinks it's a discount.

who even cares. criterion is the only way tog et some of these films

T. Public tracker pleb

Oh no. They tricked me into buying great movies that have been restored by some of the best in the business for twenty dollars! How will I ever recover from this ruse?

I'm a member of a private tracker and also a collector of the Criterion Collection. What kind of person does that make me?

I got to check out there offices a couple years ago, really fucking cool. I got to sit in and watch a dude restore Lord of the Flies, was able to see some covers of movies that weren't announced yet. And then they gave me a House shirt, it was dope, really cool people there.

How'd you finagle that, user?

I went and they gave me some pins and magnets oh and the Janus essential films thingy

I was going to buy mulholland drive for the lesbian scene but then I realized that's a shit reason to buy an otherwise shit movie

I won a FB contest they were doing, so I was emailing one of their employees back and forth, and basically asked if I could visit when I went to NYC, and they said sure. I was also like 16-17, maybe they liked that I was just a kid.

>Paris, Texas
>Certified Copy
>Blood Simple (I've yet to watch)

that's pretty cool.

Scanner darkly criterion fucking when

Just so long as Alex Jones doesn't get any royalties.


thanks. i just rewatched this on Friday. it's my favorite movie.

I love Linklater a lot but A Scanner Darkly is one of the only movies of his that I haven't seen. I really need to get around to that.

I picked up a passthepopcorn.me account

A cool guy, the other guy is a pleb because he said criterion is the only way of getting films like these.

>No Criterion Release for The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Blow Out
The Hidden Fortress
The New World

Just get The man with No Name Trilogy. It's a nice set.

Anyway, I bought:

Lone Wolf and Cub
The New World
Fanny and Alexander
The American Friend
Akira Kurosawa's Dreams

their blu-ray of The New World is one of the best looking discs I've ever seen. That movie is almost quite literally jawdroppingly gorgeous

sorry, I was referring to criterion being the only way to get physical copies of some of these films, I collect films, it is my hobby, criterion films come with interviews and essays in the case that you cant get elsewhere

>paying twice as much for a rerelease with shitty "minimalist" artwork