I never knew Tim Allen had once been caught with a pound and a half of cocaine. Pretty crazy, honestly...

I never knew Tim Allen had once been caught with a pound and a half of cocaine. Pretty crazy, honestly. He also put a lot of people in prison kek.

Other urls found in this thread:


If I recall he got out of doing time by squealing on literally every person he had done drugs with from the guys who smoked pot with him as a teen to his assistants that he literally hired specifically to be his drug mules and they all got locked up up while he walked.

I like how we're avoiding the topic of his real name.

Can you blame a man? Seems like he's the cleverest one!

holy fuck i know man its crazy. i know hes famous and all but if i ratted on people i wouldn't become famous, i would be somewhere long gone. Dont be surprised if he ends up getting shot one day.

i imagine they'd have done it by now

worst witness protection program placement ever

>I never knew Tim Allen had once been caught with a pound and a half of cocaine.
I knew because of Family Guy.

did that help him launch a film career? his debut was in a film about cocaine


a bunch of criminals rotting in prison instead of just 1 is better in my book

Tim "The Coke Man" Taylor

I never knew Matthew Broderick had once killed two people in Ireland by driving in the wrong lane and crashing into them. Pretty crazy, honestly. He also was only fined $175 and now owns a retreat in Kilcar, Ireland kek.

vehicle deaths occur every single day to all sorts of people

>did that help him launch a film career?

>millennial didn't know shit


>killed two people in Ireland
Come back when you kill someone in the USA.

How do i pull off a cool mustache like that?

>Tim Allen will never face justice for snitching

>Tim Allen Dick
I just looked it up.

yeah, Mich Kalamazoo is much more badass than Tim Allen

Are you seriously this stupid?

People say Bojack Horseman is based on Bob Sagat, but I always figured it was this guy.

Build a time machine and live in the 70's.

ratting out a bunch of street-level goofballs and dealers and lightweight distributors ain't gonna get you killed, assuming you don't go around where they are anymore. He didn't rat out Don Corleone, these people don't have hit squads to send out.

Start by doing a lot of cocaine. It will happen.

>Start by doing a lot of cocaine.
I'm not rich.

Will crack cocaine suffice?

wow I just made it up but it's pretty cool how quickly you believed me

You think that's crazy? You haven't seen anything yet.

not driving on the wrong side of the lane deaths fucktard.

Very slowly.

Who dresses these people?

If anything, becoming famous feels like it would protect you from being killed. A celebrity being murdered would be a really high-profile case and the culprits would be unlikely to get away with it. Plus you can afford bodyguards/surveillance.

>yfw Tim Allen made a movie where he went to prison instead of ratting out his friends

There's a scene in this movie where
Ray Liotta says to Tim Allen " Thanks for not ratting on me"

I'm not making this shit up. kek


If youre gonna create a thread everytime your stupidass learns something youre gonna be making threads for the rest of time..

rude desu

Don't forget, he even went on to recently make money from Honda commercials. Real swell guy.


And what the fuck is your problem, what are you the forum police? I'm pretty sure OP knows about Tim Allen's arrest, everyone does. This thread pops up every four months or so, and this is probably the only time to discuss Tim Allen's body of work considering he's irrelevant now, so why the fuck are you talking shit?

>Tim Allen is worth $80 million USD
Guy did really well for himself, really fucking well for himself all things considered. Only will get richer as well from having multiple syndicated shows and a steady stream of work.

TIL When Matt LeBlanc auditioned for the role of Joey in "Friends" he only had $11 dollars to his name. When the cast got their paychecks, the first thing that Courteney Cox bought was a car. Matt LeBlanc bought a hot dinner.

Well Tim is actually a smart guy. He has his own forum where it holds discussions of quantum physics.
