Soundcloud rap is the new punk rock

Soundcloud rap is the new punk rock.
Soundcloud rap is the new counterculture
Soundcloud rap is the future of music

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that guy just one-upped Jeff Magnum

Eventually one of these posing with guns shoots is gonna go wrong, that guy deadass has his finger on the trigger

a lot of them are too politically correct desu

I only like this guy

Everyone else can go fuck themselves with their shitty derivative """music"""

no fucking way


soundcloud rap is the most boring shit around and they all need to get day jobs

xan frank's non existent trigger discipline makes me lol every time


Bones fucking collaborates with MDE. The latest shirt from his fashion line was a hoodie designed by charls.

● soft black crewneck sweatshirt
● SamHyde/TeamSesh collaboration piece
● kekworthy logo sleeves with a beautiful portrait of the man himself on the front in green

He promoted the book shit he's a real 1

OP is trying to b8, but there's some level of truth in that.
My theory is that it will eventually become so big that more and more labels will try to cash in on this trend.
It's also the next logical step in the progression of hip-hop as a culture. It might suck, but it makes sense for it to be that way.
they have made some merch together

man I thought they all flipped on sam after the "le alt right boogeyman" bullshit.

3 things
1. Bones isn't signed to anyone, he's his own label and has his own cult fanbase, he doesn't care about any mainstream backlash and most people into bones would be able to understand Sam Hyde's comedy beyond face value or just not care

2. Bones persona is built around being edgy so it doesn't matter if he's a sam hyde fan or not

3. Bones isn't a retard who stops enjoying people's art because of politics, he's been an mde fan for a while and sam being retarded on twitter isn't going to change their comedic masterpieces.

ya you can actually tell Bones has talent and isnt wearing a costume for money

like most rappers

I hate saying this "most rappers" shit because it sounds cliche and gay but once you realize how hard these people are trying to appeal to fans...and how the fans actually believe their personas, its disturbing

Bones is cool but he makes too much shit. I admire that work ethic but he needs some quality control. He is definitely capable of making great shit though far more talented than these xxtentacion lil xanax clowns.

punk has always fucking sucked so yeah this checks out

any person with a brain can see how "soundcloud rap" is the new punk scene

its the closest thing to it at dont even have to like the music, i know most of its uncreative trash

man that is fucking sick, for some reason i had bones pinned as a SJW. World peace S2 WHEN??

gonna go download the new bones tape rn im sure he has a new one out

the absolute state of American youth
t-thank you NRA & capitalism

Maus and Bones didn't, but I think that can be attributed to the fact that they're decent people.
Bones could give less of a fuck, and John stated that his experience with MDE was pretty amicable, and I don't find a reason for that not being the case, they probably got along well.
Ironically, the bands that disavowed Sam got even more shit after the long facebook posts apologizing for "appearing on a neo-nazi television show".

I think part of the reason he drops so much is to keep him obscure and hard to get into, he doesn't care about over-saturation at all.

And I'd place X at a higher level than the guys copy/pasting another rappers persona and forcing the same shit down the youth's throat...but I still dont like X

exactly, he's the musical equivalent of MDE. some stuff hits, other stuff just reeks of being low effort and sorta thrown out there for the hell of it

>rapper shows clear admiration for Columbine Shooters
>Sup Forums: hurr durr sure must me SJW

Yeah X is trash but at least he tries to innovate a bit. He still has that edgy sadrap persona though. Lil Xan, Lil Pump, Lil Peep RIP etc. are all just clones.

I feel like this genre should have a better name than soundcloud rap. It feels really similar to the punk movement. i guess thats what we have now tho it's probably gonna stick.

post soundcloud rap bangers

i'd say lofi rap because the production is usually home produced and lo fidelity but that's already taken by the le epic anime study beats

yeah i was fuckin up on that one. To be fair the last project i listened to was deadboy so i guess i missed the shooter vibe

they're not loaded

I wish tumor therapy nowadays was more advanced, so I could say that CR is the new cancer

you are missing out on so much

he evolved alot, listen to Useless

what are the odds that Bones at least lurks here?

>isn't wearing a costume for money
Surely you mean is. You know he used to go by Th@ Kid and act, sound, and dress like mac miller? The school shooter aesthetic is a complete gimmick

I'm pretty sure he's been here, no doubt.
If fucking Trent Reznor posts on The For Chan, Bones must've done it too. Besides, he was raised on the internet, just like most of us here.

what is the DEFINITIVE soundcloud rap tune

has it peaked yet?

yung lean started this whole thing

yung lean will unironically go down as top 5 most influential artists of the decade

>The school shooter aesthetic is a complete gimmick
I fucking hope it's a gimmick I don't wanna listen to somebody who's gonna actually shoot up a school lmao

Was it ever on the Billboard Top 10?
If not, then it hasn't peaked yet, but there's going to be one any time now, and I can already smell the shitstorm on Sup Forums when that happens

Billboard charts don't matter in the internet age.

Lil Peep, X, Odd Future, Death Grips, none of these ever charte top 40 but every teenager with an internet connection has heard of them.

i mean he doesnt anymore

of coarse he did when he was a teenager

>lol lol lol
Deflecting from the point, I mean the long hair black metal tee emo/goth act is a gimmick.

Gucci Gang is #3...

Lil Pump just charted with Gucci Gang lmao

It's crazy how chief keef and yung lean aren't even 23 and they're the most influential artist in modern rap.

it was not yung lean alone but he is really really influential and ONE of the pioneers


That's what makes this wave of rap so shows just how relevant the internet is over everything else nowadays

He doesn't anymore, but it wasn't a natural "I'm going to try this out", it was a "this is a marketable image that may get me fans" and it worked. He went edgy and made it big. I'm all for reinventing oneself, but this is very clearly a gimmick, two very different things.

this is Lil Peep's best project by the way

most people havent even heard it

Just like most local punk bands! The similarities just keep piling up!

why do these faggots get face tattoos?

Garbage trigger discipline.

also x has been charting for forever with look at me first and some of his tracks from 17 have been on the charts for a couple of weeks now too

why are you so dumb that you have to ask this

because they want to, and they can

17's songs have more Youtube Views than Most Rapper's

like its probably top 20 AT LEAST in Youtube Popularity for rap albums

face tattoos are fucking dumb

go fuck yourself

>anarchy and communism is counter culture
I mean sure soundcloud rap is the closest thing to punk but they aren't necessarily going against the social grain. sure trump is the president of the US but culturally, drug use, """fluid""" sexualities and promiscuity is common place among the youth. they're literally foot soldiers for global capitalism/consumerism lmao

So that people can see them and recognize their retardation at first glance

they make really good music

even if its a HUGE put on

I do agree with you, but we still have to take in account that it's mostly major labels that control what's hot and what's not. The music business might not have the influence it once had, but it's still pretty damn strong. If the demand gets high enough, they'll invest in these guys, just like with the youtube-celebs, due to the new streaming law, which could help them get higher on the charts.
I feel that there's the "Grandma test" when it comes to rap, and people that pass that test when they team up with a big record label that pushes them in every way they can.
Some of these guys will eventually have a large check on the table and will sign a contract, let's not lie to ourselves, X already did it.
Once that happens, we're gonna see more and more artists in that vein popping up.
I'm rambling at this point, I don't fucking know anymore.
I don't even like rap at this point, the last most interesting thing in hip hop was BHP, and that barely qualifies as rap.
The fuck is wrong with me...

did I say they were not? You asked a retarded question regardless

No it's not.

Hellboy is the only good project Peep released, everything else had a few good songs mixed with some pretty bad stuff.



I think whats so interesting about this wave is how long it took the Music Industry to actually see what was going on with soundcloud rap

they didnt find out until maybe last year

he clearly had more skillful flows and deeper lyrics on Lil Peep Part One

how has no one pointed out this deadass nigga has ANNE FRANK tatted on his face??

you did that in the wrong order shouldnt it be this nigga deadass has anne frank on his face

I think Lil Peep is the first big death in Soundcloud Rap

like in 20 years when there are documentaries about this era...he will be in every one

I can already see the documentaries talking about the popularity and growth of the xanax market and shit

>this deadass nigga

yeah culturally the status quo has shifted for the audience that consumes this music. it'd be more subversive and transgressive to be conservative right wing and traditionalist.

think of it like this
eminem makes a song saying yo fuck trump racist nazi fuck. there's no outrage, instead rolling stones magazine and cnn give him front page coverage calling him a hero. in the 80s you say fuck reagan they call you out or even in 2000s you say fuck the iraq war you get called out.

the very first post dumbass

he's a deadass nigga, is he not?
look at face. look at that trigger.
nigga finna be dead in a year

>it'd be more subversive and transgressive to be conservative right wing and traditionalist.

im laughing just thinking about this
whats it gonna be, a bunch of folk songs about nuclear-powered families and going to Church?

The music industry is always a bit late on picking up new styles. I think that they were aware of soundcloudcore from the very start, but had to figure out a way that they could effectively capitalize from these guys.
360 deals are being handed over like flyers, and for a good reason (in the case of the major labels, nobody really cares about the artists)
I tell you, this wave is eventually going to be the dominating force in hip hop, mark my words.
Everything about it, from the production, to the lyrics, to the melodies, to the approach totally resonates with today's youth.
I don't like it, this new wave means nothing to me, but it HAS to happen, and it's GOING to happen.

lmao idk but ironically that would be more controversial than saying fuck trump get fucked up on xanax nigga

its hard to compare this era to an older era

because of the internet, everybody has a political opinion and everybody has a problem with everything

nothing is transgressive, nothing genuine at least

huh we look kinda similar. cool.

are you just baiting or are just willfully ignorant of the alt-right? The majority of the alt-right's policies is just Bernie Sanders but racist. They reject fossil fuel bullshit, religion, and degeneracy by and large. Sure Christianity and paganism is welcomed but it's not a key staple.

kids who grew up in nuclear families must be a minority by now.

i hate how all these new rappers force political correctness fake ass good morals so they dont get slammed by the public

im not in anyway supportive of alt-right and im not conservative but if a rapper comes out saying fuck liberals and homosexuality is a mental illness, I will support him all the way

I would like this genre much more if it wasn't because of those face tatoos and the love and obsession for brands, that's not punk.

stop listening to soundcloud babies.
this is the best rap release of the year.

Treat every gun as if it's loaded faggot. One of the four rules of firearm safety

of course its not directly punk...that would make it not new, just a revival

I know a thing or 3 about the alt-right and they definitely do not reject religion. Yes, they criticize Islam, Judaism, and the current Pope; but elements (cause lets be honest its not a cohesive moment) love to talk about how the breakdown of religious observance has been detrimental and is in fact a cause of (spiritual) degeneracy. They idolize Crusaders and Orthodox monks, and lets not ignore the quasi-religious KEK cult.

also, there is no substantial current in the alt-right that cares about the environment or attacks fossil fuel dependence/extraction
the only big commonality with Bernie's platform, other than the general anti-establishment posturing, is his emphasis on American labour/industry over outsourcing jobs

>all these new rappers force political correctness fake ass good morals so they dont get slammed by the public

what? like who?
all these new rappers constantly talk about doing drugs, having sex (with derogatory terms vs. women to boot), and being rich (which is a popular value)

yes, there's the conscious black power rappers, but those have been around for years

if it's anything, homosexuality is still taboo in hip hop. look at how Migos criticized Makonnen when he came out, or Macklemore's "if i was gay hip hop would hate me" line

what would qualify as transgression then?

/k/ pls

SO underrated, needs a music video

k's doing community outreach. these kids looking like they want to join little peep.
"the guns weren't loaded"
aye and it takes a lot of xanax to OD. unless they're pressed with fentanyl.

>all these new rappers constantly talk about doing drugs, having sex (with derogatory terms vs. women to boot), and being rich (which is a popular value)

thats the hilarious part about it

When a rapper gets exposed for rape or sexual assault, they use it as an oppurtunity to come out and speak against the issue so they look good. Same thing with drug issues.

The only place they dont actually give a fuck is in their music, but thats funny because neither do the fans

And it isn't cool to talk bad about homosexuality in hip hop anymore, everyone supports it.

dude, tats, lmao

This shit will be cringier than nu metal in a few years.
No, wait, it already is.

>everyone supports it.
everyone says they're fine with it cause they're scared of getting pegged by the matriarchy.

>KEK cult
that's the alt-lite/classical liberals that worship Sargon lmao
>there is no substantial current in the alt-right that cares about the environment
literally Richard Spencer, the figure head of the alt-right thinks the environment is one of the most important issues behind the current demographic mess in the US

*nu metal

that is exactly what im saying

And it isn't just rappers or artist or whatever. In general, everyone cares what everyone else thinks about them nowadays. (I blame that on the rise of social media) People will literally lie to themselves and convince themselves that they have a certain opinion about something, because they are too afraid to admit that they simply dont care

soundcloud is basically a toilet

this thread turned out ALOT better than I expected

Hahaha epic bait bro xD

>And it isn't cool to talk bad about homosexuality in hip hop anymore, everyone supports it.
meh, rhetoric is one thing, but if these rappers were honest...a lot of these guys come from lower-class, black communities. particularly from the south. these are not fucking california or manhattan.
one of my favourite manifestations of this homophobia was the 'lightskin niggas' meme that made them all out to be feminine af fuck

but you're right, there's no way they can challenge that social dogma of gay = ok

>Richard Spencer, the figure head of the alt-right
LMAO no such thing. there is no fuhrerprinzip. even trump was more of a figure-head than him when it came to people actually following what he said.

>thinks the environment is one of the most important issues behind the current demographic mess in the US
how so? serious question.
is climate change causing latinos to immigrate? what about the decline of birthrates, especially among whites?

regardless, i've never seen this discussed on Sup Forums. in fact i've seen climate change denial threads.

Can't wait to see all these kids getting older.
Imagine their wrinkled old faces with all that low quality ink on the skin, lol

What I find about these wave is that the live performances are POOR. Yeah you can see there is a huge energy in the shows but these guys can't sing and not even rap on the tracks