Being a "real" musician sucks

mwf when I realize that music becomes a job after being a hobbie most of my life and now I hate it, it was so simple back then when I could just grab a bass and play for fun,now I have to meet cold dead lines of songs I don't particulary enjoy.
Turns out the music scene is a cold unforgivig world that only cares of how many alcoholics you can gather at a bar.
biggest dissapointment in my life

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Ok, but you have to have a job, so why not make it something you love?

Why couldn't we just exist as a species without money? It just becomes a curse on humanity, to have to destroy your Chimera in order to along yourself with reality. Disgusting. We're all corrupt inside.

once we hit post-scarcity, people will purchase simulations of your brain-state, including the anxiety of not making enough money playing rock music in bars

post-scarcity should be here already, any current scarcity is artificially implemented

I don't want to discourage you if that's really what you're going for but statistically if I had to pick you out of a hat, you're not gonna make a dime off of whatever you're trying to do. If you work hard enough then that can be overcome, but most people aren't willing to work hard enough. You have to be brutally realistic with yourself. If you don't have the skills or work ethic, just get a regular job. Start making money when you're 17 or when you're out of college and don't take a 2 or 4 year break or "exploration." The difference between you as an artist and you in a realistic universe is probably about $160,000, four years of earnings. Would you rather have that or a Bandcamp page no one listens to? If you're dead set on it though, don't let me knock the wind out of your sails, but if I did, then maybe you would have half-assed it anyway.

listen to this user. i went with a different career and made a bunch of money and now i can play music as a hobby and not give a fuck if i don't make a living off of it. meanwhile all the musicians i know who are way better than me are broke as fuck working as bartenders or doing oddjobs well into their 30s. they're a depressed bunch.

>musings of a 13 year old

OP here.
Yeah, I get it, art won't feed me or my family, i have a pretty decent job so I don't starve, the thing is that my bandmates do need the money and they are turning something beautiful I love into a mindless grind,
we show up in stage with diferent motivations

I had that dream as a kid, I grew out of it when I realized I can just screw around for fun, for the same reasons you've listed.

Music is an art form, and if you aren't committed to learning everything about the craft and implementing it to the best of your abilities to create art that will withstand the test of time, then you'll never make it. Music isn't just about grabbing your bass and noodling for your own enjoyment, it's about taking your full knowledge of musical construction and sculpting it, honing it to create songs that are complex, brilliant, emotionally driven, and innovative. You can't go in expecting to play easy shit and make a ton of money and get laid. It's not about that, it's about a love for the craft.

Love your music. If you don't learn more and practice more until you can write better music.

i always read about things you've given up and haven't done

Nobody's making you meet these deadlines. If their creative process is as mindless as it sounds, then it shouldn't be a problem for them to find someone else to do what you do. They can make the money they need, you hate playing music less, everyone wins.

This is why I keep listening to music just a hobby. I love music so much that I can't imagine ruining it by turning it into work and growing to hate it. I want to always love it.

I'm not aiming to make a lot money and get laid hahaha, I just want to enjoy it casually without it being forced to meet deadlines as if it were a chore

it aint worth it, user.
I wish I knew that,

>tfw comfy job and happy doing these acoustic reverse guitar ditties
I know I wouldn't have made it anyway, too ugly and fat

And that's fine, but unfortunately as you found out once it becomes a business/work it starts to lose its fun as a hobby. At that point you either have to switch gears and really start taking it seriously as an art form, or drop out of the race and keep it as a hobby. There's not really much middle ground, especially in todays world where record sales are practically non existent.

Why are there so many squares here, fucking embarrassing

that's just Brandon. he lives his life like that

user... this is really beautiful, you totally get it, I just want to have fun with my friends making music and not worry about the money involved

So sad something so beautiful as music has to be reduced to a race, but you are totally right, I'm better off keeping it as a hobby, it's more healthy

I don't look at as a race, but more a motivation. I want to see better quality music, and if capitalism has taught me anything it's that competition breeds quality.

>if capitalism has taught me anything it's that competition breeds quality.

can't argue with that, frankly it cuts my motivation more than anything,

i make a decent living doing music full time. i teach and i perform. you gotta find a balance and sometimes finding the money means doing something in music you wouldn't normally do. for example i play for a church. now i'm not a religious person but damn if that paycheck isn't a great weekly gig for some steady dough $$$. and at least i'm getting to express myself through music somehow. teaching is a good gig, too if you like working with kids. try diversifying what you do in the music world. it doesn't just have to be all about your shitty side project band that gigs twice a year.

I don’t make any money doing music, I make it anyway because I’m an artist, it’s not really a hobby for me so much as it is a way of coping.


At least you get to play at bars, my parents hate my guts and hate the fact that I’m a musician and undercut me every time I want to go somewhere.

Some people have it so fucking easy.

I quit performing in my early-20s for similar reasons. I work as a composer now and actually enjoy music again.

To be a musician in 2017 you have to be willing to sell yourself

You could make the best music of all time, but if you aren't prepared to sell yourself and go here, go there, do this, do that, then you'll end up poor and broke

The thing is that I don’t care for how hard it is, or whether or not I make enough money. It’s just all these people who either hold me back or hold me down or short me on everything. It fucking sucks.

I want to work hard, I’m always writing and always recording, but who is listening?

I have no idea how to do that, or what that means? Not like I'll be anything, just curious.

Well first of all you have to have music, but by "selling yourself" I mean, every musician you've ever heard of has something in them that makes them say: "Well, I could make money from this"

Otherwise they'd put it out for free, etc. Even then, they're still selling an image.

Its rare to ever see artists who just look like a regular dude who ISNT "dressing up" (if you understand me)

When you think about it, having a "uniform", or a "persona" that is associated with your style of music/music then you're already bringing some pretentious bullshit to your music

That's why I can't stand people like Radiohead, Nick Cave, etc, who take themselves way too seriously. They all still bought into an aesthetic. They're all still packaged products ready to be sold despite acting as if they're not in any way corrupted

always putting yourself down is probably why you're a failure

that's pretty nice i really like it man. sounds a lot like frusciante

It’s really not the music part that’s hard, it’s dealing with people that I hate. Everyone is so fake and only interested in music as background or a fashion statement, or if you’re lucky, as a commodity.

The buskers that play stupid covers on the street corner make more than me, sad.

> musically talented
>so socially anxious that just sharing a link to my soundcloud to friends will give me a panic attack for days

I get it now.

R stevie moore is a good example of a ridiculously talented musician who never became famous because he was a regular dude

it's bullshit. all normies want is easily palletable styles that they can associate with

The fact is if you try to turn your hobby into money you will probably hate it.

not OP but I've fallen into a trap not of wanting to turn it into money but turning it into validation

this is something I'm trying really hard to overcome at the moment. it's like a parasite in my mind whenever I try to make music I get all anxiety ridden and keep thinking "will people like this". it's gotten really bad and nothing will get rid of it

Depends how you look at it. Every job has its dark sides. This is apparent especially in an art/music job, where you have to sell creations from made deep inside, personal and put a price tag for them. Only way to get through it is to have creation process outweigh the negatives

I don’t care about money, I care about getting noticed by the right people and then making whatever the fuck I want.

I just want to make it, release one album that gets praised so I can make some fuck you money, and retire to do drugs, bang teenage girls and record awful experimental music in my house.

you know what's even worse OP

you get famous and critically acclaimed and then don't feel any better

David Foster Wallace said that getting fame just made him feel more like a fraud

if you love it, hustle for it.

if you love it, keep it to yourself.

if you love it, love it, and dont do shit that makes you unhappy.

escape the dichotomy bb.

be free.

What I'm saying is actually realistic. I do fucked around with the guitar out of boredom. Actually being a musician and pursing music was something I gave up back in high school. I just thought that I had an unrealistic goal. I tried to get into music clubs and befriend people that were into music, It just didn't work out and said "fuck it". What's marketable about me? I'm just some short fat dude that wears t-shirts and jeans.

Have you told your family your gay yet?

if the scene existed , which it doesnt anymore, i would have loved to do a kiss/twisted sister style grind, like playing two shows to drunk 18 year olds on a saturday night. not music style-wise , of course, but as a schedule.

fuck it.

Forgot to toss in there I was in piano and guitar lessons and played around with the drums. I'm not talented.

this is totally wrong.

fuck this 'hobby' shit.

dont even bother doing it if its not art.

that has zero to do with being a salary man musician like lil bitch op.

make it art, or make it business.

transcend and do both.

>Get paid 12 dollars to make a beat from some faggot to rap on in high school
>Go cry about how hard being a professional musician is on Sup Forums

Fuck off faggot

>tfw I KNOW my band is good and we deserve to be more successful than all the shitty local bands that get most of the airplay yet it just won't happen
Fucking retards and their terrible taste

maybe he was a fraud.

never read him.

but i mean, really?


Yes, and loan actual musicians your fucking instruments, cause they’re all poor.

even most "alternative" stations now are just their own brand of cryto pop

triple J in Australia is a perfect example of this. even though it isn't straight up pop everything they play has the same sound

It will get here when it gets here. Let entropy do its job.

he was a sweaty motherfucker

Great now I get to just stare at a fretboard for the rest of my life.

acceptable reply

should i go to the bookstore?

fyi: i love bolano

No what’s worse is getting famous and wishing these hacks listened to your good albums you made when you were invisible.


whatsa worse is America voting for fucking Donald Trump because "le what could go wrong hur dur" and you country looks like an ever stupider shit than it did before and he raises your taxes and takes your healthcare and fucks everyones internet, all because he paid a whore to piss on a bed Obama might have slept on because he can only masturbate to cruelty.

music for this feel?

Fuck off Sup Forums


I didn’t vote for him because I’m not a retard, my parents did and all the other retards did and we warned them of exactly this, and now they get what they deserve.

who are you?

le cuck in chief?

leave your door unlocked.

ill come over and make you great again anally.

what music should we listen to while it happens?

>tfw you aren't even remotely close to famous but people still don't listen to your good albums
fuck the audience


Did they blush all thru thanksgiving?

FUCKING LOL: thanksgiving in turdrumpf lamD: WHEN THE IMMIGRANT AMERICAN REFUGEES got done a solid by the FUCKING REAL AMERICANS BEFORE breaking all their covenants and happily committing genocide.

fuck me i have never sniffed irony this deep.


i hate lavren faggs but ill do it on principle.

where you at?


I didn’t get to ruin thanksgiving, would have loved it.

>fist bump anyway, friend

>music scenes are hierarchy and social status based just like any other social circle

Are you retarded? Did you really think any music scene wasn't just a high school popularity contest all over again?

Even if you make something good people won’t listen to it unless other people already like it. It’s how “people” think.

This makes sense for the same reason people buy movie tickets for horror films, war films, etc. Hell, people do already watch movies about struggling artists.

>It’s how “people” think
that's why i say fuck em, plebshits will plebshit

If you aren't willing to grind you aren't willing to be a musician imo. Better grind on my instrument over whack ass tunes than do construction or sit in an office or whatever shit job I don't want to be doing that's music. It's not for everyone

t. 4th gig of the week, 1 tomorrow and 1 the day after.

You're probably not as good as you think. I play in a city that has cover bands up and down the street at every bar. My band stands out and makes more money than most bands because I know how to put energy into what I'm doing and draw people into how much fun I'm having which I'm turn makes the other guys I'm playing with have as much fun which I'm turn turns the audience on which in turn makes us 180$ in tips on a Wednesday night before thanksgiving. Step up your game.

Being validated for your skills is not the worst thing in the world. Recognition is a human need. Might as well get it from what you're good at.

really made me think

He Dunning-Krugered himself.

Make it worthwhile. At least be a luthier.

You replied to obvious bait

we get it your a failed musician

I'm the one you replied to and I completely agree, but you have to realize that a ton of people play music without any real drive to improve or create.

They simply play for fun, similar to adults who buy coloring books to paint inside lines that were drawn for them, they'll learn how to read guitar tab and then never look any further. It's sad.

I never thought about it that way before.

Yea, why couldn't the government give money equally to all its citizen? Truly a corrupt capitalist society we live in.

The world is run by Jews so every system we implement will still be oppressive because they are only ok with a world where the concept of people being above one another and nobody being above them

Thanks! I knocked this one out in 5 minutes so it's kind of simple but I'm hoping to get better

You should read Infinite Jest. It's a masterpiece.

I thought this until I got to the "things you'll realize if you ever spend time at the local rehab institution" chapter where he tells us how things really are and how humans work. Who the fuck does he think he is?

how have you done the reverse effect? i've only got a reverse delay, but that's a bit different

Record the acoustic, reverse it with audacity, play the electric over that. Then just get the acoustic back to normal, and reverse the electric

I don’t get to play often, and whenever I do the people in my personal life usually try to sabotage me because they are selfish and can’t stand other people liking me.

Other musicians get shows regularly and I have to put in a lot of effort just to travel and then talk to whoever owns the venue, and I’m on a label.

It’s just easy for some people to be bohemian and wander around cities. I’m jealous of buskers because even if they’re homeless at least people hear them.

You could be a 3d-musician, an inanimate 2d musician, a cartoon musician or a musician in the fuzzy realm instead, just sayin

With electric solos it’s tough because you have to play them backwards, then play forwards over it.

but they're still better than you, mediocre cuckawuck

t. failed 'musician' who is serving someone brunch right now

Quit your wining pussy, You're not in a big band so obviously you're not having fun. So many wish they were in your shoes. Appreciate what you have and stop crying. Why are so many musicians limp wristed pussies?