One of the greatest films of all time? What do you think of it?

One of the greatest films of all time? What do you think of it?

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Practical effects in this still blow my mind

Why hasn't there been anything like it? The only thing that comes close is Alien 1 and 2

Body horror is almost exclusive to B list horror movies now because nobody wants to put in proper special effects due to costs.

A movie like The Thing couldn't exist in 2016 because of what's perceived as popular in hollywood right now. The movie did a lot of unorthodox shit for its time and didn't reach high acclaim until many years later. It is probably one of my favorite movies of all time.

I will never, ever forget the first time watching this kino. The deadly combo of disgusting gore and paranoia fucking slayed me, it was a midnight, super cold, dark room. Fuck my shit up, senpai!

am i the only one who noticed there were no women in this? total sausage fest.

zombies are the thing right now.

that says a lot about people today.

> i'm not afraid of myself and what i might become, i'm afraid of my fucking neighbors

I always thought for years the dude on the poster just had crazy Einstein hair.

I'm glad we have recorded history of movies like this to show us how high our potential can really reach.

Still have to watch this one day. Reddit praises the hell out of it.

Watch In the Mouth of Madness, it's one of the best Carpenter's films along with The Thing

Are you me from the future come back to now to post on Sup Forums?
It's actually the main reason I never watched the movie. I thought it was a comedy or something with that cover. It wasn't until an old friend mentioned the movie that I gave it a watch. Not friends anymore, but man did he have good taste. This is hands down on of my favorite horror movies of all time. He also got me to watch Night of the Living Dead, which at the time I didn't want to watch because it was B&W, but another one of those great movies.
I don't know user. Zombies have always been popular when done right. Not saying there's a lot of movies doing it right, but just that people tend to want to watch zombies because there is a sense of superiority that comes with conquering the dead.
As I said before, it's one of my all time favorites. It's one of the most comfiest movies to watch during winter too. I try to watch it once a year around mid to late december.

ITMOM fucks with me

Because women aren't scientists?

Femiboot when?

Not even reddit can make me dislike The Thing.

P.S. They did it with Misery. :(

I hear a surprisingly small amount of people talk about this movie. I loved the fuck out of it for moments like this .

Felt very much like Jacob's Ladder.

how did reddit make you dislike misery? It's brilliant.

They LITERALLY picked it as the best horror film ever. It's not even a horror ffs. Deep down I still love Misery, but plebbit is doing its very best to make me hate it, dammit.

Why would you admit that your opinions of things are influenced by other people who like it? Are you really too retarded to understand how unbelievably embarrassing that is? Your IQ must be extremely low.

It has a very Lovecraftian vibe to it, especially with the ending where he's in the empty theater watching himself in the movie and cracking up

It kind of is still horror. It's just that the monster is a real person. Otherwise it has all the elements that make a horror movie.

You should learn how to read, especially read between the lines, you projecting faggot you.


So you're saying I'm actually the one whose opinions on movies are influenced by others? How does that make sense in your head? You must be a Sup Forums tard who uses words you don't understand.

Literally every single person on Reddit is smarter than you are, so if anything you should probably adjust your tastes to mimic theirs.

Most overrated movie on Sup Forums.

Prince of Darkness > The Thing

You literally thought I hate a film because some other site loves it, you're an idiot. It speaks volumes about you, pig.

Agreed. In my top of all time. The level of suspense and scariness it achieves with very little music speaks for how masterfully done it was. And thats saying alot coming from me cause I heavily judge movies and video games based on their soundtrack

Overrated and not scary at all
I recently watched Fargo which is not even a horror and found it way more scary

Why does it have memegenerator text on the poster?

Because for some reason this generation lacks in subtlety

>explicit gore

Yeah, the prequel definetly imptroved on having diverse scientists and not just generic white dudes with beards

>the thing

Sam Neill is incredible

My nigga
Excellent taste



You should watch the film first, before commenting it, faggot.

can you translate my animes for me?

Not Carpenter's fault you two idiots can't see further than blood and violence, you're the 2016 equivalent of the 1982 crowds that fapped to Jewberg's ET.

What's to see beyond the blood and violence? I know, muh paranoia, but that doesn't make a movie. George Romero made character drama work in his horror movies, The Thing doesn't have working character drama, it feels like a slightly above-average characterized action-movie.

>What's to see beyond the blood and violence?

LITERALLY stopped reading there.

>The Thing doesn't have working character drama

Really? Are you sure you didn't stop after reading the whole thing and realizing you have nothing to contribute to the discussion in return.

wow, I've been intellectually checkmated. time to close the thread in shame.


>Man is the warmest place to hide
Sounds like a gay porno coming right up

Childs was it. Why would McReady keep some liquor in his hand when he was just flinging around molotov cocktails? Its obvious he gave him some gasoline to drink. That's why McReady laughed to himself.

define 'character drama', faggot, and we'll see how well your bait holds up

Stop with the stale bait. Seriously. You didn't even do it right. God.

And adding on to that, Child's coat was beige, which insinuates that the black coat he was otherwise wearing throughout the film was torn through when he became a thing.

And two, if Childs was actually human, he wouldn't have drunk the alcohol/gasoline from McReady if he actually was human because a real human would've feared being infected through food/drinks.

For horror films, it's behind Halloween and Hellraiser but it's still top 3 no doubt

Is there any substance to what's going on between the characters?

Night of the Living Dead is a movie about conflict, mostly the dick-measuring contest going on between Harry and Ben. Dawn of the Dead is very low-key but entirely about how four relatively normal people deal with a crazy situation. It does the least with its characters which is why I find it the least interesting but it still works. Day is most interesting. Captain Rhodes is on the verge of breaking down, everyone's questioning the value of their research project and this is leading some of them to even question the value of society. Then when things get really tense all this existing pressure explodes and everyone turns on each other. That's cool.

What does The Thing have? Childs doesn't quite trust McCready and the doctor is terrified because he understands the creature's power before and better than everyone else. Beyond that the movie is an excuse to see people get their heads eaten. It doesn't really stand up apart from the other similar movies from the time that did the same thing. Why is The Thing a masterpiece while The Beyond is forgotten?

I really like this movie, but my friend absolutely hates it. She thinks it's awful and said the best actor was the dog. I have to admit it is overrated though.

Absofuckinglutely not.

The first, say, forty five minutes of PoD is great. Lots of great build up, winding tension, creepy atmosphere, the slow repeated shots of more and more creepy fucks gathering outside the church. It's genuinely unnerving.

Then the "plot" gets kicked into motion and we get a twenty minute scene of a comic relief asian character (read: out of place) trying to escape a confessional. Bland, non-characters get picked off one by one by increasingly preposterous methods. It becomes a standard slasher until we reach the braindead climax, where the jackhammered "metaphor" of Hell existing as some kind of mirror version of our reality is *literally* exemplified as an actual mirror. And someone has to stick their hand in it like water. Then it shoots for an ambiguous final shot that it didn't earn.

The Thing is similar in some respects (ramping dread, characters getting picked off by crazy shit, ambiguous ending), but most of its flaws, like barely defined characters, are saved by its tone, amazing special effects, and fantastic cast.

Prince of Darkness is the weakest of the Apocalypse trilogy but for all my complaints, it's still a solid Carpenter film.

Still stale: coat is covered in snow - the lighting makes it appear tan when in fact it is blue covered in snow; and by the end of the movie, they admit there's nothing left to fear, and drink, in part, to toast that fact.
git gud faget

>the best actor was the dog
she's not wrong though
that fucking dog is haunting

I agree that things are less interesting once it all falls apart, but pretty much all horror movies do that. I didn't mind the two goofy chinese guys from Big Trouble in Little China though. I thought that the trapped scene was actually pretty well done.

And who says that the final shot wasn't earned? That sounds smart but without anything to back it up it's useless. I thought the ending was strong and worked well with everything that came before it. It seems like you're trying too hard to push things that aren't really issues as game-breakers. Does the presence of the mirror really bug you? I thought it was cool and a really creepy and unique way to present otherworldly evil. It beats the hell out of a flaming hole in the ground.

And no mention of what really works. Donald Pleasance can carry any movie no problem, and he does a good job in Prince of Darkness. Everyone else is kind of interchangeable but it all works.

I'm sure you're baiting but two of the original crew members were black.

Also the prequel fucked everything up by having literally anyone who spoke anything but Norwegian at the Norwegian base. Remember that Mac and Copper found a shitload of documents that are all in Norwegian when they investigate. Are you telling me MEW, that goofy guy from Not Another Teen Movie, Evil English Blair Substitute, or any of the Norwegian crew that spoke clear english bothered to ever document anything in it? Or if they did, is the movie implying that everything written in english was conveniently destroyed?

Because both answers are fucking dumb. The movie should have had a cast of nothing but Norwegian actors (including women as we see at least one in the video footage in the original), speaking Norwegian, with subtitles. The introduction of Americans and english speaking characters is literal pandering. And retconning.

Even by going to such lengths to justify Childs' appearance by the end, and lack of caution, there's still nothing to answer for why he sneaks out and what his excuse is for evading the final battle.

>if Childs was actually human, he wouldn't have drunk the alcohol/gasoline from McReady

Way to miss the point, retard. Are you a woman, by chance?

You must've missed the scene with some of the men locking up Blair; or the scene right after that. You also forgot the blood-tampering scene, and the confrontation following that; also the Blair lab scenes (alone, autopsies, and freak-out). You missed the scene after finding the saucer; and the one after poor Bennings is killed; and the scene right after the norwegian was shot. You also missed the blood test scene.
tl;dr - all of these scenes are character- and conflict- driven. No monster. Head only eaten in one scene.

Hollywood would never make a movie like that, unfortunately. That said, a prequel set at the Norwegian camp was completely unnecessary. A disconnected sequel/reboot set in a new location would be better.

>Way to miss the point, retard.
Care to disclose what it is me I'm missing then?

>character - and conflict- driven
sure, in the same way that you could say Total Recall is driven by character conflict. There are characters who are conflicting, but is it because of their characters or because a big spooky monster is running around eating their heads?

>A disconnected sequel/reboot set in a new location would be better
i liked that one guy from youtube's idea, where it's set in a bunker

the point is that it doesn't matter if he drinks it, they're both dead anyway

Number 1 favorite film, I was watching it in my living room on Halloween and some kids came to the door and they got the shit scared out of them since this scene came on

>Mac: There's a good chance none of us will make it out of here alive.
>Mac: Childs, if you see Blair, torch him.

>Childs: Thought I saw Blair. Chased after him and got lost in the storm.

Not only is he aware they will all freeze to death, he is instructed clearly to take Blair out as is he the only remaining threat. His motivation is sound and previously established.

>such lengths
Please; use your eyes, and stop memeing.
>why he sneaks out and what his excuse is for evading
Did you even see the film? He states why. He saw Blair sneaking out another exit and went after him, just as planned.

still 0/10

They're both going to freeze to death. Neither of them have anything to lose at this point. Sharing liquor and getting infected is no longer an issue because even if they do "thing out", they won't get anywhere.

That's why Mac says "if we've got any surprises for each other, I don't think we're in much shape to do anything about it".

>He saw Blair sneaking out another exit and went after him, just as planned.

But Blair was down there fucking up Mac and the crew.

In all of those scenes you can see the specific dispositions of specific characters.
Oh, and the movie is about the characters' reaction to their situation, so, trying to disentangle that factor from the character interactions and developments is a tad idiotic. But nonetheless character attitudes to other characters is demonstrated in the film beyond the big bad monster. In all them scenes mentioned, and more. Watch it again.

>Thought I saw Blair. Chased after him and got lost in the storm.
>He saw Blair sneaking out another exit and went after him, just as planned.

That was clunky at best, and must I remind you that the last time that Childs was confronted to the threat that someone might be a thing (McReady), he'd opted to hole out in the base and await that McReady barge into the door to gun him down.

Him chasing Blair into the storm is hugely out of character.

Furthermore, you'll notice that the doors to the generator room and the room in which Childs was awaiting for McReady to return are only a room apart, so it makes little sense that Blair could've snuck into the generator room without meeting Childs and infecting him.

And lastly, how could Blair be outside in the storm when he was clearly on the verge of shutting down the generator that very same instant (remember, when Childs steps outside, the generator shuts down).

>they won't get anywhere.
That's idiotic at best.

The Thing SOUGHT to freeze to be picked up by the rescue team.

since the video game is canon, neither were infected

They saw Childs leave before the big bad scene.

>Does the presence of the mirror really bug you?

Yes, unfortunately. It's too on-the-nose. I know Carpenter isn't exactly the master of subtlety but it feels like the equivalent of a character in The Thing saying, "hey, this is just like the Red Scare!" A mirror as a gateway is a tired concept that undermines the actual terror of a realm containing a fucking Anti-God.

I agree about it being more clever than the standard ring of fire, and I also agree about the legendary Donald Pleasance. Also the Alice Cooper cameo is fun. Like I said, it's solid Carpenter, but it lacks considerably in the script and acting departments.

Did you know Pleasance was actually Carpenter's pick for Blair but couldn't due to scheduling conflicts? I love Wilford Brimley but that would have been nice.

But then why didn't Childs show up down there with the other three? It took a long time for Mac to get it done and Childs' absence was suspiciously long.

And the generator blows a few seconds after Childs leaves. Meaning Blair was in the building when Childs went out after him.

>one of the best horror films

Its still only a horror film.

You're reaching. Childs is a tough guy. And the generator was a dynamited mess: Blair was nowhere near it when it shut down - he was escaping out the back exit.
And as for the Thing wanting to be frozen: yes, but Mac had dynamite and Childs had the flamethrower - no freeze option available.

I don't feel like my point is getting across here. Of course the characters in The Thing are characters that feel like people, not robots. But the movie's not about them, what little personality the cast has (mostly ad-libbed by the actors I'd imagine) is only really an ornament to the real attraction which is the monster.

I suppose that what makes Prince of Darkness really work for me is that I don't see the whole story hinging on the concept of the mirror-world. When I saw it the dream-messages struck me more than anything else and that's where I think the real scary stuff comes from. And the fact that the movie ends on that note rather than the mirror stuff I think pushes it harder than you're giving it credit for.

And Brimley is great but he doesn't quite feel as right as I imagine Pleasance would have. It's interesting seeing such a warm and pleasant looking guy completely lose it but I think that Pleasance would have felt more appropriate.

It ain't Fuchs.

lost in snow

will plotfags please die, finding the father-post of your autism-trees in order to hide you all is tiresome.

>And the generator was a dynamited mess:
Oh I've actually never heard this one. Now I see why people allow themselves to believe that Blair was already escaping out into the snow by the time the generator was desintegrated.

Honestly, I'll have to skim through the movie again to know whether the "it's just snow lmao" explanation holds for explaining his beige jacket but it seems to me that Carpenter would've been more picky as to select lighting that showed Child's in black, rather than lighting that would leave viewers confused for decades.

Extremely overrated and badly written. Tons of plot holes and a cast that you can't keep straight

>But the movie's not about them
See, right there it's clear you haven't even watched it. The monster is in the movie a grand total of four scenes (dog scene, Bennings, blood test, finale); and only a portion of those scenes. The rest of its appearances are autopsies or as the dog (which is another brilliant character performance in the film - and yes! the dog does engage in a character-driven performance in relation to his fellow characters). Your assertion that the Thing is purely a monster movie is completely without merit.

>but it seems to me that Carpenter would've been more picky as to select lighting that showed Child's in black, rather than lighting that would leave viewers confused for decades
nigga, you don't know John Carpenter!

Oh God

So I've been duped by the main man in person?


The part where McCready's flamethrower malfunctions still pisses me off. Hate random fails like that in movies.

>the dog does engage in a character-driven performance in relation to his fellow characters
I still don't think that you get what I'm saying and you're writing more and more like a teenager. Just because the monster isn't always on-screen that doesn't mean it isn't a monster-movie. The cast have personalities but this doesn't make the movie. You could replace them with other actors playing different people and you'd still be able to make the same movie work.

but people fight zombies to not become the thing they fight

You haven't seen the movie; you're just speaking in generalities now. What you say could be said of any movie - just look at how many of the same movie get made every decade, in every genre.
Seriously, what are you trying to say: that this movie is not a particular kind of movie? Well, of course not! A single movie cannot encompass all types, ffs - to dismiss a movie for that reason is stupid. You know, like a teenager.

I have seen the movie several times, I'm speaking in generalities deliberately because it's the only way to get anything done in an argument. When you use specifics you end up like the two idiots arguing about whether or not Childs was the thing, just going around in endless circles over their own views on the same things. Principles and ideas are clearer than concrete stuff, there's less room for opinion and misinterpretation.

And yes, The Thing is not a particular kind of movie. An intelligent one. I dismiss it for being genre entertainment with some particularly cool effects. It doesn't have enough going on for it to justify its reputation. Night of the Living Dead worked back when it was made and it still works because while zombies were new and novel then the human drama still works now and always will. The Thing is a relatively run of the mill monster-movie with a couple of memorable monster-scenes and its continuing popularity confuses the hell out of me.

>prefers night of the living dead to the thing
So, why are you here then? You have an opinion you won't change; you're talking to people who are unlikely even to listen to you; what's your point?
Other than curious taste.

OP asked what we think of The Thing. I thought that since I'm a minority here my opinion might get something happening. What I'm trying to get at with you isn't that Night of the Living Dead is a better movie than The Thing. Instead I want to get across that they're different kinds of movies. And that the kind of movie The Thing is isn't that remarkable.

Have you seen The Beyond? I think that really gets the point across quite well. There are other movies that did more or less just what The Thing did around the same time, The Thing isn't an exceptional movie.

If there were women in the movie there would be no story, everyone would be too busy licking their armpits.

Like with everything other decent 80s movie, Hollywood tried to tarnish it with a terrible reboot/prequel.

No my friend, using futuristic technology I was able to demystify the poster.

solid effort, with a bit more work this could become a recurring meme

Well, have fun with your opinion. Sorry about your wrongness. If, of course, you could somehow justify this notion you have of 'remarkable', that'd be great.