Ash vs Evil Dead

From a 7/10 show to a 3/10. Pablo and Ash together were the only good things about it

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I hope the side characters die off and it becomes just Ash again in true Evil Dead fashion.

Wasn't the book indestructible?

Is his head still intact? He'll be fine.

I want to fuck the Jew bitch but I'm getting tired of her strong womyn routine.

Kelly ruins the show

Pablo dead, does chocolate milf take his spot. Why does Ash get a harem


Wait, seriously?
God damnit.

We'll never hear Heffe again

Mfw it happened
>that shortly lived look of accomplishment and happiness before he passed

Pablo and Kelly are shit characters and their actors aren't any better.

I actually like Kelly and Pablo. What's up with the hate for them? Especially Kelly?

People who are too stupid to sit down, shut the fuck up and appreciate things for what they are.


My powerful vagina is coming back?

Kelly's shit, cry about it.

Kelly was good in the first Season.
Pablo was awesome in both.

I'm not the one crying over stupid shit, I never do.

He has to!

i know they're all for re-using old xena/hercules actors but they should have had someone with a better screen presence as baal

would have been an amazing jeffrey combs cameo tbqh

also you guys are dumb if you think pablo is permanently dead

>it's a Kelly action sequence

I like her trashy voice and mannish scream, it gets my dick goin'.

Kelly gives me matzo fever.

>Pablo and Ash together were the only good things

She's filthy and fine.
I wanna do lewd things to her nose.

You'd have to be crazy if you think some of the previous episodes weren't softening you for the blow of Pablo's death. I saw it coming, but he's coming back since Bruce confirmed time travel.

>tfw no Re-Animator/Evil Dead crossover

sicko claimed
i think she was the stunt for the blond chick in season 1


even though it was my idea, i don't think my brain could handle them being in a horror project together, much less something evil dead related.

There's a comic, but I've never read it.

>tfw you add a stranger qt to your friendlist bc of stupid game
>tfw she starts posting pics of her daily jidsmilitary life

but how was the car alright???
and we saw only the team getting out of it, how did Linda and her family find their way there?

this episode should be a Baal mindmagic too!

Pablo probably fixed the delta up or something and Baal was manipulating Linda's husband so I guess he told them to follow him into the asylum.

So.... HOW did it happen? Was Baal slashing him or what?

While Pablo was reciting the incantation, Baal was flailing wildly and cut Pablo on the stomach. After Baal was dealt with, Pablo's torso just disconnected from his lower half. You can see his guts and shit.


kelly reminds me too much of an ex


they're bad characters and bad actors

I see.

>Was Baal slashing him or what?

That's what I said, but it didn't look like he was hitting him

That's because he gave him a gentle slice on the tummy, you can hear it, the slice. It just took a while for it to kill him.

I actually liked Pablo

Ya know, I too wasn't sure about Pablo and Kelly. I thought they would fuck with the show and ruin the whole ash kicking deadite ass on his own just like the good old days, I mean it's called Ash vs Evil Dead not Ash and friends vs Evil Dead but after watching the first season and this season, they've grown on me. I love Kelly and her tough bitch attitude.

He'll be back.

>2x10 Second Coming

This show is so generally stupid yet well executed I can't dislike it.

So did anyone hate that blond chick from season 1? I did. All she did was scream her ass off and get fucked up and everytime she screamed she would scream the exact same way, it was bad.

Awesome tits and sexy lips though.

Whoops, my bad, thought you said "black chick".

>ywn Baal so hard you split in two

Not a massive fan of the overarching story line. I'm just in it for Bruce Campbell. Of which this episode had basically one scene. Usually writers don't start with plot bullshit until the show hits its stride on its main gimmick.

This shit was always 3/10

I want this puppet

I loved the credits song

Her getting fucked all the time by the cabin made my dick hard.

>good thing
You need to go back.

That made it worse for me as I just stared at my monitor with a shocked/surprised expression with tears running down my eyes as the credits rolled. I didn't know what just happened.

GUYS, GUYS, I work with Raimi and he said that they killed Pablo because after Trump being elected the actor is getting deported back to mexico.

As Raimi said in an interview:

>"It's kinda sad and good at the same time, the beaner was cheap as fuck, but now he's getting back to the place he deserve to stay."

Pablo was a good boy. He dindu nothin.


Oh my god. I jus't cant even. I'm literally shaking.

Racist much?

I dropped the show after a few episodes because of the side characters.

Does the show get better? I love Evil Dead.

I thought it was always good all the way.

Seriously. I hate usually this type of plushie shit but I want this. Right now.

inb4 the REAL Evil Deadfu shows up in Season 3.

Gross. What's worse is that I can somehow see this happen. Luckily I won't.

gb2 /twd general/ then

Nah, that show blows.

this desu

>implying this isn't the best show on TV right now

That'd be fucking sweet. Her and Ash, kicking ass.

>From a 7/10 show to a 3/10
It was a 1/10 show from episode 2, 0/10 by the end of season 1

Get some taste, only the pilot was 7/10

10/10 show, Puppet Ash is a national treasure


>Ash vs Memevil Reddead
You have to go back

>a better screen presence as baal
I thought the guy that played him was great. I'm actually disappointed that he's dead already, didn't get enough screentime in his Goth look.

stargate ba'al?


TWD started out as 5/10, I dropped it halfway through series 1 and haven't watched it since

git fukcd

Walking Dead never really appealed to me, honestly.

Outside of Shaun of the Dead, Land of the Dead, Warm Bodies and maybe that shitty Pro-Wrestlers Vs. Zombies movie (which I only give a pass due to having Kurt Angle breaking a zombie's foot off and Roddy Piper shockinly giving way too many fucks for a lousy movie), I haven't really cared for zombies for a while now.

The subgenre needs a new, radical angle to breathe new life into it.

it's more 'kino' as you would call it than most shows

yep, didn't think that poo in the loo could make something like that

>Roddy Piper
He was a big guy for us all, RIP

>yfw Ash and crew travel back to Evil Dead 2013


Did Pablo have to die so they could make room for the strong black woman to be a permanent member of the cast? Is the fact that her name is Linda ever going to be relevant? Seems odd they'd reuse that name for the romantic interest again.

Her being a romantic interest for Ash and also her name being Linda is a big clue that she's going to die, maybe we'll get a god tier deadite like Amanda was.

Please stop.

Which one is canon, Evil Dead 1 or 2?

All of 1 and from when Ash wakes up in the puddle in 2.

Pretty sure AoD is canon too as we see images of Ash in the past in the Necronomicon, and he has his mechanical hand.

He had a wooden hand. Kelly and Pablo made the mechanical one.

Only based Pablo made the hand.

Why where the recapped scenes for ED1 in ED2 so off? It was just ash and Linda with ash's sister and their two friends nowhere in sight.

Canon goes like this.
ED2 starting from where the first ended
And finally AvsED

Fucking hell Raimi

Linda was in both movies and there is a new character also called Linda. Cheryl returned for and episode. The other two where just mentioned. they wheren't important enough to show.

He was to pure for this world.