Why didn't Upham kill any of the other 5 Germans

Why didn't Upham kill any of the other 5 Germans

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Enough blood had been shed that day.

Threadly reminder SPR is propaganda that dehumanizes the German people.



Upham was a beta-male pussy-type who was too faggoty to intervene when the German killed Adam Goldberg

Most overrated war movie ever? Everyone was so bamboozled by the opening sequence they forgot how utterly retarded the rest of it is.

Maybe he just thought SS soldiers were based and only hated Wehrmacht troops?

>the completely unnecessary attack on that mg despite having an extremely specific and time sensitive objective

Threadly reminder Rob Ager makes a living off of contrarianism, and isn't going to let any consideration of alternatives get in the way of a narrative aimed at his hug box.

What did amerilards mean with this

Only 1 in 4 Americans returned fire during WW2

So one fourth of the army was like Upham? No wonder people say Russia did all the work


The nazis were white supremacists you dumbass fag

>germanic slav-mongrels
If it wouldn't have been us saving West Germany, the Russians would've bred you irrelevant faggots out of existence and your country would be ENTIRELY overrun by turks and slavs.

>dissing the screaming eagles
come on, friend

stop being on the wrong side of herstory.

I think the guy was a Brit actually (he's shilled that pic all the time on Sup Forums)

Also....irrelevant? I think WW2 was the biggest event ever wasn't it

It was also 70 years ago.

Wew boys, looks like we got ourselves a self-projecting cuckold here who thinks he's a big boy now with his shitposting

>it was 70 years ago
>....more movies are still made about it than anything else

Christopher Nolan says hi

You're misinterpreting my post. The historical event of world war 2 isn't irrelevant. Germans, in their current form, however, are irrelevant.

looks like it worked. :^)

>dude I love nationalism
>if only hitler had ruled all of europe and taken all those nations sovereignty
>dude I love white people
>I love the guy who got 80 million whites killed

Sup Forumstard logic

He didn't want to get fragged later by the survivors of his squad, he's fundamentally a coward.

Probably chucked the body in the river.

He was still salty about Caparzo.

Because that specific soldier brutally killed one of his friends. He didn't care about the others.
It's not that hard to figure out

he wasn't a killer, he belonged in the rear with the gear.

>doesn't want to kill the german when he's a potential threat if released and there's no way they can carry a POW through their mission
>kills the german when he's no longer a threat and can be taken captive

That one German was unarmed and in the middle of nowhere. He wasn't a threat

Would be better than today's Europe

>release him
>he's picked up by a German patrol (they were behind enemy lines)
>you have now another German trying to kill you
it made sense to execute him after storming the MG nest
it made zero sense to shoot him after Ramelle was secured
as if the guy could just say 'no' to the SS who found him
like this guy said upham is a bitch

B-but he was really mad at him!