Is she a Mary Sue at this point?

Is she a Mary Sue at this point?

Any main character who isn't crippled is considered to be a mary sue/gary stu by retarded tvtropes faggots who don't even understand how stories work

How is she not a Mary Sue though?

The guys around her are also robots
She is still playing a story

who cares them nipples and perky 42 year old breasts muhniggas

In your opinion, how do stories work?

>tvtropes faggots who don't even understand how stories work
You are the person the other user was referencing.

She is not a mary sue but her story is still shit.
Everyone around her is extremely stupid for it to even work.

they did raise her mary sue points to 20, so probably

She was average as fuck to begin with, even a little below average. They tried to make her better it didn't work so they decided to get rid of her. Someone else felt sorry for and realized a mistake they made in trying to improve her and gave her like a third chance. She then manipulates two morons, one desperate and lonely, into making her better on two different occasions. Her story is one of gradual progression. And even then she still fucks up. She didn't start off as some unstoppable smartest person in the room. She slowly improves herself as opposed to a Mary Sue that is just good with no or little explanation.

Like there are some things on this show that I give a pass but literally every week her story gets worse. The show has gone way past the point of stupid.

How does it feel to be a racist and a misogynist?

Actually you're just a fucking moron with invalid opinions. What you "think" doesn't mean anything at all. Let me redirect you to where you obviously came from, considering how stupid you are.

She's simply boring, i have no interest in her character or story whatsoever.

Generals are cancer, we can't have topic specific threads about WW thanks to that faggot

Well she's a robot with a personality designed to be smug and her intelligence boosted to max, who was just given admin privileges over the other robots. On paper it sounds like it has potential. The problem is that they completely fucked up every step of the process getting there, creating plot holes that deepen with every single scene she's in.

Genuinely can't understand what you mean by this. Care to explain?

why does she have the perfect nipples?
puffy, and light colored, like a fucking godsend

She's a snoozefest.

Everything else in the show is interesting to watch, then it goes to a Maeve sequence for another heaping shovel full of "ROBOT/AI ROGUE CLICHES YOU'VE SEEN DONE DOZENS OF TIMES BEFORE" with no other substance to it.

Not the same person. The main plot HAS become idiotic, and you're a nincom-fucking-poop for using Sup Forums as crutch because you can't think of anything substantive to say.

Personally, I'm done with this shit show.

There's one guy who makes generals for westworld, and wants all the discussion to happen in there, naturally this means people who like WW would be in that thread, which makes getting a topic-specific thread started much harder since they likely won't be browsing the board

Generals are bad because they don't have a topic, the only topic is the show, which ends up with people spamming waifus and shit memes since the thread is pretty much directionless

Compare /got/ to star trek threads for example, /got/ is pure cancer, whereas in star trek threads there's normally a topic the OP wanted to talk about, and people usually either stick with that topic or just post star trek related things, kinda turning the thread into a 'natural' general, which is a lot better than a forced one IMO.

That's my thoughts on it at least, unfortunately I don't see generals dying any time soon, maybe a /tvg/ board would be helpful. It'd get rid of generals on Sup Forums and make the board more on-topic, and also let people talk about not-widely-discussed shows since the /tvg/ board would be slower.

How the fuck did those two butchers have the power to give her admin privileges? The Jap had trouble bringing the bird back to life a couple episodes ago with the tablet but now they can completely rewrite her code?

Also before someone BTFOs me, remember that there's a reason Sup Forums doesn't allow generals and they have their own 'video game generals' board. Not sure why Sup Forums never got one.

And yeah I know how autistic I sound, talking meta about Sup Forums usually does that.

>its another "Haha I'm the smartest one here I'm so smart and intelligent watch me be smart using my Plot Armor!"

Surely nobody at this billion dollar facility will ever be able to tell when a robot starts acting weird, despite all the previous times when we've explicitly shown that they in fact can tell when a robot starts acting weird! Why would a ENTIRE business that creates killer robots ever have any safeguards at all? OH yeah ignore that we've previously shown that everything happening is being recorded by 24/7 video cameras!


Episode 8
Episode 3

But they need a strong womyn character that sticks it to those evil men!

Its literally pandering on the most base level.

Surely no woman would ever be fooled by this right?

Something about that flashback unsettles the fuck out of me.

Nice find user.

You'd think there would be layers of safeguards around the "can't hurt humans" part of the code? Like if it ever gets altered or reversed, automatic and complete memory deletion?

Ever seen a grown man playing with his collection of figurines? That's how Arnold was but with human sized figurines.

and he was FUCKING his figurines

They got shutdown commands but what if things happen with the first generation robots that Bernard discovered that only listened to Ford? The security guy is the only one seeing this crazy mess and he's only packing a pistol in case things go wrong.

Yeah but why would Ford be remembering the same thing, and from the same viewpoint, as Dolores?


This is the girl from the 1st time Mcpoyle visits westworld, right?

well there are parts of the park where they can kinda hurt humans, so must be some workaround

3 Timelines confirmed

is it 3? or just 2 with some bits in between

Within the storylines of Westworld's programming she has altered her code to become a Mary Sue among the other hosts. She is gonna fan fic her way to freedom.

I believe this particular fetish is called "hot glue"

Get ready for episode 9.80 years in future timeline.

It was pretty obvious from the start that this series was written with feminism in mind. People of Color cast all over the place, strong female characters just to show how strong and independent they are, etc. Both Maeve and Delores will end up being the conquerors at the end of the season.


>People of Color cast all over the place, strong female characters just to show how strong and independent they are

Well it is science FICTION. That said Bernard is my nigga, rest is just fronting.

This would be a bretty gud show if they'd cut her retarded storyline out.

Bernard just does what the white man say. Classic nigger.

I would not say that but I think its idiotic that 2 mechanics did not just shut her down or turn her into a retard the second they had their hands on the controls

ultra good. I used to feel bad about it and second guessed all my actions but then I realized that I get called that for everything and words don't mean shit.

Holy shit you god damn autists youre all completely missing the point of this storyline.

She is being le tricked. She thinks she is le strong independent black robot who dont need no human overlords but shes still just a puppet.

There seem to be a lot of negligence regarding superiors. Most seem to be left to their own doing whatever they want with critical equipment which is weird considering how scared they are of espionage and things getting smuggled out.

each one seems to have a tracker and an alert every time they go off script. even when they have mild variation you have diagnostics teams questioning robots why they did X action or what do they think about the world. like with all the other robo fuckups the only excuse is that someone made wholes in the systems to allow this, meaning you are watching a puppet show and not any real character development

nah that is just regular "future" casting
>Both Maeve and Delores
Im not very interested since they are both robots acting out their scripts but I buy more into Delores than maeve


>mfw Ive loved Thabdie since MI:2 and always wanted to see that bush and dem tiddies
>tfw she aged amazingly and her skin makes me cry
>dem darrrk udders
>every week

Please dont kill her off

yeah but even beyond that you would think they would take this perfect opportunity to take back control. imagine if someone was blackmailing you and you had accesses and power to change all their attributes and memories but chose to do everything they said instead

This character ruined the show for me.

She is a fucking artificial lifeform.

Thats like asking whether R2D2 is a Mary Sue.

Then go watch a show made for Sup Forums like "man in the high castle".

Because I don't think getting caught was a part of her plan.

you haven't seen that are you? it's quite the opposite

Her side story of leading two betas to break her free is tedious as fuck. There is so much more you can uncover of the park with her story bloating up the time.