Fantastic Beasts' box office success will justify the inevitable decades-long milking of the Harry Potter legacy...

>Fantastic Beasts' box office success will justify the inevitable decades-long milking of the Harry Potter legacy, eventually ruining it for everyone and destroying our childhood memories

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Would expect anything less from a movie prequelling the dullest movie franchise in movie franchise history

But the pointless split of the finale was a-okay and not shameless milking?

>destroying our childhood memories

Not possible, redditor. Just don't watch it if it triggers you

Can you elaborate?

neither the books nor the films are any good there's nothing to ruin
middle of the road children's stories

>pointless split

The 7th book was very thick, not just page-wise--content wise too. And none of it was really skippable.

Each movie following harry potter and his pals around hogwarts

>"b-but the books were good"


I started to note on the back of an envelope each time a character conveniently "stretched their legs" ans came across a plot device

On the bright side we might get a Marauders movie to make up for the inevitable Cursed Child one, and by 2040 we might finally be ready for the Adventures of Young Grindlewald and Dumbledore: Featuring Gay Sex.

Didn't stop them for the sixth book that turned into a sloppy mess in the movies.

Why didn't Newt just teleport to desert, let off his bird and teleported back? Why even use ship for travelling?

Sorry but I'll need more convincing than that

>childhood memories
>harry potter movies

>destroying our childhood memories


It's time you millennial shits grew up.

The back of the envelope had lots of marks on it by the time I finished? What more do you want you monster

>milking of the Harry Potter legacy
Except none of the films will have anything to do with Harry Potter.

And mid-to-late teenage years too, I guess

he's lying, it's not true

it's a /lit/ meme

>Harry Potter legacy

My sides

Harry Potter were all kino, unlike one of the dullest shitposts in the history of movie shitposts. Each shitpost following /lit/ wizards and their pals from /r9k/ as they fight assorted kinographers has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the lack of film analysis the shitposts only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of images and pasta?all to make fantasy unfantastical to make witchcraft seem kiddie.

Perhaps the die was cast when Quentin vetoed the idea of shitposting on /lit/ directing the shitposts at Sup Forums, he made sure the shitposts would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-posting for his (You). The shitposts might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-atmospherical anaylsis in its refusal of critique and watching for the plot. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the shitposts are g-g-good though

The writing is dreadful; the books were terrible and the films were much better. As I read, I noticed that everytime he shitposts, Quentin wrote instead that Brave New World "was a low tier form of art."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that shitpost was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. The shitposters mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of shitpost by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are shitposting at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you shitpost you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

You're a moron if you don't think this series is going to be a classic. I'm not really a fan of the series myself, only came into to shit on Emmas horrible acting, but even I know these movies are going to be talked about and remembered for decades.

Not him emma was good from the start, Cuaron picked her to be in children of men. Everyone was bad on goblet of fire because of the director. Hermione and Ron carried the series

She was not good at all. Way over reacted on all her facial expressions. Everyone else grew as actors as the series progressed. Emma just kept with terrible facial expressions.

Literally a meme because of goblet of fire. You think Alfonso Cuaron picked her to be the girl in children of men for nothing. Read the PS reviews she was praised as a standout. I see worse acting all the time. Her and ron carried the series and their acting got better with Cuaron and better again with Yates. I just rewatched them in IMAX she was good

I agree with you man, normies use Goblet of Fire as the basis for everything. She was the best one in Prisoner of Azkaban and was good in the latter ones.

She's not a good actress at all. I think your waifu goggles are too tight.

Thanks for refuting my points Sup Forums

She was good from the start and was very good in PoA

But I was not a child by the time the sixth book came out.

Yea she was really good in PoA which is incidentally probably the best

Dubs confirm.

I didn't know she was going to be in Children of Men. They literally cast a nignog.

I did refute your posts previously, and you referred to me saying she overacts as a meme. So why bother continuing to refute what you say when you're clearly letting your waifu goggles cloud your judgement.

It is a meme she was acting perfectly for a sperging hermione. Hermione and ron are caricatures. Im not even a fan you're just saying the same thing as people have on imdb its funny. I get nobody likes her, but her and ron carried the series, id argue Ron overracted in the first couple a big but he toned it down. Harry was the worst easily.

Just dont watch it. Childhood memories seems so fragile for some people.

No them but I agreed before, its because they only overact in Goblet of Fire in case you didnt notice Dumbledore is screaming, everyones acting like they are Mad Eye Moldy themselves, Barty Crouch jr is licking himself, even Hermione at her most annoying seems relatively normal to everyone acting around her. Thats why Newell was out. Its very noticeable if you watch in order that the direction is weird. Yates improved the acting

Man I grew up on Harry Potter. Watching the trailer for this movie made me feel lots of nostalgia and made me really want to see it. Also Eddie Redmayne is a qt so that made me want to see it too.

But I didn't see it because Goddam am I not going to reward hollywood for constantly making greedy decisions. This was obviously a shameless pot shot at me and my generations nostalgia. You bet I'm stealing this movie once it hits torrent tho.

What if they did proper sequels, not cursed child, where Harry is an auror detective on a cooky adventure. If they has the trio back for proper sequels that focused on them and not their kids, I probably would have already seen it twice, if not be going soon to see it a second time.

THIS MOVIE WAS AWESOME! I love Newt, he's such a cool character. I liked all the characters in this. Jacob was great too!

Rowling wrote a complete and finished story over SEVEN novels
Any extra would just be extra frosting on a cake that already had frosting on it and now the cake just tastes bad.

>tfw only watched up to the third movie

It's a nice change from having to watch 7 fucking movies starring fucking Harry Potter.

I'd happily watch more movies in the HP universe that have nothing to do with Harry.

forgot link about Jacob's character: of the best movies I've seen in a while, planning to see it again on Thanksgiving. I love the old time New York portrayed in this. maybe I'm bias as a native new yorker but whatever. It was awesome. I'm a fan of all the Harry Potter movies and this one is different in a really good way. I can't describe it. Fuck I can't wait for more. I hope there are more of these prequel HP universe shit. Muggles = Non-Mages in America. I fucking love it!!!!

>tfw never liked Harry Potter
>tfw also thought it was generic lazy kid wish fulfillment stuff, like Ronald Dahl books but without the whimsy and charm
>tfw nothing to get ruined
life is good

>Still no GTA-style Harry Potter open-world game

Why WB?

>Harry Potter game like Bully

The game for Order of the Phoenix was sort of kind of like that. You can't throw firecrackers or pinch girls butts though

>eddie redmayne
>fantastic beasts
What did the casting director mean by this?

But it could be cool.. :(

It doesnt have to rival the storyline in HP. Just standalone like true detective type Harry auror happening for a movie or two or three

Well you should rewatch them probably, dont get put off by the 4th

Never got into this, harry is beyond crap, he is like anakin aka does fuck all thats powerful plus they are all at that age where they should be getting into fucking, no one is fucking...its fucking gay, no room swapping, no slutty looking wizards and no fucking, its just boring as fuck, herryarmie or what ever shes called is hot but no one wants to fuck her, no wonder shes going for the ginger cunt as shes fucking desperate for a fuck.
Harry had a cloak that made him invisable, good for him for putting it on, going into the girls showers, having a wank and spurting wizard spunk all over them..oh no that didnt happen as no one wanted to fuck..!!!

Rowling has a bigger ego than Lucas did before TPM.

HP is goat series along with LOTR hands down


They've been milking that legacy since the third movie
Harry Potter was always this big mainstream thing, the fact that they're trying to keep it going shouldn't be surprising

>children's book series
>no one is fucking in it
I don't know what you expected.

Dont reply to a nigger

>mfw i was old when the first movies came out and understood that they were pure shit

>goblet of fire still pissing people off
Movies 5-8 were better than books 5-7. Even though I loved books 5 6. Books 1-4 were the best.

t. oldfag on a capeshit board
Really makes me think. The films are LEGEND

1 8 are technically equal, but I've put a lot of thought into this list

> millennial

stop using that word

If you're between 17 and 36 you're a millennial

>no one is fucking
dean fucked ginny and cormac groped hermione.
ron and harry are cucks, even worse for ron hermione fucked harry in the tent, that's another level of cuckoldry right there.
did i even need to mention harry impregnated her sister?

>cormac groped hermione

>even worse for ron hermione fucked harry in the tent
I would have but the entire point of the scene was to show the opposite and their friendship, harry tried to cheer her up and only can for a minute, right aftewards they are back to risking their lives and depressed and harry is emotionally wrecked

It was never good in the first place
fuck your nostalgia

I'm loving every laugh. Guaranteed you think 10 cloverfield lane is good. Or mad max cuck road

I was all about HP when I was a kid, but if you haven't moved on by the time the last book came out then I don't really know what to say.

what would happen if i masturbate and cum into slytherin's locket?

>moved on
To what? Hollywood has been dead since HP ended

>To what?

something more suited to my age

>Hollywood has been dead since HP ended

lol wut

>only last a minute
what a cuck, i wouldn't be surprised if hermione used her time turner everytime he almost cum

The movies were terrible but still didn't ruin the books for me so I don't really care.

other books, mongoloid

>reading fiction
>past age 17

Kek you guaranteed watch shit flicks on the regular and think they are art

>he doesn't read patrician-tier literature
Lmao tbqfh

>ywn hug Credence and tell him everything's going to be okay

Why wouldn't they when they have thsee type of subhuman Australian neet that pretends to be a bong American and likes the trash flicks they only made to make money near the end

not really, I'm very casual when it comes to movies, HP movies still stink.

>time and space matter in magic, Potter.

Seriously though, it's in the backstory stuff, but apparition across continents is damn near impossible. Very few can manage it.

Even Voldy in the 7th book had that limitation (and in that book he was likely the strongest living wizard) because he has to fly back from mainland Europe for a while before he got close enough to apparate.

I don't think wizards have been to the moon either.

He just appreciates interesting creatures user

>The decades long milking of the Harry Potter legacy will eventually lead to a high budget television series
>it will have enough time to actually be accurate to the books
>Actually go into Voldemort's backstory instead of making the 6th book about dating like in the movies

I'm OK with this.

>eventually ruining it for everyone and destroying our childhood memories

Harry Potter and it's fanbase already did enough damage to my perception of it, and I fucking loved the franchise growing up.

>Millennials suddenly start to care about franchise milking and shitty remakes
That's rich

>Ever allowing your enjoyment of something to be influenced by the fanbase

Harry Potter is fucking retarded anyway. The universe is the most low tier of any fantasy

>Harry Potter were all kino
no wonder you're spouting memes and sperging about quinten on the internet

>eventually ruining it for everyone and destroying our childhood memories
Lmao you faggots are pathetic.

why don't they just teleport into the sea and keep teleporting again and again until they reach another country

Damn, you HP fags are worse than LOTR fags

thy're alright

Rowling's the new George Lucas?