What surprised you most about the Americans you have met in real life?

What surprised you most about the Americans you have met in real life?

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nothing we are some of if not the best people on earth

How fit, eloquent and friendly they are.

I take it your obese people don't vacation in ireland

They are very nice. Good modals. Also very curious.

How loud they are. Even when they're talking to each other they're basically shouting.

>tfw I have never seen an american in real life

so? what do you want us to do talk underneath our breath?

The only Americans I've met were very introverted. My sample size is only 3 so I don't think all of them are like that.

That he admitted that he have been shot in the past.

Also this.

Are you saying Americans don't have the capacity to not talk at full volume whenever they're on public transport?

How they never shut up and say stupid shit even more than aussies do...

They were exactly like I expected them to be. Not a bad thing though, americans are nice and stand by their principles

This is true.

Scammer, liar, junkie, upset...

>Bank loan
>They spend it
>They escape to another country
>Start again

You should see Italy.

the smell of rotting fisheads in her pussi
still went down desu

>tfw having a weak voice in this cunt

We don't get many of them in London, so I'll take your word for it.

fuck you we do what ever we want

>have american roommate in london
>he's more knowledgeable than me about geography

I feel like aussies are louder when it comes to anglos. In the whole world italians are the loudest though.

Italians-Americans are the loudest.

>italian americans


chinese are loudest imo

Very nice people.

the range of intelligence
You have the most fucking stupid people, probably legally retarded, living with some of the brightest people on Earth
It baffles me that you could ask one American what the capital of their country is, and they'd stare at you with a complete blank look.
Yet another can go into a deep conversation about anything really. Science, history, politics, etc.

they are extremely fat and some dirty, pretty polite people though, seem a bit naive and childish, their humour is maximum cringe.

This goes for basically all countries though

Chinese aren't actually loud, fucked up tonal languages just make them seem loud

True, but the UStatians get stereotyped more often than other nationalities for being dumb.
I wonder if only the dumb ones travel abroad.

Nothing. They're exactly like on TV.

How fragile your egos are. Literally glass tier.

That pretty much sums up Italian-Americans.

They are too religious. In europe there is many christians too but they don't talk about it, therefore with americans it's always about jesus..

Maybe because we are actual Christians instead of fake shit aka Catholics.

American tourists are always very loud.

They can often be heard shouting above all the Aussies talking normally.

they all were really cool to hang out with, memes aside

Why is there always a dumb american to confirm the clichés I make about them?

Agnostic btw, I don't car about your stupid war of religion.

>Work in Airport security
>The only people that wear caps are Americaps
>They're the only people that call me sir
>They greet me by saying "how are you"
>They complain that they don't have to do X in American airports
>Think that the every airport security is the TSA

they always have shades on even when is cloudy
1 out of 10 americans has a DSLR blogging while shouting in the street for their adventure/travel youtube channel.
they tip like shit, they always tip like shit
I have been asked by 3 americans in different occasions how to score coke or cheap whores
they frown upon everything made by local artisans and always buy chinese made souvenirs at the airport like a dancing cactus with a sombrero.

A dancing CACTUS with a SOMBRERO?!

I've never met an American

they love the sound of their voice. they talk a lot and in general seem to be a lot more outspoken than british people. british people are more reserved. american accents are kind of annoying too. some americans are alright, but some of them are completely hideous, irritating people

our culture is a joke

Why are Danish people so easy to get along with?

>French Guiana
wait what

That they are exactly like in the movies

>this coming from an australian.
I love you guys, but you're just as loud as us.

We're just excited about visiting your country

>Corporate Republican """"""""""""Christians""""""""""""" are "real Christians"
American Protestantism was a huge mistake.

They are cringey and cant drink

Mexican art is ugly as fuck

Not really.

We are only loud when we are drunk.

I have a fuck heavy Brooklyn accent, and a ridiculously Italian name, back in highschool people used to call me Mussolini.

I can appreciate that.
I didn't mean it in a bad way necessarily, just pointing it out.

Our uppercrust is pretty ubermensch, honestly. We are a seriously stratified society that pretends it isn't.

Fuck you.

Maybe in Melb or Sydney, but I remember getting some tourists from the Northern Territories and WA, fucking sickest loudest sobs I've ever partied with.
I actually genuinely like you guys, I think culturally we got a lot in common.

Good point.

I think Australia has a lot more in common with American than a lot of us Aussie want to admit.

I.... I'm sorry Bjork, I do all of that but it's just out of friendlyness. I once dated a pommy chick, when I met her dad and called him "Sir" he started laughing his ass off, I still dont know what was so funny.

you guys are all kind of excited, like you normal 'level' is just a bit louder or higher than everyone else. i want to say you come off kind of naive or impressionable too but that's probably just my own bullshit speaking

don't self-deprecate and can't always take a joke either. the banter stereotype has some truth

nice people though.

Moved to the states from the UK when I was 30. I'd say that the things I noticed most about americans were:

>loud speaking voices
>bad fashion sense
>much more trusting
>much more independent and self-reliant
>more tyrones but fewer pajeets and mohammeds
>much more driven and view successful people positively

Also noticed that the standard of living is pretty significantly higher in the US than in the UK.

Aus is pretty much just like the American southwest with different accents.

>Also noticed that the standard of living is pretty significantly higher in the US than in the UK.
How so?

>"they frown upon everything made by local artisans"
>local artisans

I'm sorry that we didn't buy those poorly-carved Mexican jumping bean trinkets that you tried to sell us, Juan.

How old are you now?

38 in a few weeks

Many reasons. Americans just have much more disposable income. They generally have more/larger/better cars, homes, electronics, etc.

Overall the cost of living in the US is much lower while wages are significantly higher when compared to the UK.

I know you're friendly and cheerful.
but too cheerful to me

>Are you saying Americans don't have the capacity to not talk at full volume whenever they're on public transport?
Depends on region and race/ethnicity.

Who pretends that it isn't?

The crème de la crème of American society is tops.

some of them were not fat and were very well educated and didn't fall for hollywood memes. I was in UCLA though.

>Italians-Americans are the loudest.
I take it you've never met actual Italians (especially the women). The Italian Americans didn't come up with being loud on their own.

it's pretty qt tbhfam

So your reasons are basically just more money?

>they tip like shit, they always tip like shit
You must have mainly Southerners mainly as tourist. They are stingy compared to northerners, the only ones who are worse tippers are blacks.

>Kiwi in Seattle

How often people here eat out, and how cheap it can be to eat out. We have restaurants and delis back home, but it's something I might only do once a month or so (and it's a treat, not for convenience). After hanging out with my burger uni peers, it's totally normal to eat out a meal or two every other day.

Not entirely. The environment is significantly better (weather, space, cleanliness) and their attitudes are very different. (White) Americans are much more driven and view success positively. If you achieve any measure of success in the UK, others view you very negatively and try to tear you down. The British have a very "crabs in a bucket" mentality.

Noticed this as well. In the UK I probably ate out once a month or so. Now I likely go once a week.

Also, life in America is much more convenient and easy generally.

They're surprisingly nice unlike what the average burger user would make you think, and also most of the ones I've seen aren't fat.
Maybe the skinny people travel and have fun, while the fat ones are on the internet shitting on the rest of the world and making America great again?

>How often people here eat out,
That's really a city thing. The farther from major cities you go the less common it is.

americans are also extremely judgmental, cold, individualistic and unable to make up with friends/acquaintances. you get offended by absolutely anything too because you are that insecure.

>I take it your obese people don't vacation in ireland

Those are the only people that vacation to ireland m8

I haven't found that at all, mate. Everyone I've met has been very warm and friendly. Much moreso than back home.

also they can't cook or do really basic house shit. lived with 18 year olds who couldn't fry a damn egg or a pancake, clean the place or take care of their own injuries. even the girls. jesus fuck girls were amazed I could cook rice, pasta and pancakes. I borrowed a heatbag for my roomate who hurt his back and the dumbass tried to wam it up in the sink using the hot water instead of microwaving it

I think a lot of "Muh Heritage" fags go to Ireland (north east coastal americans). Extreme obesity is mostly in the midwest or among latinos.

are you british? I haven't been in britain but as far as I know you are even colder and introverted than americans. I know california is known for being happy and extroverted but I found most people still kind of socially awkward, and I'm introverted myself

Oh fuck off

lol look at how triggered this faggot is

>are you british?


How social and nice they were, was easy to just take a cig and talk shit for a few minutes.

Seems like the only one triggered here is you fella.



The average american is slightly dumber than the average citizen in many other developed countries. We seem extremely dumb though because we generally aren't embarrassed to ask stupid questions. Even smart Americans seem dumb because of this.

You are lucky

The fat ones are often poor and can't afford to travel overseas.

Not true judging by the ones I see in London.

>Extreme obesity is mostly in the midwest or among latinos
The deep south is fat as fuck and blacks are the fattest racial group in the U.S.

You should see the beaches of Florida during the summer. Fat as far as the eye can see.