As much as I love Pet Sounds, I still don't feel a connection with the stuff on Surf's Up. Anyone else feel this way?

As much as I love Pet Sounds, I still don't feel a connection with the stuff on Surf's Up. Anyone else feel this way?

I smashed my hand in quite badly, then walked home from the hostpital in the pouring rain by myself. It was very this album.

I'm actually kinda the opposite. I love Pet Sounds but songs like Surf's Up and Til I Die just connect with me far more, really some of the best pop music ever written appeared on this album. Shame it's not as consistent in quality as PS or Smile.

I listened to this on a drive home after breaking up with my gf on a rainy September night.

hell be fine

Thank you for uploading 98.12.28 on youtube
I love you

Where is he, Bangladesh or something?

"'Til I Die" is gold. "Surf's Up" is better as a part of SMILE. The rest are meh.

I've recently been trying to get into the Beach Boys, but it just isn't clicking. Heard Pet Sounds and Surf's Up already, should I look for a live album or something?


>Feel Flows
stop posting anytime

Surf's Up is the only Beach Boys album I like

You are objectively wrong

It was played at a lot as a kid so thats where I learnt to love it. I'd say listen to the acapella versions of pet sounds so you can appreciate the vocals, then listen to the regular songs again and it's as if you notice notes and chords which weren't there before. Especially Wouldn't it be nice and Sloop John B, simply beautiful. I'd also recommend listening to In my room Don't Worry Baby and Heroes and Villains several times over too as they are also harmonically awesome.

Hahahah didn't take long to find the pretentious dick. I never even expressed an opinion, I just said I wasn't feeling it, so I can't be 'wrong'. Im sure the composition is stellar, but you just couldn't resist patronising people could you?

Only the second half of Surfs Up is great, the first half is complete garbage. Meanwhile 100% of Pet Sounds is incredible.

Surfs up is my favorite Beach Boys album.

Thanks user, have a rare pepe

Sounds like you have a small case of the plebs

Congrats on finding a way to be wrong without even offering an opinion. Planning on writing my philosophy thesis on you

The only song on the album I consider garbage is student demonstration time

I agree with that, also, I really like Take a Load off Your Feet, but I'm not a big fan of it in that album. It seems like them trying to cheer themselves up compared to the rest of the album, but its placement is a mystery to me. It's still a lot of fun

Smile made it click for me. If you don't get your groove off to Heroes & Villains then I don't think the BBs are for you.

this, feel flows is greay


Disney Girls is a guilty pleasure

Actually you can blame Mike Love for that song