Broke up with my ex on Wednesday and today is my birthday and she hasn't bothered saying hbd and I feel like shit

Broke up with my ex on Wednesday and today is my birthday and she hasn't bothered saying hbd and I feel like shit

i just want her back man

Other urls found in this thread:

plz leave hbd messages on my last fm thanks

fuck, i forgot to put the subject is MUSIC FOR THIS FEEL

at least she didn't cheat on you for months I guess, could be worse

ill listen to it, thanks m8
we literally broke up because she's too busy with college and doesn't have time for me, we didn't see each other for a month and a half.
she seriously never bothers sending a message for weeks if i dont.
fucking communicating with her is such a pain.

>at least she didn't cheat on you for months I guess, could be worse
my first ""real"" gf in highschool cheated on me in my freshman year and it made me trust very few people

michelle please make time for me again, i miss you

oh my god you whiney little bitch

you think this is how you'll solve your 'issue'?

there is nothing more important in the whole world than what is right here right now in front of this empty college dorm room

Happy Birthday, user.

let a nigga be

Happy Birthday user. How are you spending the last few remaining hours of your evening?

Random music I found recently I've been digging
Bit saccharine, even cliche-sounding, and this one comment sort of defined exactly the sound
>Cunty floral flirtation to my cochella coclear implant.

But when 2:01 hits, and the music begins to race forward a bit. Softening with the vocalist's "Oh-whoa-oh"s :20 later. I don't know. It makes me smile. And I want you to smile, too, user.

...josh? That you man?

bitch maybe, who dis?
thanks user, im spending my few remaining hours on my computer, like i was all day.

Happy birthday, user.

I already told you to listen to endserenading paintboy

It's Michelle

Lmao assuming that you, your ex's spic friend

No shame in being with us user. There's a reason the memes say you can never leave. We're family, bro(s).

Let's post some music for user's Birthday Goodbye Girlfriend Feels, or just post some good fucking aurals you've found.

La Dispute - Woman (Reading)
Classic feels-felt/melancholia/bittersweeties.

Happy birthday user
this is nice

I thought so too. Been trying to get away from the "indie rock" that slathers themselves in synths. While there was some touches here and there, it sounded mostly solid. Plus, female vocalists are my kryptonite.


haven't heard that in years, tekeli li
plz michelle
>No shame in being with us user. There's a reason the memes say you can never leave. We're family, bro(s).
thanks, i needed dis

>"This country dog won't die in the city."

Plus girl is a cute!

ill do it myself, when im drunk tomorrow, calling her, telling her i need her and that i want her and to not leave me

I wouldn't drink and do that. Maybe a small drink for the courage, but you should be lucid if you're serious about wanting her back. If you just want to cause a scene to regret later then fuck it, drink with both hands.

Happy Birthday, my dude!

I prefer to stay single myself. There are too many rules, nuances, compromises, and sacrifices to be made in a relationship that drive me insane.

yeah dude, if you want her back then don't fucking do that. you want her to have down time and think "fucking hell, I miss him".

blowing up her phone, crying and begging like an absolute beta is basically the best way to make sure she never considers dating you again.

Jesus man I get that you're sad but this is extremely childish and real petty. I hope she doesn't follow you on, that won't help your case. Are you in highschool or something because this is a lil bitch move



jesus fuck. all she will think is "god, what a good fucking move it was leaving him"

we broke up in a good way per say, she said she didn't have time because college and shit, but she said she still likes me.

another note, she NEVER said she loved/loves me and man that's even more fucked up since we were together 6+ months and we've known each other for such a long time (all of HS) and I asked her why and she said we never reached 100% confidence with me since the 1st time we broke up like 2 years ago now and ahhhhhhhh
just love me bitch lmao

Thanks user! Relationships are very complicated but are amazing at the same time.

yeah, you're 100% correct

hahaha she barley uses her phone and social networks in general, we're both in our 2nd year of college and im being like this because its fun to shitpost/sadpost


happy birthday user.

that being said, time heals all and don't you fucking dare communicate with her again. It's over, doubly so because she dumped you. There are billions of women on this earth, so many that you could never date them all a day at a time even if you tried.

It will take time but you need to develop yourself outside a relationship so you stop caring so much if some girl likes you are not. Eventually, you'll start to realize that women are a fine accent to your main course and that confidence will permeate throughout you naturally.

Take as much time as you need. Cry it out. Bitch to some friends about her. Play vidya, listen to music, browse Sup Forums. Have a glass of whiskey. But whatever you do, do. not. fucking. message. her. Delete the texts, delete her number, block her fb, sc, and fucking skype if you have it. Then once you start feeling better, work on yourself a bit. You'll be over her in no time.

Best of luck user.

if she sees that post on her own or by a friend then you've just dug yourself a deeper hole.

stop talking to her, go away and try to make yourself better. do shit to better yourself, and reflect on the relationship when you're using your brain for logic and not responding to chemicals that make you dumb.

my ex and I broke up for a similar situation in a similar way. we still talked every single day though, her not messaging you for weeks is weird dude. my ex would come home from a 14 hour day and still message. go away, give yourself some time and ask yourself whether it's worth going back in with someone who seems to not even want to acknolwedge you exist.

Be strong and write what you fell.

my twitter page is just my shitpost wall honestly, nobody i know irl follows it because i dont share it with them
thanks user, great advice, honestly

this was literally me 6 months ago. happy birthday dude.

happy brihday

This happened to me three years ago. I'm pretty bad at the whole break-up thing too, I was super depressed and didn't really talk to anyone for a month or so, but then I started thinking, what can I do to make her regret breaking up with me? So I started working out, got a better job, started doing cool things I'd never done before, I essentially improved every part of myself out of spite until I realized a few months later that I didn't even care about getting back together with her anymore because my life was so much better.

But you don't wanna hear that stuff yet, you need the time to wallow in your own misery, I get it. Here's some stuff I listened to during that time:

Pic related and a few others:
>of Montreal - Hissing Fauna, Are You The Destroyer
>Mazzy Star - She Hangs Brightly
>The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground and Nico

Happy birthday, dude.

Happy birthday, dude. Enjoy some Cosmia, on me.

It's been 3 years since shes left and i havent gotten completely over her and still dream about her every couple months, even had screwed around a bit and had a summer lover and the feeling doesnt leave.

it doesnt get better OP