Why is my taste so basic Sup Forums?

Why is my taste so basic Sup Forums?

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you don't have tarzan boy on there

lol this is good

because your either black or a self hating white

still better than 80% of normalfags

Because you aren't curious or willing to discover new music and take risks on things you might not like. Either that or you're new to music.


I'd totally hang out with you user

i lean right and hate self-hating whites more than anything in the world

you're right, but it's so obvious that Sup Forums shaped my taste

because you think mu was the final frontier for music taste. you're pathetic.

>i lean right and hate self-hating whites more than anything in the world
Oh well there's your problem you can't into art.

i wouldn't consider myself new. I have 4k artists in my last.fm. i love discovering new music, but they only artists that have staying power in my rotation are the mu-core ones. those are the ones that just accumulate over the years. i just recently looked at my all-time artist list and thought "god damn that is entry level as fuck"

you made my shitty night. thanks

Sup Forumscore is babby's first music recs.

you are still green behind the ears. pick your poison and bathe in it

it's just where i spend most of my time. for all of its flaws, i think mu is the best music forum for music. i tried indieheads but i cant deal with the fucking terrible reddit layout and voting systems

Maybe you just have basic taste, idk.

most likely yeah

You've been on Sup Forums for less than 6 months most likely.

You'll come into your own eventually, everyone starts there.

i've been here for 4-5 years as pathetic as that sounds. i listen to a lot of artists, but i keep coming back to the same mu ones and they accumulated a lot over the years

"I follow multiple Youtube personalities and watch speedruns", the taste.

No problem, user; don't take too much offense from the same website that unironically likes Captain Beefheart, your taste's fine

i hate all e-celebs lol. i don't play videogames either

I see nothing wrong, Sup Forumscore mostly consists of classical albums, which deserve to be listened for years. It's only natural to have them in top artists.

>i listen to a lot of artists
this is probably not as true as you think. how often do you listen to artists from genres other than pop rock and hip hop? how often do you listen to music from other countries? how often do you take an individual genre you enjoy and listen to anything and everything you can in it? how often do you even listen to music that isn't discussed on Sup Forums? I may seem like I'm being nice and trying to help you figure out your problem, but I actually think you're an insuferable faggot, and the type of person who ruins this board, not just with your shitty entry level tastes, but with the fact that you felt to needed to make this self centered blog post about you and your taste in music. Kill yourself.

stop drinking tap water and out of plastic water bottles

Name your favourite albums so that we all could see your shit taste.

i did not read this lol it's to long

i use plastic bottles tho

go with stainless steel. mix distilled water with trace minerals

>having a definitive favorite album
but here's something I love, so you don't pretend like I'm deflecting

Even in that regard, you can't help what you like.
I respect somebody who understands what they enjoy more than somebody who tries their hardest to be "patrician" or whatever because they only listen to music for social reasons.

thanks user. i feel the same way

You are impressionable enough and you've spent enough time on Sup Forums that your perception of what constitutes 'good music' aligns highly with that of those on this board. New music scares you because you are heavily invested in listening to what others consider 'good' and new music forces you to have your own taste because there is no group consensus.

While you may have your own opinion on the music you listen to outside the collective opinion, you'd never share your true thoughts on this board for fear of being called out and shamed based on your taste.

not true at all, it's not like this is a bunch of popular artists from a single genre, it's a survey of Sup Forums's favorite artists, this is the clear sign of a person who doesn't explore or push their own boundries

am I a normie?

after top 10 it leans heavily toward hip hop, but i get what you're saying. like i said the mu core ones just accumulate.

i try to push boundaries. for example, i really like robert ashley, but i have a hard time finding artists that are very similar to him that can keep my attention long enough. then i just end up going back to to boards of canada or something

I would assume after kicking around Sup Forums for 6 years they would have sought out smaller, less established artists at least a mild amount and decided they perhaps weren't too enamored with them or didn't like them as much as their current favorite artists.

I've pushed out into post-industrial quite a bit and still find that Nine Inch Nails and Coil are my favorite bands of that genre.