Most Overrated "Artists" of All Time Thread


Other urls found in this thread:

Steely Dan

Also radiohead

Lady Gaga

Quality thread


The Beatles, Elvis Presley, Prince, David Bowie, U2, Radiohead, Pavement, Guided By Voices, Beck, Moby and Aphex Twin.

I was going to take your post seriously but then I saw you're a tripfag.


>The Beatles
>Elvis Presley
Not really. He was really ahead of his time. First actual Rock star.
I agree. Had a couple hits in the 80's and that's it.
Kinda. Has some good albums but wasn't really that revolutionary.
I agree with the rest of your list though. His albums lack substances and he gets too much praise for not actually having done that much


Really? By whom believes this? People confuse Weezer with Beck all the time, if anything it's Weezer, not Beck.

Now fuck off

He had one song get in the 90's and that's it. Hasn't done anything before or since. Also that song is shit tier.
His whole image is literally "le look at me I'm so Rand0m rawr XD".
He's like a male bjork except much shittier.

Idk he's not for everyone but if you get into the heads of those who rate him highly it makes perfect sense, and not in a superficial way.

I'd say pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix, and Bob Marley, not because they aren't worthy of the praise (I legit think pink Floyd was one of the greatest bands ever assembled) but because people iconize them with out really caring or even knowing the music.


They can't be overrated if they are worthy of praise like you just said.
Also I enjoy albums like trout mask replica, but for some reason I just can't stand any of the shit that Zappa put out.

I don't think I can even put into words how weird and creepy they look. If that was what they were going for then well done I guess?

>Jimi Hendrix
He’s legit, c’mon now.

they're just your average *nglos

>Guided by Voices
> Aphex Twin
I agree with the rest of the list but this made me die a little inside

My chemical romance

Not overrated. Just shit.

Yo mama is overrated

ITT: bait, shitposting , and awful opinions

this is the only true answer. rest of the thread is le contrarian l;ook at meeeeeeeeeeee...

>doesn't point out any specifics
nice bait

Listen to Hot Rats and say that again

Kendrick Lammar

I can't believe Sup Forums tricked me into to listening to the nasally ramblings of whiny manlet.

Or either The Grand Wazoo