ITT: Vaguely describe a band's discography and others guess the band!

>Who likes fun? :D
>Time to doubletrack the fun! :D
>okay you guys do the fun i'm gonna do a serious song now
>how the heck did we release this a month after the last one
>The first one was made without our permission!
>Man, life is great!
>fuck you, dad, i'm taking over
>...the last one didn't sell as well, i'm going back to basics
>an album of filler! yay?
>You know what, to hell with sales, we're going to make art.
>Fuck everything, we're going more lo-fi.
>Fuck everything, we're doing soul.
>Fuck everything, everybody write a song.
>Okay, look, unfuck everything, let's do whatever we want.
>More of that!
>Life's a bitch, then you die alone.
>what the fuck was that, look let's just make something radically different
>cover album???
>what in the hell is going on
>jesus this is the worst thing ever
>never mind this is
>oh god one of us died
>good lord it just gets worse
>i-i guess this is how our careers end
>No, THIS is how our career ends! LET'S GO OUT WITH A BANG.

Shut the fuck up.

Bitch Bois


>We're gritty and ahead of our time
>We're gritty and ahead of our time 2: Electric boogaloo
>Ok, this time we're REALLY gritty and ahead of our time
>The grittiest but let's also include a piano ballad here lol
>Ok, time to drop the heaviness a little
>Even bigger drop
>What the fuck
>Ok, now we're a generic metal band that makes a decent track once in a while [repeat this for over 40 years]

Beach Boys, 2easy


Also yeah, is the Beech Bees.

>Covers yaaaay!
>Even more covers yaaay!

>A little less goth.
>A lot less goth, also what am I saying?
>Goth doesn't exist, and neither do our amps.
>[beautiful mumbling and beautiful reverb]
>more of that please
>i guess we're gonna be accessible
>well that was shit

Slightly Hard:
>I was in a band, now I'm not.
>We'll only be known for one song.
>It took me ten years to finish this.
>And now I'll go back to the other band.


It was Sabbath.

Moderate is TON?

there are a LOT more sabbath albums than that
Also, no, Moderate is not... TON. I don't even know what band that acronym refers to.

>there are a LOT more sabbath than that
I know, that's why I said
>>[repeat this for over 40 years]

wow i should learn how to read

>easy listening
>easy listening again
>easy listening once more
>epic comeback

i don't know the band but this sounds like the progression of my dad's life over the last 17 years

>I killed my guitarist lmao

oh hi varg

>famous guy and less famous band
>the underrated one
>whoops famous guy's dead


This one is too easy

it just occurred to me that TON is type o negative. god i'm dense.
still not the correct answer though

>hey, let's make good garage music
>lets make it more commercial
>now, lets make it boring
>actually, lets rip off the 70s
>lets throw unused songs of the last album on a new one and we are good to go
>well, this is not what you want, but its better than nothing

>let’s make a great indie pop record
>let’s make another great indie pop record

>hey these guys are good
>scratch that, these guys are amazing!
>worst band ever 0/10 why is the cover art a video game

>rawr yelling and grodie noise
>a bridge between grodie noise and mainstream pop rock with punk influences
>mainstream pop rock with punk influences
>fuck the radio let's get raw
>acoustic songs for mtv

>I'm just gonna fuck around in my car
>That was fun lets do it again
>One more time shouldn't hurt
>wtf production value got better
>wtf production value got immediately worse
>okay this time I'm trying
>we broke up and it's not fun anymore
>double album fuck you
>i just bought a synthesizer
>old stuff that sounds less shitty
>*saves indie rock*

The Strokes?


>crazy rainbow funtime
>dark cosmic funtime
>throw some shit at the wall
>ultimate mindfuck
>Something to do with livestock
>explode le mind
>half-assed soundtrack
>biggest album since Sgt. Pepper's
>Now with 120% more synthesizer
>slaughter them like
>So self indulgent it's awesome
>self indulgent tripe
>generic synthpop
>drawn-out soft rock
>boring rehashed material


Easy one. Coldplay.

>let's make a wonderful world-inspired indie pop record
>let's do that again but synth-poppy and trying to be trippy and not that good and only the singles are good
>let's do THAT again but more cold and electronic and not that good and only the singles are good again
>let's mix that back up with the indie-pop sound but still not that good and only the singles are good again again

oh hi pink floyd
nope, started more recently


>edgy af
>edgy af but slightly improved
>edgy af but even more improved, underrated tho
>look mom, I've made a concept album
>just put a bunch of synthesizers and it'll sell, right?
>let's get back to our roots, but with a messy production
>just copy avicii and it'll sell, right?

linkin park?

>why can't they stick to one genre?
>why does this sound like shit?
>why does this sound like sped up shit?
>why do they refuse to stick to one genre?
>well I don't like country, fuck
>I also don't like prog
>hey I love The Beatles!
>Jesus this was weird and depressing


cat skeet bedrest

>hi i'm a black guy pretending to be a white rapper
>rapping? pfft nah i like parliament-funkadelic and prince now

>forgettable alt rock
>Interesting alt rock
>"Say whaaaaaaat?"
>Something to do with puzzles
>brain damage
>Some guitar
>life sucks and nightlife is for phonies
>half ass it.
>everybody hurts.

Radio Head.

Yeah it wasn't that vague actually lol

You got it.

Childish Gambino


>this is actually surf noise rock in disguise
>today's teenage lyricism will be replaced by a man reading a book
>oh hey we're just gonna go full psychodelic with maybe a splash of krautr- and we're back to noise rock!
>behold, noise psych pop!
>now we're full psychedelic rock with a layer of noise, actually - with a harmonica!
>we're dumping the noise elements for a while - scratch that, less blood pumping and more tripping the fuck out
>let's dump the rock elements entirely and move into psych folk, actually
>less garage, more krautrock, please
>oh hey we're back to spoken word
>y'know what, those jazz fusion-ish experiments we did a while ago were great, let's do some more
>scratch that, we're going full prog and delving deep into polyrhythms!

King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard?

>Lets make an album around the Theory of Phonetic Organization
>Now we'll make a masterpiece but release it years later
>Lets take the piss out of pop music
>Lets try to make a three sided album but then give up and release a two sided album
>Lets make something more accessible
>Now we'll make a high concept satire album with home-made instruments
>Lets take the piss out of pop music again
>lets try to make a tetrilogy but give up after part 2
>Now we'll do a series of albums based on influential composers
>Here's part 3 of that tetrilogy that won't be finished
>It's rock opera time
>Dude Elvis Lmao
>Here's a character-centric concept album with an accompanying PC game
>Here's another character-centric concept album with an accompanying PC game
>Here's yet another concept album with an accompanying PC game
>Oh shit, CD-Rom doesn't last too long since computer tech is advancing rapidly, here's a concept album on the bible
>Dude 9/11 Lmao
>What do animals think of people?
>Now lets do a 5 episode podcast
>Concept album about a sex pervert
>Concept album based on a short story
>Concept album about doomsday preppers


Alt J


(although i don't think relaxer is as bad as everyone says it is)

>raw nu-metal album
>"hey lets make the last album, but better"
>"wait, i think i like shoegaze"
>"yeah i definitely like shoegaze"
>"i hate my band and im emo"
>bassist is gone, lets go back to metal
>"lets return to our old material, people love that"
>"we are now an alt-rock band"

>decent post hardcore album with minimal production
>more production, worse than before, no longer post hardcore
>even more production, worse than before
>over produced garbage

Not many other options
The Residents

oh hey deftones

Gotta be Deftones.

Jimi Hendrix Experience?


>let's make a good lo-fi indie rock album
>alright fuck lo-fi, let's make an album with good production
>some weird and polarizing album, marijuana use is apparent
>starting to sell out and do poppy songs with off-tune singing
>literally what the fuck are we even doing anymore
and then they disbanded


I'll try another one

>lo-fi folk with a lot of weird sounds and rough production ideas
>immediately change the name of the band after getting signed
>first label album basically a remake of the first, with better production and much more focus
>next album a continuation of the folk sound, with some rock and electronic elements thrown in as a change-up
>become more rock and pop centric on the fourth album, with synths in most songs
>release a musically eclectic, sprawling masterpiece about love, lies, and death
>get weirder and wayyyy more electronic
>sign to a major label and release a full-blown synthpop record
>get called sellouts by bitter fans
>make a song for a kid's movie
>next album is more of the same, but moodier and more immersed in heavy synth sound
>release an album where well-respected pop artists do a song by song cover of your best album
>tour an updated version of that album
>give $$$$ to LGBT research

The Fal-

Uh I mean Pavement

>experimental debut thing
>semi-transgender electronica, maybe?
>experimental middle thing
>most terrifying cover art i've ever seen
>experimental third thing
>he sings!

Uhhh NIN? Sounds like Trent.

What is this?
I have no idea but I'm curious about
>most terrifying cover art i've ever seen

ah screw it, it's Arca. Mutant's cover art fucking horrifies me. No idea why. It just... looks WRONG. Like something out of my worst nightmares.

Yeah that is some fucked up art.

>Big Black but it's math rock
>Emo teenagers make the best album of all time

Do you think this meme will take hold? Check back Monday when we finally get Spiderland in the National Registry.

Too easy

Is moderate Cocteau Twins?

>laid back with dub influences
>laid back with dub influences
>Alright, let's slather on the industrial and even rock influences. Also, let's change the vibe from relaxing to almost-paranoid. Maybe even sombre at times.
>remember all of those warm tones we had? Yeah, let's replace them with cold ones instead
>...well it's been a while, let's just branch out and see what happens?

Yep, good job!

>genre defining debut album
>genre defining sophomore album
>this kills the genre
>we triphop now
>"back to basics" except bad
>"back to basics" v2, this time good
>dude psychedelia lmao

I'm not the most learned guy when it comes to '90s britpop, but this sounds a lot like Oasis.

kendrick lamar?

>"this is my first solo record"
>"no, THIS is my first solo record"
>"i'm not joking anymore, this is my actual real first solo record"
>lets get a little darker
>"devil with mickey moust hair in a kimono"
>movie soundtrack that people like
>"im too popular, lets get freaky"
>movie soundtrack that people do not like
>"lets drag a brass section under a tent in the rain"
>"im going to invent a new instrument today"
>memories of sex
>"i liked the way those strings sounded"
>"that guy who did the drum programming was nice"


Beach Boys

this might be an autistic guess but gorillaz?


>here's an album about our dead friend
>oh shit, our other friend just died here's an album about a book or something
>Fucking ghosts and shit
>just the 3 of us and like 3 other guys
>dude, let's fuck around with this synth I found

This is too easy. Mars Volta.

Easy mode
>fast metal album
>fast metal album "but dude, what if we try to make it more sophisticated?"
>same as above, except this one is more popular
>fast metal album but now we're really sad and shit
>"we need some money, guess it's time to slow down"
>even bigger sellout
>even bigger sellour vol. 2
>"guys, we're ANGRY now" except total shit and with some of the worst production of all time
>"let's go back to our roots" except nowhere as good
>meh: the album

Hard mode
>dude PiL lmao
>dude post-rock lmao
>dude we jazz now lmao


I have no idea, honestly.

Easy mode is Metallica, right?

I'd really like to know who the hell hard mode is.


Linkin Park, definitely.

Deftones, easyy

Yeah, guess I should have made it harder
also nice trips

>one of these was in a movie
>one of these is about a movie
>surf space rock
>a bunch of eps. is eh.
>more eh

>I love you! Let's go swimming and hold hands and swim in the lake!
>lets go eat breakfast in a cemetery and climb trees and play croquet and I'll eat your pussy and also there's a bunch of really great punk songs about random stuff
>it's Halloween so let's kiss and hold hands and go to a haunted house and I'll probably eat you out again but also some of these songs are basically noise rock
>the shitty album that I don't listen to so no description for this one
>I love you, but in a lot more mature way. There's still that childlike glee and wonder to my love, but it's also tempered by a lot of genuine and adult emotion. I don't know where I'd be without you and I want you to know that. Also I'm probably gonna eat you out again and these songs are pure noise pop goodness.

who is this artist that sings about eating people out, i want to listen to them

Tame Impala

>Fun! Let's have fun and make fun songs!
>I'm a nervous pervert. Now make my songs heavier
>Let's combine squeaky clean with SICK RIFFS DUDE
>You thought we couldn't get any worse? Watch THIS.
>we have no idea what we're doing but we somehow shit out a decent album
>rock bottom pt. 1
>rock bottom pt. 2
>do people even consider this an album?
>we're sorry
>let's have fun again
>whoops not sorry

>rape and shit, lo-fi
>still trying to figure out what the album cover is
>good luck finding a copy of this one
>somniferous almond eyes


Yep its Tool. If it's not Tame Impala what is it?

>them dark beats are nice and that lady can sing
>same thing, a little darker
>let's do the thing with an orchestra, and make it awesome
>'s been 10 years, and it's a little different, but it's darker than ever... singy lady gonna be okay?


Alt-J, another indie rock darling with a meh third album that i like more than everyone else seems to