What should I expect?

What should I expect?

drums and guitar

Music. Go find out

google it

A big dick

Unconventional time signatures

Drum wank

Zach attack

this is way better

i feel like their stuff sounds like really unconventional rhythms, but ultimately when you count it out it mostly boils down to 4 and 8.

a good album lol


Something not as good as Tripper

But that's chll pll. Fucking 3 Zachs in one band, the absolute madman.

Expect this

the second riff of the first song is 7/8

Tripper really isn't that good though. I definitely prefer the more subdued sound of Holt Your Horse Is and The Devil Isn't Red over the in-your-face sound of Tripper.

>m-muh time signatures
Zach Hill has NEVER thought about time signatures for a second.
That's the problem with all the tryhard math rock bands, they care too much about time signatures

>they care too much about time signatures

Your preference is wrong

A good album, also, you should come back to it again after some time, it may evolve.

real good but the first half of their third album is the best thing zach ever did

not even the best asiwyfa and you're wrong

it's exactly why math rock is awful

math rock itself isn't awful its retard who care more about the math part than the actual music that suck. it hasn't been relevant for years anyway