Any albums about sex addiction?

Any albums about sex addiction?

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Weezer - Pinkerton

I am a total fucking retard with made up conditions - s/t

If you had it you wouldn't laugh about it.

shut up

Scum With Boundaries by The I.L.Y's

As a 25 year old virgin how am I supposed to take "sex addiction" seriously?

>dude lmao im so addicted to a non addictive thing!
>dude lol im addicted to eating crayons and licking spoons

Im addicted to food and shitting!

>how is someone who doesn't take heroin supposed to take heroin addiction seriously?
Just because you're not one of them and you think it's stupid (and it is stupid) it doesn't make it not real.

>gambling addiction
>marihuana addiction
>video game addiction

gambling and video games are legitimately addictive

seek help

"Somebody please save me, this is torture!"

Everyone's addicted to sex you retard

>all the sour grapes r9k-faggots who get so triggered by a movie they clearly don't understand


and what exactly are we failing to comprehend about this film?

>movies normies will never understand

he fucks his sistr

>what is psychological dependence
your retard is showing

I just know this song:

Technically speaking the game can get addicted to anything. Dopamine is one powerful thing.


any weeknd album?

You know sex releases a ton of dopamine?

Deathpile - GR

who do you think you're talking to? where do you think you are?