Ive just noticed this about men who love music

As a woman, I've recently noticed that amongst all my music loving male friends, most , if not all listen to music predominantly made by male bands and musicians. Women I know generally listen to both male and female artists.

Why is it so rare find men who support female bands or artists?

it isn't. you just don't know a lot, apparently. my itunes is more ladies than men

What the hell are you talking about

I don't actively look for bands with women in them.
I have a couple in my library but it isn't anything that I pay attention to.

We love Björk.

alot of people dont even like music. they just listen to what they are told to. for males this is rap music and for females its pop music

Grimes and kpop are literally the most shilled thing on this board

excuse me?

you are obviously forgetting Ai Wei Wei

Men listen to mostly music made by .en because men are better at making music

Women like music by women Because they have shit taste
Most music made by women is trash

I think men are better performers but that doesn't mean women can't be great songwriters, Carole King and Joni Mitchell are arguably top 10 of all time

if you like Grimes, Kate Bush and Bjork you have to be gay or soyboy at least

im gay and i like all of them

im not gay an i like all of them

except grimes, sorry. my brain automatically ignores her

I like all 3, I'm a bit gay, I'd say about 5% of my wanks are to dudes

I wanna fug bork and knock her up and sup from her motherly tits. Is that soy?

But Elizabeth Fraser is god

Way more men make music. Women probably have a bias towards female artists.

I listen to metal mostly. 90 % of female fronted metal is symphonic/gothic crap.

faggot here. I listen to music with more leading women singers in them. Not that I actively search for it. My tastes just fall into it and eh I'm just stuck playing the stereotype.

Women don't understand music, they only pretend to. Ask yourself this, why do women have such shit taste? Google something like: women bad music taste

it's not, when you reach a certain age as a male you no longer give a fuck, and listen to whatever suits you. male or female, fast or slow, hard or soft and so on.

To me, female voices don't have the same capacity to capture powerful emotions or feelings. When I listen to a female's singing, it almost always sounds contrived and disembodied from soulful intention. It's like they're only reading the words and singing the notes, along with an unconvincing attempt at mimicking emotion - like some second-rate thespian.

In my opinion, they are usually only good for harmonising or repeating random words in dance tracks.

But maybe I don't have enough experience with women to recognise or appreciate the nuances in their enunciations

you're just a misogynist m8, guessing you're gay as well?

Did you grow up in a monestary?

Nina Simone had soul, Janis Joplin was awful, Aretha Franklin is overrated but good, Whitney Houston was hyped but not unjustifiably, Madonna and Mariah Carey are so bad now that they have to rely on backing tracks, Etta James was pretty damn good.

I think my favorite female singer might actually be Joni Mitchell even though she didn't have a conventionally great voice

This post is so wrong it's actually sickening

I'm straight and think Kate Bush and Grimes are good.

Females around 40 start falling back in.


One of my favorite artists of all time is a woman.

Women just didn't make much of the stuff I'm interested in. The ones that made great music got me (The Breeders stands out as one in particular) but on the other hand there aren't many who are the main driving force of a group. That's not to say I don't enjoy music made by women or I don't like women performers, many of my favorite classical musicians are women. But there aren't many women in instrumental jazz or in something like math rock.

Maybe you don't associate with the kind of men that like female musicians.

my man

I mean thats not REALLY true, I like Bjork and Kate and I do listen to a lot of lgbt artists but respecting peoples music for what it is even if you dont agree with their lifestyle is probably something you want to try out fella.

Though I cant really win this one because
>Trips of truth

Too little good women in music.

Here is a good one though.
Bjork is not a good one.

I honestly don't even know the lineup of most the bands I'm listening to, I care only about their music. I guess vast majority of them is indeed male, but I guess that just means women suck at making music targeted for men

Hop Along and Brutus might be two of my three favorite bands ...

Am I ... Soy?

There are way more male than female musicians, and the females who do make music typically play genres that attract women.

All this bait, and so little time.

The most obvious, simple answer is that men can write songs to relate to, and women can write songs that women can relate to, but that's wrong and most people listen to a good smattering of music from both sexes

Generally men dominate most genres of music so it's natural for your collection to be mostly male.