ITT:Bands with zero (0) good albums

ITT:Bands with zero (0) good albums

grimes aka the bridge troll



Prove it faggot

Your favorite band

Not him, but Toxicity is the greatest Alternative Metal album of the 2000s. Tankian's aggressive, yet melodic vocals denoting themes of government corruption and societal issues set the standard for intelligent lyricism in Alt. Metal. Daron's rhythmic death-like riffs penetrated through the core of the earth, with Shavo and John throwing it away.

hypnotize and mezmerize are both 10/10s tho

the eagles

>teh gubment sux

The Rolling Stones

Nah, their first 3 albuns were great. Mezmerize and Hypnotize take a nose dive in quality, tho. Also:
>man, the government sucks
>Armenian Genocide never forget

fuck off tripfag

Also that drummer is great as well. All the people in that band were pretty fucking talented. Loved most of their earlier stuff and some of the double album stuff is good, but not great. Toxicity is really a one of the best 2000's metal albums.

are fucking trash

wow you got me good user

The beatles

Kanye West
Animal Collective
LCD Soundsystem
Flaming Lips
Beach Boys
The Beatles
Tom Waits
The Velvet Underground
My Bloody Valentine
Talking Heads
The Smiths

SOAD's understanding of politics is equivalent to some hobo on the street screaming at you about how the government keeps the man down

how much effort do you put into being this edgy

>what is Yoshimi


Three Days Grace

Why does the singer does that AUUGHH thing with his voice whenever he puts emphasis on a word

Miles Davis
Dream Theater
Sun Kil Moon

Any rap band.

>Dream Theater
Octavarium is a masterpiece fuck off


SOAD's first 3 albums are basically if Mr.Bungle started in the late 70's instead of the 80's and they're fucking great


"With ahrms wide opahn!"


fuck I meant late 90's

But they have five good albums.

>Miles Davis
Undertow is meh, the rest are great


At least try man.


You like shite music then man

no he's right on a few.
like radiohead, Velvet Underground, LCD soundsystem, Grimes, Bjork, and Kanye. They all suck

Cuz they're overrated garbage for dumbo hipsters, amirite


Un-ironically this.

Nice try

Radiohead and Velvet Underground are good though,

By bumping this thread, I've done my evil deed for the day.

no they really just aren't that good. I mean they aren't really for hipsters, some of them are quite well known.

Kanye is the most important artist of this millennium

He hasn't released a (solo) album below a 7/10.
And he has 4 albums 9/10+

death grips

People will claim its bait but this is my honest opinion.

Fleetwood Mac.

I take it you fell for the Kid A meme?


Coldplay and Taylor Swift must be your favourite artist

>implying there's anything wrong with Taylor Swift's first three albums