

that's better

Quality thread

moonchild is a good song bro, you just didnt have the right expectations going into it

>not just deleting 4/5 of moonchild

Yeah moonchild is so good it deserves its own album

moonchild is the best track tho

OP can't count to 5 properly

where do you cut it off

at 2 weeks :(

right after the actual song ends

but I talk to the wind is still there?

For me, it's 3:28

For real how did they fuck up the song that badly. 2-3 good minutes out of 12. What the fuck were they thinking

The first 2:30 minutes of Moonchild are actually better than I Talk to the Wind.

I'm guessing they wanted to create an extremely atmospheric song

Tbh I always considered only the first 2:30 minutes to be the actual song.

well they sure fucked up didn't they

dudes its to setup the last track thats why
that last track is so epic

> In the 2009 remastered version of the album, the track was edited by Fripp and colleague Steven Wilson, with around 2.30 minutes of the original improvisation (the reference by Fripp to "The Surrey With the Fringe on Top") being removed. This issue of the album does, however, offer the original version as a bonus track.

dude I listen to my own shitty music all the time, this track is absolutely nothing to me

desu if you do this
the last song popping up has good impact. you don't need 10 fucking minutes of improv. 1 is more than enough

going to have to disagree. making it one minute will make the final track at least 2/3 less epic

ya well you know what? i disagree with you!


wanna see a pic of a hot girl

wanna see a pic of a hot pocket :(

sure let's trade


nice. im hungry now. i got a toblerone upstairs but I was saving it for christmas. should I just fucking do it ???

you can just buy another one. whats the use of eating an old toblerone, tyrone

Cool ty bro. Dinner is served

is that an uncircumsized toblerone?

yeah.. is that fucking okay ??

Moondog>King Crimson

Moonchild is the best song you plebs

Yes, but where did that come from

I get why people don't like that section but I feel like most people ignore that it isn't all in free time and it actually builds a soft little melody as it progresses. It also makes the shift into the last track jarring.

Moonchild is brilliant. It works in a way that is different from most other music. To me, the different instruments feel as though they are having a conversation, dipping in and out of one each other, bouncing melodic ideas off of each other... slowly building to a minor but still present crescendo and finale at the end. It really is brilliant.

The song is a pleb filter because it proves that your mind is not capable of understanding music outside of the context of straightforward rhythm, verse - chorus song structure, and vocals. You can not yet appreciate music on a purely melodic and textural level. Pay attention to it. Just because it isn't "catchy" doesn't mean it's bad. It creates a unique sonic soundscape and mood that pulls from some jazz tradition and some classical tradition but is, in the end, wholly it's own. Best song on the album.

new pasta?

I kind of agree. It seems alot more intricate than just improv

it lsounds like an improvised Peter and the Wolf, kinda. Honestly, Fripp would go on to do much more refined improv later on, with musicians that wereon far better terms, but there's an ambition and academic youth to Moonchild that's charming.

Do people pretend to like King Crimson? Real question

did you parents pretend to like you? Real question

are you ok?



why would anyone pretend to listen to one of the most autism-magnetizing bands?
Either your autism sucks you in or it doesn't. Anyone who pretends to like KC is probably more autistic than Robert Fripp could every hope to be

You can like it, you don't have to love it. It's enjoyable music, you don't have to get so worked up over it.