Makes 3 albums that sounds EXACTLY the same in a row

>Makes 3 albums that sounds EXACTLY the same in a row
>people still sucks her up, calling it "innovative", "avant-garde" and "bold"

Why is this allowed?

Her last 3 albums sound nothing alike you autistic retard. She’s also allowed to make whatever she likes without your permission. Kill yourself immediately

>unlistenable trash
Checks out

everyone on this board has an oedipus complex

that's literally it

why was this album chosen to be the meme of the month? is it just because of the ugly cover?

this doesn't sound like vulnicura and both don't sound like biophilia?

nah. i've just been very hurt and confused by people someone closer to my age, it's a trust issue.

>Obsessed with vagina shaped things

But be sure to call it "kitsch" when Wayne Coyne and Miley Cyrus does it.

Because it's awful, and yet predictable hipsters are giving it 11/10 as usual.

why is it awful

After Vespertine she lost it forever.

>long pause
>long pause
>voice again
>repeats until the beats softly drops and ends in a very anticlimactic way.

There, just described Biophilia, Vulnicura and Utopia.

nobody said you had to make this post
nothing was stopping you from just... not posting it
but now i have a lot of reason to suspect you might have an oedipus complex

medulla is better

Nah, Medulla it's awesome. Volta had some interesting parts. But after she broke up, she is doing nothing but the same songs over and over again.
Just putting harp strings on things does not make it any new

You just described music you fucking retard. Seriously kys it’s for the best

>You just described music you fucking retard

Are you this dense?. Music it's the opposite of long, silent pauses. Not saying one can't insert it on their songs, but she is doing nothing but it for years by now.

"Oh wow, a 3 seconds bass drop...she's totally dubstep now, what a bold new phase for her"

Yeah you're right. I kind of like half of Volta, and Medulla has it's good parts to. Biophilia and Utopia are boring as fuck. Vulnicura has a couple of good songs but I dislike the predoction by Arca.

>music is the opposite of long, silent pauses

even if that's what bjork was that's still a retarded ass statement. At least I know that these shitposters don't actually know what they're talking about nor have listened to a bjork album.

What long pauses are you talking about? Maybe your ears are broken, in which and any case you must kys immediately

John Cage, please go. You fucking hack.

>unable to write down one coherent sentence
>calls other people retarded

Björk fans, everybody.

>he doesn't listen to lowercase

Perhaps I'm a pleb, but this also sounds like Verspertine to me

Fine if you don't like it, but calling it exactly the same as her last two is stupid.

Holy shit, please no.

In structure, lyrics and samples "Pagan Poetry", "Cocoon" and "Hidden Place" are pretty different

In Utopia however, they are all "that one song about being sad...with some strings and really, really, really slow beats"

>album named Utopia
>about being sad

Explain to me how are different without going on "FEEL THE EMOTIONS MY DUDE" bullshit

It's almost like Bjork has no idea about what she's saying

That would be a first time, right?

Nah man, Utopia it's about being fucked, and fuck the Earth, because earth is a vagina, and she wants her vag to be fucked, she's FERTILE, FRUITFUL and shit.

Because vaginas. It's so DEEP and SYMBOLIC

What a modern poet, she is!