THE FADER #1 Song of 2017

The FADER literally just picked this as their #1 song of 2017 because a black kid murdering someone then writing a shitty song about is #woke

why are you so mad ??

nobody cares

How did they manage to write that much about such a short song? It's like high-school essays when you just ramble on to fill a page requirement

whats the fader

this is retarded if real

Look who wrote it aswell. prol some BLM affiliate. rather bias if you ask me

I gonna go in the comment section and post the N word.

Its a good song tho

LOL buncha of about to go broke dummies

>dude has 2 charges of capital murder
>acting shocked when Texas of all states puts him to death
You could breath wrong in Texas and get put on death row. He deserves every bit of the sentence though that's heinous what he did.

Actual song of 2017 is bodak yellow or gucci gang or despacito

samefag way too obvious

i like DOOM because hes slightly behind the beat the whole time and it paints a really vivid portrait of a fat guy thats out of breath

t. soyboy

>giving them exactly what they want.

better a soyboy than a racist fascist

accelerationism brother HH

>not like garbage hip hop makes you a racist

easy on the soy

top fucking kek
idk how anyone can argue that a guy with 2 murder charges before he even turns 18 doesn't deserve whatever punishment he gets

>muh racewar
neck yourself

I fucked up... OKAY DAD?

I was memeing but accelerationism doesn't necessarily mean le race wars Xd

Remember when tumblr SJWs were considered the whiney ones? The alt-right have turned into such pussies lately. Hell, they're afraid of a fucking bean. Bahahaha

Separate the art from the artist

If you take out the story of him actually being on the run The Race is pretty unremarkable

Haha yeah because muh gender pronouns bullshit is the same thing as killing innocent people. This is either bait or you're black (~85 IQ)

if elliot rodgers or some white murderer had done a song and put it on their youtube channel we'd be memeing it to hell and back as song of the year, don't act like we're above this

What the fuck, no.

Oh shit, so the outrage from OP is actually just him being butthurt that a rapper upstaged Sup Forums losers in terms of edginess? That would make sense.

he was a hapa

How'd I know it was a tay k song. They're not wrong either. Only other option would be murder she wrote


delete your life op

You are dumber than you think you are for sure.

SJWs ate muh baby

Why is Sup Forums of all places still racist

hahaha nothing natural is dangerous lol. I was eating poison ivy earlier today because it's just a leaf xD.

Difference being is that Sup Forums is not a professional music publication and having fun is what people do. Also shitposts in no way condone such acts

They wouldn’t put Brand New on their albums list, so why would they put this on their list? The only reason I can think of is that they think he’s innocent.

All posts including shitposts from here on out are to followed as law and are to be taken as literal truths.

Good luck user.

What is the fader

>This year, The FADER chose not to cover certain artists out of a concern that generating clicks on their behalf would equal complicity for their crimes.
Can someone tell me what the difference is between this kid and the people they "chose not to cover"? I'm assuming they're talking about xxxtentacion, who also "maintains his innocence". If this is the case, are they condoning murder, saying that it's less bad than domestic violence, or could it be that they're just completely full of shit and don't actually have any consistent morals?

We would be memeing it not uplifting it as a genuinely good piece of art. Because we actually hold people to standards, unlike these music industry faggots who treat every piece of shit recorded by a black person as great.

>killing people in cold blood gets you not only accolades but a tearjerking writeup on racial inequalities and capital punishment
>touching a female inappropriately gets you banished from the realm of the living
what did shitlibs mean by this

People who defend animals like him don't even release they will get treated even worse by them. You will be lower than bitches and will get roasted all the time, they don't like you. You must be either completely retarded or have some kind of a masochistic fetish.

hahahahahahahah americans are so fucked

They think they're being impartial, but that last paragraph is proof that they think he's innocent. If they thought he wasn't, it wouldn't be on the list.

lol these are the people who are leading america into its future

hahahahah the next 50 years is gonna be a laugh for all non americans aka me

America was always a joke, its pop culture the country, this is just the logical conclusion.

> fantano is hitler because he had someone on his podcast who made an inappropriate joke about a female comedian
> a retard who killed two people and got caught is both a martyr and a genius artist for slurring over an ape beat for 100 seconds

I wish America had never inflicted their mongrel ""culture"" on the rest of us. At least Sup Forums is increasingly acknowledging how embarrassing it is for an educated suburban white person to listen to contemporary hip hop

this murderer kid is not even old enough to post here lol

>rather bias

get the fuck off my board

the absolute state of america

>he sounds like he's outrunning the law, and outrunning the track. The effect is that he lands slighty ahead of the beat

I'm pretty sure Ezra is in this thread

Joking with Sam Hyde about fat Jewish princess Lena Dunham? Totally unacceptable.

Being a murdering gangbanger (as long as you're black)? Totally hip.