Should i bother with them? what's the patrician opinion now that the dust has finally settled?

should i bother with them? what's the patrician opinion now that the dust has finally settled?

fwiw, i'm only really acquainted with hipster approved meme metal (Mastodon, Boris, Sunn O))), Deafheaven, Pallbearer, etc.), but I'm interested in learning more about that huge genre

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First five albums, after that don't bother

Kill 'Em All was their peak.

listen to Megadeth or Slayer instead

Their early stuff was really fun and angry. After that they went really commercial which took the magic away. I listen to their early stuff on occasion out of nostalgia, but it's a guilty pleasure. I'm usually alone in the car so that I can headbang autistically.

I gave them a proper listen like a month ago. I listened to Kill Em All first and I fucking loved it. However, I didn't enjoy anything from them quite as much. RtL and MOP had their moments, but overall they weren't as punky as I would love them to be

megadeth is the only good band of the big 4

Metallica was my favorite throughout my elementary years. Ride the Lighting and Master of puppets are genre defining albums. First five albums are great overall.

Slayer > Anthrax > Metallica > Exodus > Megadeth

battery still has one of the coolest intros of all time

wew lad

>Anthrax and exodus


>interested in learning more about that huge genre
start with sabbath

>start with sabbath

First three.


Cmon man the two after that had some great songs

Only good albums are the Kill'em All demo with Mustaine, Justice and Saint Anger.

>First post best post.
...AJFA (if you get passed the production) > Ride the Lightning > Kill em All > Master of Puppets > Black Album >>>>>>>>>>> the other stuff

All metal bands have good albums rather than being inherently good. "Rust in Peace by Megadeth is such a good album!" vs "Megadeth are such a good band!". Metal bands aren't "good" because they ALL have imperfect discographies. Metal bands can have good albums though.

>Entry Level
Master of Puppets; Black Album; Kill 'Em All

Live Shit: Binge and Purge

Ride the Lightning; ...And Justice for All; Hardwired;

Watch: Through the Never; Music Videos for Hardwired;

Load; Reload; Garage Inc; Death Magnetic; S&M

Watch: Some Kind of Monster; Music Video for One

Lulu; St. Anger

Watch: MTV Icon: Metallica tribute concert; All the literal gay shit Lars and Kirk have done with each other.

Screenshot this post for future reference.


Look man, i know you are trying to be a le passive aggressive cool hipster man but even metal heads think metallica are shit now.

They were good in the beginning, then they got old, got mad at napster, then went to group therapy. Which was totally not metal.

All that being said they are probably the biggest and most important metal band. Entry level shit.

Good advice. Also pic related.

>metal heads think metallica are shit now.
this is like THE passive aggressive cool hipster man opinion

in my (admittedly garbage) opinion Lulu was pretty decent. I'm actually shocked that hipster Pitchfork-types didn't lap that shit up.

That said AJFA is their best record (besides the production, but I actually kinda like the scooped sound)

>AJFA is their best record
Agreed. Frayed is my personal favorite

Metallica > Megadeth > Exodus > Slayer
If you say otherwise, you're wrong, this is correct

Metallica fucking sucks, but then again so do you, apparently.

Kill Em All, Ride The Lightning, Metallica (Black), ...And Justice, For All, Master of Puppets, Through the Never (Only Hit Songs),
S&M (Only Hit Songs)

Those are my favorite especially ...And Justice For All

4th graders can come up with better insults.

It is a bit over the top but still...

Another fan album better than the original, this time it makes St Anger listenable (still not a great album). The original gives me a headache. Lars ruined two albums with his bullshit.

>excludes Anthrax
>includes Exodus who are one of the most boring bands ever

If you're looking for classic speed metal records, their first two albums are where to start.

this is the most accurate post about anything i've ever seen on this board

if you haven't heard them before, they're worth a listen

First SIX albums are worth celebrating. That's a lot, desu! These are metal GOATS, but we haven't been able to expect good new music from them since Saint Anger. Garage Days also has a ton of good material in it, but much of it was collected along the way and doesn't really represent where they were at artistically the year of release

Metal sucks

that's it
>but muh time signatures
yeah im not a big fan of 6 minute chugfests that don't end up anywhere

For me RtL was the boring chugfest. I wish I could like it more

I love that site too

yes absolutely..
i hated them when they were actually relevant and popular, mainly as i was being reactionary.. now with hindsight and a bit of age i can see their brilliance.
only the 80's though. come black album they were done.

This thread moved me to make a Metallica playlist on Spotify a moment ago. It has 37 songs, that's probably 4hrs of music.

Yeah, they're good. Just not doing anything great lately... wait a minute; this last one had a couple winners in it, I just forgot! Make that 40 songs.


tfw i meet someone who considers justice their best, i know ive found my people

Load and Reload are completely underrated albums. Load in particular has some of the best most personal lyrics that Metallica has ever written

After a found a decent, professional fan remix of AJFA where the bass is audible it became my favorite. It blows both KeA and MoP out of the fucking water.

...And Justice for All
>Runner up
Dyer's Eve
The Frayed Ends of Sanity
the Shortest Straw


quick question: how the hell did Metallica become one of the biggest and most successful bands of all-time? a metal band with a huge mainstream presence seems unthinkable nowadays (or even since the late 90s)

Just listen to this desu

Because they made four great metal records adn became one of the genres biggest bands whem the ganre still was pretty mainstream. Then they completely reinvented butt rock with the black album and became truely mainstream.

Because they sold out and started making metallic radio rock music that appealed to both normies and fans of heavy music


Holy fuck I suck at spelling. This entire post is a shitshow.

Why is everybody sucking Cliff Burton's dick? Bass follows guitar on almost every song

They are actually good. Listen to all the albums up to Black Album and you'll see what the hype was all about.

Because he died

>should i bother with them? what's the patrician opinion now that the dust has finally settled?
>fwiw, i'm only really acquainted with hipster approved meme metal
you're a gigantic faggot.

kys bby :^)

there are no original masters in the internet so no.

>in the internet

the black album was the perfect compromise between metalheads that didn't have their heads up far their asses with being elitist and normies, first example of pop-metal, add the great production and you're done

Why don't you like old habits reappear?

>old habits reappear
It's not bad, it's just not as good as the rest. thb I should have put Harvester of Sorrow as the worst or at least the overrated pick.

just go fucking listen to them if you want to, don't be such a faggot that you care what others think about your music taste

Mastodon sucks

I do agree with the not as good as the rest. One is definetely the overrated.
I've found the frost remaster, its legit, but the bass it's not the only fault in the mixing, you can still hear that the guitars are dryed out and the drums sounds like shit. Thank you Lars-san.

Because he thought those ignorant fucks, and James was the only one to get something through his skull, about composition, and also Also Ride was the album where he worked the most, and you can hear those two songs that he didn't have a hand on that just don't hold a candle compared to the rest (Ice and Escape)

They lack the intensity and atmosphere of their peers. James' vocals are neither very vicious nor do they have a lot of range. Lars is easily the worse drummer in the history of thrash. It's also not hard to hear Kirk use literally the exact same set of phrases on multiple solos on different songs, lacking creativity. BUT, at their best (the first four albums) the band has written some of the more creative riffs in the metal world.

Kill Em All sounds really cool because it maintained the NWOBHM/Diamond Head influence closer than the first albums of the other guys who had far more punk injected into their stuff but as a result Metallica's debut is the most diverse songwriting wise.

Ride The Lightning is probably the online favorite when it comes to Metallica, being the most like traditional thrash metal. But to me personally it's the worst of their first four because outside Fade To Black and Call Of Cthulhu (also I guess the more creative riffs on the title track), the rest of the album's way too much of a chugfest, exemplifying the most boring in thrash.

Master Of Puppets is otherwise usually their highest ranked/most loved album and for good reason. With the assumption that Metallica is not the most intense metal band and that they are worth listening to for creative riffs, this album is easily the most diverse record they have written from that songwriting perspective. Lot of variety in tempo, structure, and riff types here. My favorite record by them.

And Justice For All could've maybe been their best, too. The way the riffs progress on tracks like Blackened and the title track is very unique, almost feeling organic (kinda having smoother, yet still technical/intense rhythms for the riffs closer to like jazz/prog.) Easily some of the best songs by the band. But the awful mix with non-existent bass and a couple of the weaker tracks being lame chugfests keeps it from being their best.

To be honest I don't know if One is overrated. The song writing is genius tier (by metal standards of riff into the next riffs, etc), the lyrics are great, and it might be the best metal ballad ever created.

>the bass it's not the only fault in the mixing
I know. It's fucking sad how retarded lars is.


Can somebody please spoonfeed me a link to the fan bootleg version of AJFA with audiable bass? Or is "And Justice For Jason" the one?

And Justice for Jason is garbage, it should be better used as a tool for learning the basslines, not actually for listening. There's a Youtuber named "Frost Prod" or something like that, he made an actually great mix of Justice where the bass isn't obnoxiously loud but also not silent

Stop posting Dave

nuMastodon sucks

>he hasn't heard leviathan

justice for jason's the one i've always listened to, much prefer it over the original but it's not perfect as the album's problems with production are more than just the volume of the bass