Is U2 the ultimate pleb filter?

Is U2 the ultimate pleb filter?

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Yeah, if someone says they like them then you can be sure they're a pleb

U2 is fucking dogshit

this was honestly my first thought

t. soyboys

Yes. Chili Peppers are another

best u2 song

vertigo is the worst song ever made

Ok, but what about all the music they made, you know, like in the 30 years before that song came out?

t.filtered plebs


mmm hmmm and how much of it did you listen to?

honestly i've only ever gotten through war. all the other times i've tried joshua tree or achtung baby i wanted to die and changed it to something less despicable.

and yet you like arcade fire, bloc party, etc. who all pretty much sound like bootleg u2. but at least u2 was actually part of the post-punk thing.

There's little to no substance in their work.


Enough. I listened to U Talkin' U2 to Me.

what exactly qualifies as substance?

Not being derivative corporate mom-rawk where every song is a clone of itself with "WOAAAAAH" lyrics and light autotune and overproduction.

bloc party rulez and u2 drools.

as a U2 fan since 84,i have to agree that you're right, but only after Zooropa did they become so.

U2 were OG post-punk. Bloc Party are Oasis-tier imitators

>any u2 song is as good as the worst track off silent alarm

U2 80s-90s output is not bad at all. 2000s it all went to shit because they wanted to make soccer mom pap smear to sell more.

u2 is shit all around zooropa achtung baby = S H I T

I see you realized RHCP was indefensible. Points for admitting your mistakes I guess. But no. U2 is bad. Some of their old songs are mediocre / not that offensive. That's the height of it.
