Old chart thread needs a bump every hour for just a few people to care, new chart thread coming right up

Old chart thread needs a bump every hour for just a few people to care, new chart thread coming right up.


Other urls found in this thread:



Needs slight changes already but keeping this one for now.
Ornette Coleman - Science Fiction
Fishmans - Long Season
Honestly, just check out random stuff from my chart and see if you like it, your taste is very entry-level but maybe you'll find some stuff to your liking.

jeff buckley
mac demarco? maybe portishead or sade too
comus - first utterance and also anything by swans

Heard First Utterance and most things by Swans.


Mick Karn-Dreams of Reason Produce Monsters
Eels-Blinking lights and other revelations

Also check out
The ex-Scrabbling at the lock

Probably the most mainstream chart in this thread. I know a lot of deeper cuts, but this is usually what I prefer.

Already got a bunch of recs, but wouldn't mind more.

Can you guess my personality?

You seem cool

The Pretty Things - SF Sorrow

Same, made a screenshot and edited the last empty covers away.

bark psychosis independency
anthony davis, grachan moncur iii

doronco gumo old punks
gastr del sol crookt, crackt, or fly
new motorpsycho maybe

crescent now
adam said galore domino comfort
bare minimum can't cure the nailbiters
probably listened to them before but check out aspera ad astera by stars of the lid

recommend me screenplays



some recent favs

Herbie Hancock - maiden voyage

miles Davis - on the corner

Henry Flynt - celestial power

ever listened to the radio dept.?

coin locker kid - the salmon of doubt

seaside lovers

check out la luna

billy joel - glass houses

alva noto + sakamoto




stop being lazy and get better taste
lame as hell is right, I'm sure that describes all aspects of your being too

My “being”
Hua hu haha


you need to be 18 to post here

I’m 19

mods, do you mind taking this trash outside?

What the shit

sorry don't have time to have a look and rec stuff. maybe later. always open to recs.

these threads always get derailed by one fucker at the end

I could do +/- but it's obvious the ones I like from my own chart
Listen to Polvo if for some reason you haven't

Frank Ocean is alright

Listening to that Ornette Coleman album now
I rec Bobby Hutcherson - Now!

Maybe Jenny Hval

Polvo, Swell Maps, Chrome, Pere Ubu

what's the album between Joe McPhee and Charles Mingus? I mean if you have a link of it since it's hard to type weeaboo runes

I love reccing everyone in the thread and getting nothing in return

eh, we should stop treating recommendations like currency, it kind of kills real discussion anyway. if you have a rym (and if you're posting a semi-decent chart in threads like these you probably do) you don't really need them. it's more about connecting but everyone's too concerned with this "lazyposting" nonsense no one actually talks

kinda sad. these threads used to be really fun

eaxctly. I used to love coming here to get new recs for upcoming week and hopefully have a friendly chat about something I'd herd that week; just vibing ya know? now no ones vibing

there is already an older chart thread, there was no need to make another one

topsters2 is fucked up so people can't download their chart, maybe that's why people aren't posting it yet.

The other one needs a bump every fucking 5 minutes, open your eyes and fuck off.

woosh woosh fwomp
pörson sound

I really like your chart. I downloaded everything off of your other chart you posted which had the same albums except differently arranged and the names on the side.

Do you have last.fm or rym?

○△□ by 八十八ヶ所巡礼

I uploaded it to mega today because someone asked me to, so you can download it here:


It needed a bump because all the asshole posters on here didn't bother to make a post over there.
Open your eyes and fuck off.
Threads become inactive so fast because of users like you who rush to have their chart at the top. This needs to stop.

You want recommendations? Look at the stuff on my chart and download it, that's what I put the names there for. I recommend downloading soulseekqt if you want a way to get every album available on my chart.

I read through the replies before making this post. It already had 4 bumps before, in an interval of 3-4 charts, And oh wow, look, this one survives without a bump!

Wait, a thread with hundreds of replies doesn't survive fucking 4 charts but mine survives just fine... Does that maybe indicate somethi- Naaaaah, doesn't say anything, right?

It means the thread is filled with assholes who rush to post in chart threads to get to the top and get more recs. There is a collective mentality going on here that didn't happen before that's killing chart threads. Chart threads used to get 300 replies, but now they don't, because of assholes like OP who make a new chart when the previous one is already alive.

So we are not allowed to give people a more clear chart thread? What's the point in having an overfilled chart thread when you can have a chart thread like this, if people obviously want a chart thread like this? Please tell me 1 single good reason, and I'd be happy.

anyone have that end-of-the-world chart?

haha oh wow neat
i'm OtroligKunskap on rym hmu

>So we are not allowed to give people a more clear chart thread?
We are, by posting in the old thread. If everybody posting in this thread posted in the old thread it wouldn't be so inactive.

>What's the point in having an overfilled chart thread when you can have a chart thread like this, if people obviously want a chart thread like this? Please tell me 1 single good reason, and I'd be happy.
Because it lowers activity in chart threads, making people rush to post in the new thread as soon as possible only for the thread to die again in 50 more posts. Also, "overfilled" threads are a ridiculous concepts. We used to have active threads up to 300 replies and nobody ever complained because they were active. Now they are not because of assholes like you.

Please give recommendations. Realized I hate most of my library and trying to rebuild.

it's literally just because of timing and lower activity
not everything is some struggle or conflict that must be overcome

slow, inactive old threads should be allowed to die

>the old thread it wouldn't be so inactive.
I just said that the old thread was already inactive. It's not my fault people refuse to post in overfilled chart threads. I apologize on the behalf of others(?)

And everything what said

>slow, inactive old threads should be allowed to die
They die because people prefer to post in new threads and get their charts featured at the top you retard.

>I just said that the old thread was already inactive
I wonder why? Because of assholes like you you stupid fuck.

>It's not my fault people refuse to post in overfilled chart threads
It is if you make a new thread when the other is still alive and post in such a thread when the older one is still alive as well.


don't call me a retard and then argue some different point from anything i was saying

calm the hell down, christ
if you look at the last 30 or so posts in that thread you can see it's been dead long before being pruned

>people are assholes for wanting to post their charts and stimulate fresh conversation/replies
what a sad world we live in

And guess what, almost no one will post in those old threads. That's a fact. Just because you complain "muuh old Sup Forums muuh people prefer something more productive nowadays" won't change anything. Those threads will die anyways, with or without 439843 bumps, and they are available in the archive for long enough. "but muh Sup Forums" then search for another website if you don't like it anymore. Crying here won't make matters better, because frankly, no one gives a flying fuck about your retarded opinion. No one agrees with the bullshit you spray over your keyboard here, and the fact that you don't even see how stupid you sound is embarrassing.

You're complaining about lower activity in chart thread, but at the same time want a chart thread with a lower activity. That's absolute nonsense. It won't change anymore, fucking accept it. People want a more overseeable thread nowadays, if you don't like that, I'm pretty sure where the X button of the tab is, don't you?

>if you look at the last 30 or so posts in that thread you can see it's been dead long before being pruned
Yes, I'm calling you a retard for being unable to tell why do threads become inactive at such a low post count.

>And guess what, almost no one will post in those old threads. That's a fact.
Unless people didn't make new threads when the previous one is alive or they get reported and deleted.

>"but muh Sup Forums" then search for another website if you don't like it anymore
Except the alternatives are way worse, so let's not ruin Sup Forums even more as well.

>Crying here won't make matters better
It will if it stops people from posting in the new threads when there is already an older one.

>You're complaining about lower activity in chart thread, but at the same time want a chart thread with a lower activity.
No. I want an active thread, that's why I want people to post in the old thread instead.

>if you don't like that, I'm pretty sure where the X button of the tab is, don't you?
>if something is broke don't fix it

board is dead


>>if something is broke don't fix it
Yeee calling everyone on this board asshole and retard fixes all the problems this board has. You know what, you really have great skills in fixing everything, I'm not kidding, you should become a president. Everyone is a retard and an asshole and shwoooop, everything will be fixed! Why haven't I thought of that sooner?

>No. I want an active thread, that's why I want people to post in the old thread instead.
That's an oxymoron. I want to have a low activity thread to have a high activity thread. *slow clap* As I said, people don't want them anymore, if you go on a mental rampage calling everyone retarded asshole or not, it won't change.

>Except the alternatives are way worse, so let's not ruin Sup Forums even more as well.
This is literally what you are doing right now. You are the only one complaining and annoying others, you are the only one who isn't satisfied with the way it was... so I don't really think this is *our* fault here if everyone's fine with it.

>Unless people didn't make new threads when the previous one is alive or they get reported and deleted.
All you are saying is "keep old charts no one wants alive", but at the same time you want the site to improve and everyone having fun on here... So you want a rule, which only you really want, and no one else apparently, but you want to improve this website.

>I want to have a low activity thread to have a high activity thread.
Fucking retard. The REASON it has low activity is because people prefer to post in the NEW thread because it doesn't get deleted and allows them to have their posts at the top. If everybody posting in this thread posted at the older thread instead we would have a thread more active than both.

i dont want replies nor do i care for activity

As I said, it won't change. If no one would make a new thread, the old one would get bumped into all eternity, and there would maybe be 5 more charts at the end of the week. I honestly can't follow this flawless logic. Bottom-line is, you can go on an emotional rampage all you want, you can ban everyone who makes a new chart thread if you like, no one wants an old thread. You can cry as much as you want, things have changed.

>If no one would make a new thread, the old one would get bumped into all eternity
Wrong. It would have all the replies this new thread has.

Okay let's look at the times, shall we?
All times in CET

Old thread:
>Needed bump at 10:00:56
1 chart at 11:27:51
>Needed bump at 13:24:35
3 charts, 13:29:31 14:04:14 14:10:08
>Needed bump at 15:08:11
1 chart at 15:18:15

Then I opened my thread at 15:40:19
Charts at:



(Accidentally sent at the end)
And this while neverendingchartrendering was fucking up and wouldn't let people render their charts

It wouldn't need any bumps if the 26 posters in this thread would post in the old thread instead.

If only all these posters posted in the old thread instead we wouldn't have the need to bump the old thread.
>Then I opened my thread at 15:40:19
>Charts at:

you clearly don't understand how traffic works
you've lost and you know it

If people didn't regularly make new threads when an older one is already alive we would have all the posts in this thread in the older thread instead, having a thread more active than both.
You are pretending otherwise like some kind of retard and then assuming I know I "lost" or some stupid shit with no single basis on reality.

They won't, they never would have, and they never will. Get the fuck over it.

Except they would, and that actually used to happen before. Now stop being an asshole and contribute to the older thread next time.

no,people just wouldn't post there because either
1) they already did
2) they don't see the thread
3) they see it and realize how dead it is

imageboards 101!

Okay let's get this straight. 5 charts were posted in over 5 hours in the old thread, okay?
6 charts were posted in under 1 hour in this thread.

They wouldn't have, and you know it yourself. Being stubborn or delusional here doesn't make any sense. It's like you're willingly ignoring those facts to get your retarded point across, but no, no one else ignores the facts.

>Okay let's get this straight. 5 charts were posted in over 5 hours in the old thread, okay?
>6 charts were posted in under 1 hour in this thread.
Therefore, we would have 11 charts posted in 6 hours in the old thread.

>They wouldn't have, and you know it yourself.
I know from experience that they used to, and there is no reason why that wouldn't be the case anymore if new threads would get deleted.

>It's like you're willingly ignoring those facts to get your retarded point across
I'm not ignoring any facts here. You are the person who decides to act as if people would suddenly stop posting if there wasn't a new thread every 2 hours.

>1) they already did
In which case there is no need to post again
>2) they don't see the thread
The search function is a thing
>3) they see it and realize how dead it is
It wouldn't be dead if people didn't make new chart threads ever two hours

Perturbator - New Model
Check Chopin or Mussogorsky
Miki Yui, Hakobune, Satoshi Ashikawa
Alles (bandcamp)

Mine, couldnt render it for some reason, so i had to make a screencap

i'm actually amazed you can type this well considering how little you understand the internet

"They will post they will post they will post they will post they will post they will post"
Is that all you got to say? Because all of your arguements lead to that and quite frankly, just looking at the fucking timestamps of the posted charts is enough to crush your arguement. If you really have nothing else than that then good day to you, and have fun being completely and utterly stupid.

You are the one who doesn't understand. I speak from experience here so I can tell as a matter of fact that you are wrong. And I'm pretty sure I have browsed the internet and Sup Forums and Sup Forums for longer than you anyways, so don't claim that I don't understand the internet.

>Is that all you got to say? Because all of your arguements lead to that and quite frankly, just looking at the fucking timestamps of the posted charts is enough to crush your arguement.
Are you dense or something?
The REASON people post so much in the NEW thread is because they can get their posts to the TOP this way. IF there were no NEW thread, they would be FORCED to post in the OLD thread instead, but because this DOESN'T happen users would rather WAIT to post in the NEW thread, therefore making BOTH threads less active than a SINGLE one would be.

>If you really have nothing else than that then good day to you, and have fun being completely and utterly stupid.
Says the guy who ignores every single argument I have made.

Meant to quote in

>The REASON people post so much in the NEW thread is because they can get their posts to the TOP this way. IF there were no NEW thread, they would be FORCED to post in the OLD thread instead
oh wow, you're right, good argument.
we should make new threads then!

"If there is no new thread they will post in the old one"
Do you even have any evidence for that? Because I have evidence that it doesn't happen... the last 5 fucking hours of the old thread. 5 hours, that's a long time if you ask me.

New threads make both the new and the old threads less active than just the old thread would be.

>Do you even have any evidence for that?
It used to be that way a few years ago.

>Because I have evidence that it doesn't happen... the last 5 fucking hours of the old thread. 5 hours, that's a long time if you ask me.
No. That's evidence that people wait for a new thread to get created to rush and post so that their charts get displayed at the post. Your argument is simply awful and willfully ignorant.

your argument is just informing his lol
and the best part is you don't even see it

Tell me a solution (to the non existing problem, seriously, "people are now posting more frequently but 1 thread no one cared about died" is not a problem) then. We tried it over 5 hours and no one gave a fuck about the thread, and I can assure you that this would have continued until someone else made a new thread because they were also sick of a dead thread.

It doesn't I already explained to you why.

>Tell me a solution
Do not make new threads when there is already an old thread.

>We tried it over 5 hours and no one gave a fuck about the thread
Because they were waiting for a new thread to get created. If new threads didn't get created when there is an old thread they would just post in the old thread and therefore we would have a thread more active than both.

>I can assure you that this would have continued until someone else made a new thread because they were also sick of a dead thread
I know that as a matter of fact this didn't happen a few years ago. It's only when people started to rush post in chart threads that threads became inactive so fast.

You smoke weed

You're a very silent person

How decided to ruin this thread with paragraphs and why?


You seem really fun
Koenjihyakkei - Angherr Shisspa

Okay, let's pretend like I won't open another chart thread anymore. What will it change? That a new one comes 5 minutes later? That nothing, and absolutely nothing would be posted until a new one gets opened? I don't see what this is seeking to achieve since this board will never, ever be reverted to its old state. You can moan about the past all you want.

i mean it's not even true really, it's just that occasionally a chart thread would be posted at the right time and garner enough traffic to hit post limit, something that still happens now

been posting in chart threads since before some user made topsters, is just grumpy and stubborn

>What will it change?
People will be forced to post in the old threads until they hit the bump limit.
>That a new one comes 5 minutes later?
Not if they get reported and deleted.

>I don't see what this is seeking to achieve since this board will never, ever be reverted to its old state
Of course it won't, but we are talking about something as basic as waiting until the thread hits the bump limit before making a new thread (like it also happens in almost every other general thread from any board).

>it's just that occasionally a chart thread would be posted at the right time and garner enough traffic to hit post limit
Name the last time it happened. Probably not for a whole year.

>been posting in chart threads since before some user made topsters

> (You) is just grumpy and stubborn
There is nothing stubborn about what I'm saying.

No one wants to hit the bump limit except you. 5 hours of nothing, instant replies as soon as a new thread got opened. Everyone here is against what you are saying. Why are you always claiming you want the website to be better, while you cry and wave your arms around while trying to enforce something NO ONE except you want. You, and only you want that. Why the hell should we care?

>5 hours of nothing, instant replies as soon as a new thread got opened
That's because people are used to a new thread being made after just 50 replies. If people didn't get used to this there would be more activity in older threads. Isn't that what we all want? A more active chart thread that doesn't die after just 50 replies?

But that won't happen anymore, sorry to disappoint you.

It will if we report duplicate threads, delete them, and encourage people not to make new threads where there is already one.

only been super into music for like half a year now so i need recs to get out of pleb status lol

I want the o △ ⬜ album, I need the kanji to google it

famous boating party - silvery branches
miles devens - Atlantic woman


hell yeah

The chart of my physical collection.

>1965: music started

That's when good music started, yeah.

None of the albums on your chart are good though.

I'm sure you wouldn't honestly say that none of them are good.

>In Rainbows
>Not good

5% at most

Indeed, it's not good.