Viper is dying

Why is no one talking about this

His career is already dead.

Oh christ is he doing this shit again?
What fucking career?

He's been on the threshold of death for like a year

Viper will be studied by academics in a few decades. This guy is marvellous.

The death of a clown. That joke isn't funny anymore

the hornace of death

His career as a meme is over.

damn. that is some intense shit

He learned all this bullshit from you guys

One of the greatest outsider musicans ever.

All of his actions make sense when you realize he suffers from undiagnosed mental illness

>undiagnosed mental illness
This isnt tumblr lol hes just a fucked up junkie for life that will never calm down

What does THOD mean?

he misspelled thot

is he schizophrenic

The Hornace of Death

He not be hornicing again , fool leave that hornice alone

hornace of death is the funniest shit. not sure how i'm gonna feel when it kills him though

He needs the hornace in order to train for his final battle

>It's a Viper puts on the corset episode
Seen too many reruns
Lurk more new fag

all this time and he hasn't figured out the word harness

it's not a harness, it's a hornace

>The Hornace of Death # 5

Pic related

Viper is still trying to do the hornace of death? He went to the hospital last time. The fuck does this even accomplish again? Making your insides smaller?

With who, Optimus Prime?

He's trans and wants a feminine waist

You guys know "the hornace of death" is just an unorthodox method of dealing with lean withdrawls right?

from the tweets it looks like he's facing a series of progressively more punishing hornaces

He should stop messing with it

He should've stopped messing with crack too

Kendricks Damn ripped of viper, am I the only one that noticed this?

>ywn spend your time slowing down your own songs in a pirated copy of FL studio and making cryptic shitposts about body wraps on twitter

He is a meme anyway and a litterally who outside of Sup Forums. Not even a great rapper but he has some good songs.

this seems rather obvious to me

lmao rip nigga xD