Banging loads of guys

>banging loads of guys
>unzip the trousers, what a surprise
>in the bathroom, sucking dick
>thanks for cumming that was quick!
>quicker than the other guys
>friday night, what a surprise

What did she mean by this>

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i don't know, i don't listen to taylor swift


made me chuckle, have a (You)

are those real lyrics

This board's a joke. I come here once a year and every time it's a little shittier. How come nobody knows her
You should be graduated in meme music kek

yeah how dare no one listen to your ironic pop hipster dogshit.

hahaha yeah i only get my music from fantano too

What's wrong with meme music? Or Melon?

PC music is fucking trash, I hate those knobheads

anyone else oddly attracted to her
she isn't the hottest pc music girl but she's certainly the first i'd put my dick in

300 bazillion percent sure she's a lesbian

Fantano was late to the PC Music party though, just like he was late to vaporwave.


Did he really miss out on anything though?

She acts ironically trashy and slutty, which I guess might be attractive in a weird way. It helps that she's probably the most musically interesting of the PC Music crowd outside of Danny L Harle.

What the fuck is PC music

fuck british women are gross

this music is like crystal castles if they were really pathetic and had more money somehow

i think it means she's a cock enthusiast

GFOTYBUCKS is legit top 5 albums of this year

is this the first pc music song?

don't disrespect MY president

>might be attractive

not with a face like that

are you like 12? you still use the word hipster?

PC Music isnt ironic though...

Shitty ironic modern pop music for people who are ashamed to admit they unironically like shitty modern pop music ala Charli XCX and whatever other garbage is popular.

That's about as textbook hipster as it gets.

> Uncensored version

the hottest girl in PC music is SOPHiE