Lyrics that make you cry

>Thanks a lot I lost my mind and now i'm losing you.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I can hear so much in your sighs
>And I can see so much in your eyes

>My child arrived just the other day
>He came to the world in the usual way
>But there were planes to catch, and bills to pay
>He learned to walk while I was away
>And he was talking 'fore I knew it, and as he grew
>He'd say, I'm gonna be like you, dad
>You know I'm gonna be like you

All the people
So many people
They all go round and round
Round and round in their . . . .

You get the score.

>I had all and then most of you, some and now none of you
>Take me back to the night we met
>I don't know what I'm supposed to do, haunted by the ghost of you
>Oh, take me back to the night we met

You are my center when I spin away
Out of control on videotape

This is my way of saying goodbye
Because I can't do it face to face
So I'm talking to you before it's too late

No matter what happens now
You shouldn't be afraid
Because I know
Today has been the most perfect day I've ever seen

>loving him, we move within his borders

that whole verse gets me, cuz i love my dad, but that line fucking destroys me. as a weird, literally autistic dude, that line is all i want in the world. ;_;

Ughhhhh, extra for me and anybody that was at the last BTMI show. I was sobbing during it :'(

>up my sleeves

Should I tear my eyes out now?
Everything I see returns to you somehow
Should I tear my heart out now?
Everything I feel returns to you somehow
Uuuu uuu uu

And I, Never thought
This life was possible
You're the, Yellow bird
I've been waiting for

Oh my Kuiama
Don't Break your heart cryin'

I wanted to run
But they gave me a gun
And told me to do the duty I owe to my fatherland

>I will let you down
>I will make you hurt


But this ain't even the song
This is just for you to hear what's wrong
That's what I'm telling my mom
But she knew all along (why can't we all get along?)

>Love is natural and real
>But not for you my love; not tonight my love
>Love is natural and real
>But not for such as you and I, my love

I landed here in country
With my nations guns and flags
I've been here three weeks now maybe more
Tomorrow they will ask us
To take that stand of trees
The fear I feel inside my chest
Is the same as my enemy's

thirty years of hurt
never stopped me dreaming

I open my eyes again, to a sleepy morning
I tighten the tie around my neck
When I pass through the classroom door I can walk in with my chest puffed out proudly
Such a wind blows past everyday life
I thought I heard it
I even thought I felt it

My expense is low, but the price is high, and though I'm working hard, it's getting harder to get buy.

lots of snowing lines:

>sometimes i get drunk at night, when one drink turns fast into five
>and then i start thinking how many different ways my driving can take my life
>and i'm all alone when i'm not alone
>and what's worse is i kinda like that
>relationships don't burn, they fade out
>so i know i won't burn, i'll fade out

>why are my eyes always shifting away from everyone else's eyes?
>a minor case, major depressive

>what would i do if you came back?
>i'd say no, or i hope i could, but i still want you
>and what do you think i would do after you left?
>would i stay sober?
>i think it'd be much worse

>Where did I go wrong
>I lost a friend
>Somewhere along in the bitterness
>And I would have stayed up with you all night
>Had I known how to save a life

source on the first paragraph?

>now don't say a prayer for anyone, it doesn't do any good
>please don't ask me questions, it'd just be misunderstood
>and if you could step inside me you'd feel what hatred brings
>and if you saw with my eyes, you'd see what self-deception means

why am i not going underwater? from their LP

>maybe it's the things i never learned how to do
>maybe it's the things i learned how to do real well
>maybe it's the irish whiskey that i like to drink
>maybe it's the california zinfandel
>but i think something's wrong with me
>i think something's glued down wrong, maybe permanently

thanks user

np senpai

>i still lover her
>loved her more when she used to be sober
>and i was kinder

>we went to new york city in september
>took the train out of manhattan to the grand army stop
>found that bench we'd sat together on a thousand years ago
>when i felt such love for you i thought my heart was gonna pop
>i wanted you to love me like you used to do

Standing in the dark outside the house
Breathing the cold and sterile air
Well I was thinking how it must feel
To see that little light
And watch it as it disappears
And fades into
And fades into the night

So I know you're going pretty soon
Radiation sore throat got your tongue
Magic markers tattoo you
And show it where to aim
And strangers break their promises
You won't feel any
You won't feel any pain

>It's cold when I touch you

I'm not living i'm just killing time

If music makes you cry then you're a soyboy fag

>Then peering down straight between his legs
>Harry thought of the range of possibilities
>A new face, a new life, no memories of the past
>And slit his throat from ear to ear

Having a partner that took their own life, I can't listen to that song. It'll mess me up for awhile if I do.

Damn user, hope you're holding up okay. That shit sounds rough.

>>why are my eyes always shifting away from everyone else's eyes?

If you must die, sweetheart
Die knowing your life
was my life's best part


Your transformed, dying face will recede with time
Is what our counselor said
Who we walked to every Monday, holding hands
Slower every week with your breathing
Until we had to drive

fuck you frank ocean... just go to 3:30
>Keep a place for me, for me
>I'll sleep between y'all, it's no thing
>Keep a place for me
>It's nothing, it's no thing
>It's nothing, it's no thing
>Sometimes you'll miss it and the sound
>Will make you cry
>And some nights you're dancing
>With tears in your eyes

>Tears and fears and feeling proud,
>To say "I love you" right out loud
>Dreams and schemes and circus crowds
>I've looked at life that way

>But now old friends they're acting strange
>They shake their heads, they say I've changed
>Well something's lost, but something's gained
>In living every day.

>I've looked at life from both sides now
>From win and lose and still somehow
>It's life's illusions I recall
>I really don't know life at all

Fuck, this so much
>Well I was never young
>Nothing has transpired
>When I look in the mirror
>I feel dead, I feel cold, I am blind

You look different...


When I was a child I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone

Why don't we stop fooling ourselves? The game is over, over, over. No good times, no bad times. There's no times at all just the New York Times. Sitting on the windowsill. Near the flowers. We might as well be apart. It hardly matters we sleep separately. And drop a smile passing in the hall, but there's no laughs left ‘cause we laughed them all. And we laughed them all in a very short time
Time is tapping on my forehead. Hanging from my mirror. Rattling the teacups. And I wonder. How long can I delay? We're just a habit like saccharine And I'm habitually feelin' kinda blue, but each time I try on the thought of leaving you I stop… I stop and think it over

>Settle down
>This won't last long
>I've been out
>And i want back in
>So why not
>Completely fade away?

>You never thought about you only
>You never had to worry about which part of you to show me
>You're just as stupid as you've always been
>Treat your stupid little problems like a molecule of oxygen
>You're never getting better, you're addicted to the madness
>You're treated like a muse, are you happy now, Travis?
>I could go inside a window and disappear
>Just observe, just overhear
>If I was glass I'd revert back to sand
>Scattered through the sea, I could pass through your hands
>None of this will happen, nothing will ever
>The things that I believe can never ever happen
>I'm standing by a microphone and yelling at a wall
>Pick a thousand names, you're still nobody at all

every fucking time

>i am sinking it goes up to my chin
>white white white grey to black eversince
This song basicly, I fell bad for rusbros

>What could you possibly do
>Needing you is an obstacle I can't move

disgustingly low quality bait

>hystericaaaaal and uuuuuuuseless
>hysterical and


Yeah, some snowing shit really gets me.

All the years of useless search have finally reached an end
Loneliness and empty days will be my only friend
From this day love is forgotten
I'll go on as best I can

And yet still I which I could dream as when young
Sleep tight
As she came to me so young and honest