Melanie Martinez accused of rape by her former BFF

What do you make of this?

>Melanie Martinez will never rape you
why live


It's good to see some SJWs get the heat a little bit.


>soyboys don't exis-



>weirdo whose entire artistic aesthetic is DDLG shit ends up being a rapist

who could have seen this coming

she's ended before even starting lol

quick rundown plase

some friend, huh?

yeah, this is all bullshit

Sexy as hell, I loved the fisting part

her best friend said that when she was sleeping melanie licked her pussy and then shove her a dildo without consent.


Could this be the begin of tumblr death?

>literal who accused of rape by literal who
literally who cares?

You're a piece of shit if you conceptualise other people's sexual trauma as some kind of pathetic validation for your own dreadful politics.

tumblrs been dead

i don't

if she has tattoos she has nothing to lose

sure, "Ocean MAN"

fuck off spidey


Home isn't any better.

I'm not staying, but I'm not leaving with anyone.

All I want is the truth and keys to my ride.

>I tried to say no every way possible
>except actually saying "no, I will not have sex with you"

girl mooched off her friend who felt her up and she was too lazy to get up and leave

It's like what Morrissey said. So she's in Melanie's bedroom sleeping in her bed with her two nights in a row. First night she makes advantages and Timothy is able to turn them off. Despite this she comes back and sleeps in the same bed. Surely should she have had some ounce of knowing what was going to happen. Two adults sleeping in a the same bed at home should create some sort of awareness of sexual situation.

>you will never be raped by some irrelevant 3rd string pop girl trying to be le hip indie musician but is actually just shitty pop music and thinking that dressing like a little girl is original when Courtney love was doing that shit in the 90's

The idea of Melanie raping someone is incredibly hot. Does this mean she doesn't like dick?

kek what a cry baby am I right

most of her lyrics seem pretty hetero to me, perhaps she's bisexual

i just finished reading the post

all she had to do was push her away and yell "no"

If my dad came into my room and started jerking me, a 22 year old, and I just let it happen and came on his face and then sucked him off too and swallowed his hot load i would be partially to blame to

Melanie is the type of girl you want to throat fuck to tears and pick up and pound her ass while standing and put her in a full nelson like J-mac does and pound the shit out of her until her eyeliner drips down her cheeks

is there a topless pic of her music out there?

why are people such fucking whiny pussies

>i just let her molest me, because i was just so terrified of her, she was emotionally abusing me

Fucking stand up for yourself you bitch, the world is full of shit people who will take advantage of you in every way possible, are you just going to let them do that? if so you deserve it. Obviously if someone forceibly rapes you it's different, but holy fuck in this scenario all she had to do was stand up for herself.

b-b-b-b-b-but I love her! she's my best friend! (giggles while getting "raped")

>tfw OP uses the most attractive photo of a rapist possible to attract attention

Shameless. But now I want to fap . . . .

Wow it's fucking nothing

>allowed her self to be eaten out and fucked with a toy
>S-she raped me!
Nah, I bet she liked it and she's just following the current trend of outing people, even it's a bullshit situation.

one time my friends and i were really drunk and one of them tried jacking me off through my pants to get me hard as a joke

the memory haunts me, i ...was raped...

b-b-but muh ess-jay-double-yewwws

What sort of gymnastics do these people do to convince themselves they've been raped?

Well she was being controlled by her and was sort of pathetic and couldn't say no- everybody knows a person like that, older sister or brother or shit friend. The story is credible. Yeah it's stupid she couldn't stand up to the bitch friend but she just couldn't. Not hard to understand why. We're talking about young, stupid people. Shit happens

shitty music
shitty drama
shitty thread

>was emotionally abusing me
This is my new "into the trash it goes" phrase. It means fucking nothing. Ask someone who says this to elaborate and they'll stammer like a retard, or pull out some mundane argument they had where the SO won and she didn't get her way

i mean...

Michael Gira, The crystal castle's dude, Cosby, this slut
Why all the "cool" musician are being acused of RAPE?

I think I speak for all of us when I say: who the fuck is that

This thread really brings out the underage unformed retard opinions like nothing else lately. Bye mu. You are too stupid to tolerate anymore.

what a strange time we live in. it's not a far out thought to say these victims and abusers are often egomaniacs and desperately want attention, despite already being internet celebrities. i have an instagram for the sole purpose of following ig celebs, people who have thousands of followers just for posting selfies, posting "so relatable" posts about hating life though they're relatively well off, healthy, and attractive, and the drama is more entertaining than any reality show i've seen. Constant rape allegations, abuse allegations, emotional abuse allegations, all on instagram. People stroking their ego in the comments. It's literally a fix for these people, they need all eyes on them constantly.
sick world

I'm actually kinda proud of the fact that I have no idea who this is

He's right, faggot. All the virtue signalling morons who push their shitty politics and now revealed to be degenerate(not really surprising on that one), hypocritical scum bags. Keep chugging that soy, goyim.

and not cuddle with after purely because of her tattoo choices and haircut

see you tomorrow

Hahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Rape Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Rapist Like Nigga Defend Yourself Haha

Stay gone, reddit.

>t. alphabet boy

Did you ignore the part where the victim said she had a deep dependence on Melanie? The reason she didn't become assertive and physically push Melanie off was because she felt that she needed their friendship to continue for the sake of her own happiness and well-being. She felt trapped in that moment and had no choice but to either give in or lose someone extremely important to her. Yeah it's fucking pathetic, but that doesn't excuse Melanie's behavior.

>ig celebs
The culture of "famous for being famous" is so strange, there's something nightmarish about the whole thing, like seeing the kind of conversations that normies have on twitter in the comments of some viral post. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but it makes me uneasy on a very base level.

>liberal soycucks are mentally damaged and don't know what rape is
Im getting tired of reruns.

yeah i get you

i think it's heavily rooted in narcissism, egoism etc. People who flock to that scene are almost universally sick people

except maybe melanie didnt know. maybe the "victim" wasnt enthusiastic but they had never had relations before so how could she tell? I imagine it would be hard to tell if she's mumbling "no" between moans and then crawls back to the same bed with the same person the next day.

I agree with you 100%, i feel like our world has slowly changed into this. I first felt like it when the history channel and national geographic started making those shows about aliens. Also when B.O.B and tila tequila started talking about illuminati and conspiracies. Its obvious now that when people or companies become irrelevant, they act crazy to get attention. Like when the fonz jumped the shark, except its become a thing people do with their lives.

They actin crazy to get attention loooong before they get any so it's not a shark jump, these muthafuckas IS the shark and you are now discussing it and so am I

I like sjw getting btfo again.

How can men get raped youre fucking stupid.



This is why no one takes whores seriously anymore. Women are a fucking meme. They are such a joke. Like literally their entire mystique and excitement is about being a rape object. That's how they get their identity and their social validation, by being "raped" a.k.a writing emotional poetic faggotry and pretending you're this emotional victim.

girls raping girls? what she fingered her or something or grabbed a tittie? nigga this isn't news

>he doesn't read articles even though they're linked in the OP and it says "BFF" in the title
Lesbian rape, allegedly. The victim was a grill

Man that's fucking hot post pics of the girl

Forced scissoring?

my friends and i were joking about how we essentially wanted to be molested when we were kids

like remember being a horny 14 year old and thinking "damn i wish my hot teacher would fuck me". hahahahahaha fuck man

I don't care about how bad I look, and I don't take back what I said in the Alice Glass thread. I think this girl is full of shit.

so she wasn't thinking that being raped might possibly end up as a strain on their relationship?

that's some pretty shit logic

My unironic theory is that it's naturally unnerving because their utter lack of self-awareness and genuine emotion treads the lower limit of sentience required to define a human being, which creates an uncanny valley thing. These people look and act like us and can interact freely with the world, but there's something not there. The inability to see anything other than what's dangling from a stick in front of you (IG fame, more followers, money, "clout") means they're unable to step back and examine their lives, and consider the lives and feelings of others, which is the cornerstone of any meaningful human connection.
You see it even in their relationships. Their friendships exist only so that they can advertise how wide of a social circle they have for social media, or humblebrag about how nice/funny/cool they are via sharing their private interactions to social media. Same with romance- do any of these types have "average" but funny/creative SOs? Of course not, because their only purpose is to pose in IG pictures (to inspire jealousy? advertise how desirable they are?) and further their social standing.
I don't know what defines a human being, but these people have relinquished much of whatever it is in their pursuit of fame. There's no answer to the question of "for what purpose?"- I don't know if they ever consider it, but any angst of that sort can be drowned out with the thousands of retweets they'll get on their next underwear selfie.

Dead serious question how can you get raped by a woman? I thought rape was like insertion. The worst she can do is go Trump grab her by the pussy or some shit but you're not powerless in that situation just grab her hand and pull her off or something. It's not like she can force a member inside of you. I don't get it.

Kids are going to be having lots of sex now that internet porn is a thing and they all have phones so they can talk

did you not read the story?

i actually remember reading a study somewhere that says kids are having sex less now, guess it has something to do with instant gratification through text/snapchat

>just grab her hand and pull her off or something
that's still rape and sexual assault, m'dood

law enforcement trolling
and you wonder why mu's so slow

Did you fucks even read it?
>I repeatedly said no
For fucks sake most of the time I agree that rape accusations are blown out of proportion or falsified but she literally said no MANY TIMES, assuming her story is true.

Man that's fucking hot just like my pornos. Let's be real though how can you just be like "yeah rub my pussy shove a dildo up my pussy I don't want it but I'm not gonna stop you because like youre my friend or w/e". How do you let it get that far if you're not into it. It's not like a dick or whatever attached to the body or like she was drugged or some shit even. Just push her off, grab the fucking dildo and chuck it. Yeesh

>man accused of raping woman
>off with his head fuck him stop listening to his music
>woman accused of rape
>dude that's hot post pics

Fuck yall. Peace.

Theyre always here LEAs are always the worst shit posters

This is literally NOT rape. She allowed it to happened, then regretted it afterwards. That isn't fucking rape at all.

First of all, she was under the influence of both booze and weed, second she was quite tired and the same scenario happend for 2 days in a row and third, it's about the whole relationship of power going on and the obvious pyschological manipulation that she went through before getting sexually abused. Victim blaming in this particular case has no use, my friend.

It is, but she should have been more assertive about it, I get people get scared and volerable. I just not following the story that well, or really feeling that much empathy. She let her self get ate out and fucked with a toy? And she let it happen? WHy would you get back into bed with that person again the next night? That's my question.

>being raped by a 5 foot tall mexiwoman



I don't think she's in the wrong, I just think it's bizarre that when she actually started using a dildo/eating on her she made no effort to resist

Take the time to read the fucking thing will ya

literal brainlet read that

it's dangerous territory when you start accusing people of rape because you regret the interaction

if this is the standard now, i've been raped 3 times

Women out here eatin each other now nigga it's hard out there don't even look at a woman at this rate pham. They got Charlie Rose and the fucking NPR guy if those PBS queers are out here being accused of sex shit and now women are whose next? Mr. Rogers?

Uhhhhh don't you understand she was PSYCHOLOGICALLY MANIPULATED????
Remember, it's 2017 and women no longer have agency or basic foresight, it's misogynist to disagree with this

>a tripfag

That's literally not rape. It's scummy, but it ain't rape.

I honestly don't get if these kind of posts focus on blaming the victim because they feel the need to address how gullible some people in this world are or if they simply ignore the perpetrator as a given since they already considering him guilty.

Don't worry guys, this is all to take down Big Bad Drumpf

We just need to ritually sacrifice 6,495 more celebrities