/gg/ - Guitar and Bass General

Broken Gibby Edition

How do I start learning guitar?
Suggested Practice Routine:
Guitar chords and inversions
String tension calculator (D'Addario-based):
Music theory:
Hal Leonard's Bass Method:
Steve Vai's Ten Hour Workout
Guthrie Govan's Creative Guitar 1 & 2
Advancing Guitarist - Mick Goodrick
Chord Chemistry - Ted Greene
Mickey Baker's Jazz Guitar
Modern Chord Progressions: Jazz and Classical Voicings for Guitar - Ted Greene
Jazz Guitar: Single Note Soloing Vol. 1 & 2- Ted Greene

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*consumes a large amount of soy*
*buys one fender telecaster*

I don't even have a single pedal but I want to get myself a looper. Was ready to shoot on a
Digitech Jamman Solo XT but I keep hearing the software is shit and I want to use it to get some stuff into Ableton.

I prefer old Gibby's desu the new ones are just a hunk of firewood.

>I want to use it to get some stuff into Ableton.
Caline CP-33 has a MicroSD slot.

looking to replace the pickguard on my gretsch any suggestions

>stuff into Ableton
Why don't you just record tracks using your DAW instead of using a looper?


Why are telecasters associated with soyboys?

I'm totally new to this sort of thing. How easy would that be?

Is there any real downside to thumb muting the top string(s) as a beginner?

recently the numale hipster shitbag trust funders in brookyln started trading in their offsets for teles in huge numbers. they're transitioning into a more roots rock direction after years of vacuum cleaner shoegaze because they're bored of playing one note into 35 garbage ass pedals and trying to convince people they're playing music. they can't play for shit so they're going for basic bitch americana rock with teles for muh authenticity. tele is a soyboy guitar now. they poison everything they touch

I've seen exactly the opposite. THey all have offsets. Tele has always been the working mans guitar.

had offsets. pay attention gramps

Keep your teles. Fuck them.

imagine actually living your life with this shit in your head

Faggots play offsets. Always have, always will.


Why do I leep seeing this generic "Suhr" headstock on high-high end guitars? If you're not going to design the body - props to Leo - at least improve on the one thing that you're not allowed to rip off.

>thumb muting
Don't bother. You can get just as much precision from a palm mute, with practice. (Without the palm muted sound, I mean.)

doesn't work quite like that boys. its like telling everyone you're gay and you love sucking dick. you're never going to be seen as a normal heterosexual man ever again no matter how much you proclaim to love pussy and tits if decide you made a mistake. same thing here. once the soyboys feminize something its gay forever. yes faggots play offsets. now faggots play teles too. sucks don't it?

At least we can all agree the Stratocaster is the greatest guitar of all time.

>"Suhr" headstock

So even Suhr has no headstock originality. Thanks for bolstering my point, breh.


imagine actually living your life with this shit in your head

gibson is shit



avoid the soy goys and their smelly teles

>play guitar
>only band that wants me is my friends band
>play bass
>asked after every show if I’m available
I don’t get it, why don’t more guitarists switch to bass. Its much more fun and not that hard of a switch.

r germanium tub pedls gud?

Teles aren't forgiving. You can't hide bad playing behind them. Fags may try them, but they won't keep them. They are, and will always be a working man's guitar.

dont be silly, Apu, theres no germanium tubes. just germ transistors aka. solid state. btw they sound fantastic, russians still have unearthed containers full of them at very cheap.

"A Telecaster is the first solid body guitar ever sold. It's an uncompromising thing. In the last year, I finally conquered it. It's unforgiving- if you mess up, you can hear it. It has so much harmonic presence and it actually translates to tape."

"On the Stratocaster, you have the wang bar and I have my tricks but those were becoming cliches. You don't have that with a Telecaster. You're forced to think musically."

they don't care about playing music you dumbass. they never have. they care about instagram posts, social justice, virtue signaling, meat free soy heavy diets, wearing beard facades of masculinity to cover their weak feminine bitch chins, etc. that's how the faggots ruined offsets for everyone. offset = faggot. now tele = faggot too. not asking you here. telling you

What do you think of my mods to my $100 squier?

I know this is guitar and bass, but does anyone have any good irish or dixie banjo tabs they could share?

Does /gg/ like my baritone partscaster?

Cut off the god damn string excess it is NOT COOL TO LEAVE IT ON THERE

What neck is that? And what radius?

but the gizzard wizzard bo'bizzard nizzard does it

Calm down you autist. I don't have good string clipper around right now. A more pressing matter: it's missing an entire string. I just finished putting it back together and wanted to check the intonation + take a pic

Warmoth baritone strat conversion neck. 10-16 radius. 28 and 5/8 inch scale length. I really like it.

I always thought those "hot rod" twin rail single slot humbuckers looked neat as fuck and it's a $100 squirrel so why not

Dream guitars? I'm a fender guy if you couldn't tell...

>I don't have a good string clipper
Bitch I used cheap ass dollar store hair scissors to cut my bass strings

wheres the strap go tho

Bass VI

Gee I wonder why that works
it can't be because bass strings are all wound and guitar has 3 unwound..

I have an old pair of clippers that would clip the bottom 3 bass strings but not the top. Would a headstock with 3 trimmed strings and 3 sticking out be preferable?

objectively yes

Forgot to screw those in before i took the pic. I Just finished putting it all together earlier this morning.

Ever have a string go up underneath your fingernail? Hurts like shit, especially a .10.

I like it. Personally I wouldn't have used a 6 point tremolo, but looks like a nice guitar.

Anyone own the cordoba C5?
Is it worth buying a classical guitar at that price point?
Any others I should be looking out for?

Cool. What's the scale length?

i have a c10 and i think it sounds great. my guitar teacher says it sounds and plays similar to a 2000 dollar guitar. i bought it used at 600.

Really a great budget guitar brand imo.

there is a huge difference between the c5 and the c10. The C10 is full solid wood. The c5 has laminated sides. Around the price of the c5 check the Yamaha CG142C.

Who the fuck doesn't own needlenose pliers or a fucking multitool?

Huh? Wound strings all have unwound strings (i.e. wires) in their core.

Which model/colour?

28 and 5/8

Did you make your grandmother into a pillow?

Pic related to shine up the finish.

Had one break and whiplash itself into the nail of one of my fingers. (I wish cell phones had cameras back then... Who am I kidding? I still can't afford a cell phone.)

>Who the fuck...
Not him but I lost mine when I moved. I've resorted to looping.

you're a bigger faggot than any 'soyboy' out there I don't understand how you care that much good luck living in constant fear of who you're associated with

Emerging metalhead here. 20yo hobbyless shitter. Been heavily considering pucking up guitar. Is it worth starting this late in life? Or would it be a waste of time?

never to late go for it man

TK-300 natural

If you only want it for a hobby it's never too late. Furthermore, you're only 20, you retard. You could learn for a few years, join a band and make gig before 23.

>I'm a fender guy
read: soyboy

Thanks for the inspo. May the blood of soyboys fuel your journey. Rock and roll will never die.

I prefer Jazzys over Jags. Mainly a scale length thing, but also Jazzy pickups just edge out Jag pickups for me.
If I were a bass player, I'd want a Jazz bass style body but routed for Thunderbird pickups. Love the sound of Thunderbird pickups, but I'm not as much of a fan of the Thunderbird shape.

Oi I was an user asking about buying Chase guitar, which on paper looks way above its price chasedirect.co.uk/special-sale/shine-sd-220-electric-guitar . From what I could gather, Shine was a Korean company making quality OEM guitars for Gibson, Epiphone etc. They went bankrupt and some retailers bought their guitar stock. This guitar indeed has original Seymour Duncan pups, Grover tuners and was made in Korea. The thing is, even though it's "new", it probably was made 5-10 years ago, but was kept in storage for all this time.
The question - should I bite the bullet and buy it "new" for 210 GBP (~280 USD)?


>green stain
no thanks

Noob here. Got a new acoustic yesterday and it sounds real metallic/tinny, especially the highest two nylon strings (the others seem to be bronze).

I'm pretty sure the frets and everything are fine, I've read the strings might need to break in to get a better sound, how long does that take if it's true?

Guitar is an epiphone pro-1 if that matters.

change the strings. I can not imagine how bad the epiphone strings are.

Is there anything more ugly than a tortoise shell pick guard?

A strat with a cumbucker.

I just want a good guitar but I'm fukcing poor. What's just a guitar that isn't fucking terrible? I don't give a fuck, just anything

Yamaha, Reverend, Squier.

Music Man

What are some good songs for a beginner?

I've learnt a bunch of chords, but all the songs I see recommended to play are dadrock shit and I'd be much more motivated to practice if I were playing songs I'd actually enjoy. So far I've only learnt a few NMH songs.

Anodized pick guards

play whatever you like. Give us the name of a band you like so we can help you choose an easy song.

just basically anything Sup Forumscore, I listen to a lot of math rock but that obviously isn't achievable for a beginner

I've been listening to a bit of Pavement and Modest Mouse recently and some of the riffs on songs like Fight Your Generation don't seem too bad.

>t.tele owning soyboy who just got nailed
stay mad queer

is this just a meme or is a real thing? Because I just buy a Gibson some days ago

are they really that breakable?

maybe this: youtube.com/watch?v=d3UJ_BWL-ZQ

A retard can break almost anything given enough time.

if you treat it like shit, yes. I have never seen a Gibson jazzbox with that problem, and that's because normally the jazzbox owners are not apes.

Yes, the Gibson headstock design is more likely to break than say Fender, you just need to be careful with your things.

The design could be fixed easily with the addition of a volute, and Gibson tried this in the 70s and 80s but this made the Gibson traditionalists froth at the mouth and they changed back to no volute.

used mim strat

a telecaster

Best cheap guitar there is.

Does anyone else have pretty bad fret buzz with .009s on there? Recently changed mine and it's very annoying. Other than that I love that guitar. Wish I had gone for that natural finish instead of the raspberry red one though.

>tfw gay and actually playing an offset

Am I a walking meme? I play manly dadrock.


Is this played with fingerpicking or a pick? Both feel awkward as fuck to me

Is the 112v specifically the best one from the pacifica line? Actually interested

True. I prefer new Epiphone LP's to new Gibson LP's.

Look at his hands, you dummy. His thumb and index finger are well apart. He obviously isn't using a pick.

Then you prefer worse guitars.