ITT: patrician celebrities




what makes colbert patrician?

doing late night tv is probably insanely demanding and exhausting. props to this dude for keeping what late night is fresh and he's funny. also i think the president is a moron with dementia and i feel like you can't talk about it enough so i mean its right up my alley lol

His constant and repetitious hatred of Trump oh, and being in Podesta's hip pocket.

his favorite song is Holland, 1945. Not memeing

He used Holland 1945 as the closing song for the last episode of his show

>pandering to the hipster doofus crowd like a good shill

>pander to your audience of insufferable faggots with this one simple trick!

colbert is a fucking try hard faggot, i remember he did this thing were he was interviewing letterman and name dropped netural milk hotel and letterman was all lol who cares

He is also a neoliberal fuck boy.

The only person I know who watches Colbert regularly is my mom and I doubt she's a big NMH fan

colbert is mu like circa 2007

Mu circa 2017 is like post poptamist vapor trap jazz core.

Post link

like from 2009 to 2016 mu warped into the zeitgeist of EDM, rap, and poptamism.
Poptamism is pretty played out at this point, its become just as narrow minded as rockism.
we had fun making all those micro genres like vapor wave, witchhouse, seapunk.
And right now trap rules everything, although when an empire is at its strongest its actually at its weakest.
Colbert needs to be name dropping king kruel or some shit.
I have a feeling something is going to shift soon. I hope metal comes back.
Im in the mood for metal in the age of trump

>i feel like you can't talk about it enough
Does it not start to feel insane after a while?
I'm no fan of Trump and would enjoy some clever satire, but you turn on any of these late night shows and it's just thinly veiled nuclear rage with stupid shit like "racist cheeto" or bizarre criticisms like 2 scoops or the way he drinks water. It's no different from an drunk uncle at Thanksgiving talking about Barack HUSSEIN Obama aka B.O., it's just not funny in any way and they never bring anything creative to the table.

I was just asking for a link to some post poptamist vapor trap jazz core. What is all this bullshit?

>Oh, and being in Podesta's hip pocket.

Podesta paid me to tell you you’re a cuck

i was just exaggerating you autistic dipshit

>Poptamism is pretty played out
Worshiping hip-hop and shitting things up with """black twitter""" humor is still poptimism

Based Colbert was one of ourguys, he probably posted on Sup Forums and kpop threads through, posted feels and wrote the nigger word in endless occassion, you know, just to fuck around.


But what you said didn't answer my request???

Easiest shlock you could ever do. And seeing how the braindead college crowd never tires of it, it's easy money.

Penn Jillette and Matt Groening are patrician


lol, Colbert is doing political satire satire. That is, he's doing satire of political satire. You taking his political satire satire at face value just shows how dumb you are.

Obama becoming president was the worst thing to ever happen to liberals. They went from being cool funny guys to like this warped garbage person who is offended at everything and is incapable of humor because they are too busy playing the moral police

"we're subversive to the status quo" says liberal man on liberal talk show on liberal tv network on liberal television

Watching a modern identity politics stand up comedian is kinda like VHS-era "Christian" entertainment isn't it?.... it's not entertaining, has nothing beyond heavy-handed preaching, and those producing it can only conclude the reason the masses aren't applauding it is because they're evil Satan-spawn.

norm mcdonald said something once about how bad comedians say things to make people clap, not laugh. i think about that a lot

yeah this, I saw an interview where him and Seth Rogen just talked about a mean twitter dm Seth sent to donald trump jr

it seems like Colbert benefited greatly from being restricted to a character.
Stewart was the only one among them that was inexplicably consistently funny and charismatic.
their politics are a bit milquetoast for me though anyways

yeah cool I'm glad this thread was derailed by political bullshit

What terrifies me is if ISIS were to detonate a nuclear device and kill 50 million Americans, imagine the backlash against peaceful Muslims.

>shit like "racist cheeto" or bizarre criticisms like 2 scoops or the way he drinks water
I'm going to go full fedora, but a majority of people genuinely think this is absolutely hilarious and biting satire. You have to understand how fucking stupid so many people are.

norm's funny as fuck but he sounds like a hypocrite when he gets triggered over fucking jokes about religion. In fact, that's more embarrassing than the liberals of the world

It was obviously designed for political bullshit. Fuck off.

you're using a gross exaggeration to justify your prejudice

Jiro Nightmares of Assrape

>first post of a thread has nothing at all to do with music
mods pls do your jobs

to be absolutely fair, islam is a terrible religion


I think this guy's a patrician, he loves Kanye in spite of 'not really getting' hip hop and has a decent wealth of knowledge about various rock scenes.

>muh podesta
>muh libruls being mean to my trumpy
Nice effort but you forgot to mention Soros and Hillareeeeeeeeee

unlike baalism which is great worse than christianity. i'd honestly rather live among muslim rapists than christian bigots

spoiler they're all terrible

Do you not remember when Muslims blew up dozens of elementary school age children and maimed hundreds more at a concert, and the overwhelming public and media reaction was that we shouldn't blame Islam for the attack, because that would make Muslims angry and they'd attack us more?
Fuck off.
These people are barbarians. When you die you don't get bonus points for how tolerant you were to people whose goal in life is to destroy you.

Came here for this one. I ended up listening to trout mask replica because of his story about it/review

It's jokes about Christianity, and it's because they're played out, and it's literally just more preaching than anything.
It's the facade of pretending to be a dangerous comic telling jokes that have been mainstream for 30 years. Tell a joke that will get you labelled Hitler by Buzzfeed if you want to seem edgy, not the same "Christians are stoopid" meme we've heard a billion times, you're just doing that for applause from people that agree.


same. i would rather be murdered for making a cartoon than being told that being gay is bad

Yeah but what about between christian rapists and muslim bigots?

>these priorities
>jumps to talking shit about christianity at the first sight of islam recognition i mean phobia
did you know that most lone mass shooters in the US are/were registered democrats?

yeah, norm has actually made a joke about Christianity that was actually funny on his podcast

The only reason Christians are less dangerous than Muslims is because they don't follow their book as well

as a westerner, there's no reason to make fun of Allah or muslims. punching down isn't funny or what comedy is. rural christian sub human bigots are different, christianity has a history of violence and oppression

Because the average american news watcher is more likely to interact with an average muslim than a radical terrorist. Its fine to prevent undue hatred at the source.
>These people are barbarians
I dont get why you are saying this. You seem ignorant. The vast majority of Muslims aren't radical terrorist

if you're trying to be edgy you're a shit head anyways. The point is to get a laugh and MAYBE articulate a point of view or feeling that you actually have.
Aside from that,being edgy was effective in the past because the censorship of the past was illegitimate,silly,and backed by government force.
Nobody's getting arrested like Carlin bc they're a bigot, they're getting shit on because they look like morons

good b8 desu

>unironically using "punching down"
this is bait

don't pretend to know the bible



>christianity has a history of violence and oppression
so does islam

>The vast majority of Muslims aren't radical terrorist
the vast majority of muslims were indoctrinated at birth and haven't read a quarter of the quran

let me guess, you're some un-PC chapo listening bernie bro who likes to make fun of PoC and women, and detests ID politics because as a white male, you can never understand what it's like to be marginalized and forced to partake in them. you're no ally, you're a maga hat idiot in disguise

No it's because they are in a diffrent period of culture development, Christianity had it's angsty teen years too


You can't tell this guy is being ironic? Or are you being ironic by responding to him seriously?

>the vast majority of muslims were indoctrinated at birth
On what basis are you making this claim? This simply isnt true

>christianity has a history of violence and oppression
keyword "history". this is literally not an argument. so we're supposed to allow another history of religious violence because there was a history of another religion's violence? fuck out of here


>The vast majority of Muslims aren't radical terrorist
No, they just agree with them.


As patrician for a soccer player as it gets. Wonder who exposed him to it, probably some journalist. The image of him playing Swans to soyboys like Özil and Di María in the locker room is pretty amusing.

The only way democrats get their groove back is by tossing neoliberlism into the ocean and embracing full gay space democratic socialism.

The identity politics obsessed sjw's of the obama era need to be purged.
Democrats need to re embrace class politics.
They need to get out of the yale sociology department and into the union halls.

This is the only way the democrats rejuvenate themselves

By the way, clinton lost because she is out of touch lizard lady neoliberal cunt. not because of russia

Colbert seems like the type of guy who would rip on you relentlessly behind your back and when you confront him about it he denies it vehemently and acts all buddy-buddy

Unless they're christcuck jokes right? Then they get a medal.


Christianity's only defense is that the Bible is full of so many contradictions that you can basically read anything you want into it.
>Love thine enemy dude, just don't check out all that weird older stuff that Jesus specifically said not to forget about!

That's literally his job.

don't pretend to know the bible

If they're funny enough
Carlin is the only one i can think of off the top of my head with good material on religion but I consume stand up list now that I'm an adult

don't pretend to know the bible

no to chapo and being a bernie bro. I'm a CRYPTO FACIST cumtown listener though. nice try tho B^)

>God says to forget about all the old angsty Jewish shit and forgive and love one another

my crippled tranny girlfriend is obsessed with cum town

i can tell you've never read the bible

the bible is a storybook; you're not supposed to flip to some arbitrary page and point out contradictions when you don't understand how to read it in the first place

incidentally, i studied the quran over the summer and it's one of the barbaric things i've ever read. i'm genuinely shocked that over a billion people subscribe to the shit heap of a religion that islam is.