What does Sup Forums think of Steam Powered Giraffe?

What does Sup Forums think of Steam Powered Giraffe?

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I've literally never seen a more aesthetically revolting, embarrassing picture in my entire life.

I hope the grown adults in this picture are deeply ashamed by what transpired here. And I hope they are sorry for unleashing this unholy blight upon humanity.

They shouldn't have fired The Jon. I miss him. And the situation around him "leaving"/being fired is super confusing.

Hatchworth was a fine replacement but not as good.
Zero just does NOT fit the fucking band period. It's like putting Barry White in the Bee Gees. He's fine on his own but not good with harmonizing with the other two.

Mmm yes I must say Honeybee is indubitably one of the most sublime works of plunderphonic sound I have ever heard. What's that Madame? Electro swing? Heavens, no! That is the dirge of the lowly troglodyte. It is far from the purview of the masterful composers collectively known as Steam Powered Giraffe

this is the only time i will ever agree with one of your stupid faggot posts

enjoy it you stupid faggot

Literally one of the absolute worst bands on the planet. No meme, no joke, they are trash. In as far as living beings who actually know how to play instruments they are at the very bottom of the barrel. In fact I am fairly sure some noise musicians with no musical background at all have created better songs my tossing power drills in pianos. That I am saying is they ain't no good.

>No meme, no joke
If you have to say it that takes away a lot of your credibility.

So does my shitty spelling and having to compare them to literal noise. And normally I would attempt to back up what I said but I don't need to. Go listen to any song they have ever put out. The music speaks for its self. Shit gimmick, nothing original or innovative or interesting for that matter. Thy are a niche band built to appeal to the same kind of kids who go to anime cons with gears glued to top hats and wear trench coats with trilbys.

>implying you wouldn't fuck her



>Go listen to any song they have ever put out.
I have.
They're nowhere near as bad as you're claiming
Appealing to kids =/= bad.

You gonna tell me The Wiggles aren't the greatest band of all time?

>only 2 good songs
>niche but supportive somewhat cancerous fanbase
>mtf that is still a better member that the bassist/s ever were
i'll give em a soft 5/10


she looks like jimmy fallon

i'd rather fuck jimmy fallon

shit theme, shit band, shit fans

that's exactly what i'm implying

Nah, kids music is the shit. But the pandering to Convention kids is an issue. And the Wiggles legit fucking rocked before they were the Wiggles.


oh wait i forgot it was a tranny

yeah definitely would rather fuck jimmy fallon


>2 good songs
>implying they made any good songs

i literally jus got done jerking it to tranny porn and no i wouldnt fuck her

my nigga got a chimney on his head
remember when we were trying to get lil b to preform at the grammys instead of these guys

Good until they went down the trans rabbit hole, pun intended

Steampunk was a fucking mistake.

This one unironically is pretty good. I would have a hard time looking past the cringey steampunk aesthetic and enjoying them though.

are these the guys that made some songs for steamworld heist? if so, they have that one song I love so they're ok in my hook

are these the guys that made some songs for steamworld heist?

Honey Bee is their only good song. New dude is trash compared to first guy.

How does this shit exist? How do people get past day 2 of "their concept" and not realize "OMG, what are we doing?"?

Shine Bright Like A Diamond is a classic

Wait til you guys see the ""live"" version of Honeybee, where they sort of "play"/"pretend" to malfunction..



Just fucking attach some fucking whistles, valves, cogs, and dials to something and paint everything bronze and boom steampunk.

What a fucking lame style.

I'd rather listen to Doctor Steel
At least his mad scientist gimmick was kind of neat.


they genuinely make me cringe. not even from an elitist standpoint, but i get secondhand embarrassment from watching them
