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Kyungri is the cutest girl in the world


i want to fuck a dog


Post dubu





rook same

only when she has her makeup on though

she is so cute

is there still meaty cuties in aoa?

this is my wife

I bet your waifu is super pretty without make up

they said shy not autistic

>is there
it's "are there"

kpop made me feel disgusted by non-asian women. i'm dying alone aren't I?

aoa look so old and haggard now
fnc should put them out of their misery

choa sucks, literally and metaphorically

Another death caused by yellow fever. RIP in piece.

and penises

wife on the left


sorry about that

doubly cute in this pic if you catch my drift
love this girl

I'm appreciating the Kyungri webmemes FYI

true statement

dongdong was once a meaty aoa cutie

I kinda like it desu
also our wedding was the jjang



loved her birthday pics



Lizardqt is a qt

looks like excuse me still shit

>tfw no muscular stud to grab you like he owns you and thrust his hard, strong body against you

>that one guy samefagging hard
the fuck?

Which one?

omo imagine if this was a Twice member

they put some nugu in her place right now

i am not ashamed of kpop. being ashamed of something you like is for plebs

all that lizard posting please me


Yes. I already had too-high standards before; kpop has just made things worse.



prove it

keep posting

gugudan chocolit blueberry

this kid looks happy



funny moona

I didn't know that Lime had special needs sister

smiling muses make me happy

someone's not really smiling


why is she always like that? Lee Sem was the same
GILF banger incoming

"my feet hurt"



some new heart shaker teaser pics are out but i'm too sleepy to post all of em

Post idols that make your heart shake



this stupid face here



this could've been Mina if she stayed in Japan

that fucking neck WTF LOOOOOOOOL


is that padding or what


no one's lucky enough to have that privilege



nope yerin was always hot

beautiful ain't it?


I noticed that too


As an actual Korean I never really understood the appeal of k-pop. It's a billion dollar industry that's aimed to squeeze $ out of the impressionable and futile western weeaboos, koreaboos, whatever the fuck you call yourselves these days.

I am sick and tired of seeing the likes of you when I go to the Korean supermarket, fucking fat ass white girls with unkempt hair that's due for another cycle of manic panic oogling over me in the line in her (i am being VERY generous here) brown domo plush backpack, all because I have the genetics to resemble your fav "idol", all without plastic surgery. Don't fucking touch me, just get the fuck out of my store already.

Every kpop song sounds the fucking same because it's composed and orchestrated by the same fucking ghost writers. Every single one of them.

But every once in a while, once in a blood fucking moon, I remember there are true artists like this and I am proud to call myself Korean.

After 71 people were eliminated.
53 males and46 females remain on mixnine

Why aren't they wearing pants?

how many loona's are left

i read 10% of your post if that makes you feel any better

saving this pic because of yuju

>giving (you's) to copypasta

thankfully that's more girls than i was expecting


it's not a story purepoppers would tell you.

here's one (you) for you too.

no one asked moron

jfc why can't twice do anything right

not saving this one because there's no yuju