Why is there a singer named Labrinth? Does he not know how to spell Labyrinth?

Why is there a singer named Labrinth? Does he not know how to spell Labyrinth?



>being racist is funny
grow the fuck up

What the fuck are you on about? I love blacks.

jezz OP no need for racism he's an innocent boy

check out the ass on that qt

That's her front.

>ass so fat you can see it from the front

made for BBC.

we wuz hipster guitar blacks n shiet mah negros

Yeah, it is an enormous ass. I wonder who it is.

>playing wonderwall in public is only ok if you are black

>ugh why do people play an instrument, they should all just sit in silence and listen to death metal like me

>pronounces it Labrimf

No they should practice in the peace of their own home until theyre good enough to release tracks. Fuck buskers and cover artists. Noone wants to hear that shit.

I do

You fuck buskers and cover artists?

Lol what a bunch of fucking morons.
That's not how you spell 'Gorillas.'

They're called thighs, not ass

Some girls with big thighs have flat asses

Changing an S to a Z is a classic "stylish" thing.

I don't see the style in "Labrinth." It genuinely just looks like someone who thinks it's spelled like it's pronounced. It would be like taking the name "Donkey Hote."


>math rock // midwest emo riffage part 2

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