What went wrong?

What went wrong?


She's full of shit about those allegations.

This, why has there been no updates about it since?

ethan said he's contacted his lawyers, the legal process is slow

yeah but from what I can tell she herself hasn’t said anything since

Shes a frontwoman and her new producers are shit.

Thas basically it. Blame Jupiter.

What else could she say that hadn't already been said?

you could respond to the legal actions ?

Its what you get from hiring teenage street girls to main your band. She lost her entire appeal when she aged

Alice Glass fans actually being alice glass fans and believing her false statements

Ethan Kath is innocent, yet based as fuck.

do you think Jeordie White is innocent too?

didn't become my gf

I think a lawyer would advise her to say no more and just go to court.

Edith is so fugly and she always looks like shes wearing a wig

you love her

Why would it matter? Legality and public opinion ain't going to change shit. Even if the guy is found completely innocent her fans are still going to believe her.

Guilt doesn't mean shit for sexual abuse or whatever. Best learn that quickly autists

And if he lost the civil suit people would absolutely still call her a liar. This extreme fandom works both ways.

Pretty sure the majority of CC fans believes Ethan.

Basically yeah

Her "career" or whatever it is she's doing now is fine without the fans so not like it matters, like I said.

I think Edith is hella cute
Edith and Alice are both cute man why you gotta do this

Fucking shit loads of drugs and drinking too much.

She's always had someone to drive her around or deliver her food. She's still mentally 16.