Can Russia make it out the group stage?

Can Russia make it out the group stage?

Do real men prefer ass or tits? I say ass.

Real Patricians know that hip to waste ratio is the best


No. Ass.

White men and asians prefer tits, nig nogs (this includes the US) prefer ass.

Only monkey niggers prefer ass

I value legs over any of these two choices

Redpill me on Iceland and Egypt

That's just because they can't see good asses in their countries, they don't know any better

>fake ass


Now we're talking.

user... you have an ass.

>tfw to intelligent for ass

1. Thighs
2. Ass
3. Legs
4. Hip to waist ratio
5. Tits

the truth is that ass can be toned or sculpted - which is why you'll see more great asses these days. even worse, a female can just buy yoga pants and turn a mediocre butt into a terrific heiney. it's very 'in' right now, like rap music or the warriors.

a great ass is still a great ass, this is not to detract from that. what I mean to say is that tits are something a girl is born with. a perfect rack is truly rare, and I'm not even sure that such a thing exists. how many times have you been fucking a huge ass from the back, and loved every minute of it? many times, I'm sure. however, cupping those two mammoth jugs in each hand is just awe-inspiring - and rare. the treat of kings. sorry ass men, but tits are worth the wait.

nah, mexico and russia are going to draw

ass man here.

Why not both?





No, it just means you're a low-IQ third worlder

1. Legs
2. Hip to waist ratio
3. Face
4. Tits
5. Ass


9001. Feet

>9001. the only thing traps can't fool you with

fudge packing, limp wristed foggot detected

I'm a face guy. A girl can have a mediocre body but if she has a cute face that's all to me.

How does it feels to fuck a huge ass woman?

>the only thing

heard of a vagina, hans?

Finally proof that Argentina is white. It's a clear first world/third world divide.

You gotta get used to it, because your dick suddenly looks very small. But once you get that stuff bouncing it's great. Beware though, it's more exhausting than small or regular ass.

>whitest country on the planet prefers ass
>Includes every country on the planet, even those with next to no internet and ones where porn is outlawed
>only info taken from one site

seems legit


>asians having ass
>slav sticcs having ass
oh I wonder why they dont like ass. idiota

Argentina has some of the ugliest women on the planet though.

>pornhub "statistics"

Seems legit. Also it's obvious that true white men prefer nice asses but it's the niggers who get weird about nonproportional sacks of lard attached to the behinds of human females.

Pic related, white ass for white people.

>best Korea prefers ass
rly meaks u think

It's ass for me

Too bad my gf's was is worse than her boobs :^(

What I know is that as a virgin I liked tits, and the more I was having sex the more I liked asses.