Sup Forums writes a script ITT

I'll start:
The screen is completely dark.

Other urls found in this thread:

Suddenly, monkeys!

And then, as we get a better view, we realize the chimps are actually afro-americans!

BILLY, a man in his mid 20s dressed in a bathrobe, peeks out of the doorway of his motel room and sees the incoming barrage of apes.

Fuck no, brother. I've had too many monkeys in my ass already this weekend! Bobby-Joe, get the baseball bat! No not the little pink one, I mean the big one we used on the seals!

Fades to black and stays dark for an hour and 15 minutes

>flashback scenes from Army Dog start playing

>mfw imagining this

This guy shows up

>calls the apes 'niggers'

Big guy:
You know what we did to gook monkeys like those in nam you retarded faggot?

Raimi should really direct this movie.

Sup Forums could never write a screen play. They're not at smart as /lit/ which wrote an entire 500 page dissection on modern humanity and memes.

Plus Sup Forums doesn't like film,this place is like Sup Forums in that regard

>hello there son
>how are you feeling this late afternoon?
>oh your favourite anime has been cancelled?
>did you break up with your waifus, son?
>im sorry
>maybe i can help you feel better over this most grievous loss

>500 page dissection on modern humanity and memes.
You're saying that like its some great, difficult, achievement.

Was it 500 pages because there was a word on each page?

It was 500 pages because everyone just wrote random shit.

I hope that someone snuck in their GOT fanfic in there.

Oh sure. All the /lit/ books are complete nonsense.

Here's the book.

There is a puff off smoke. When it clears, SHEEV is standing in the room.



>The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra: Debut novel of the toxic post-ironic Internet culture of /lit/. An insight into the spook-concious.

DAT FUCKIN TITLE. HOSHIT I'M LAUGHING. It's like they named it using post a one word at a time.

I hope it was Jaime/Qyburn/Cersei.

>Kindle Price: $200.00

There's another copy worth 99 cents

Just google it you retard.