Pay attention America, THIS is how you make Godzilla!

Pay attention America, THIS is how you make Godzilla!

Walter White, eat your heart out

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No, this is how.

What Michael Bay movie is this?

Its like my japanese animes

besides the boring dialogues between the gov officials, every scene with godzilla was great

is this from the new monster hunter movie?

13 hours

>people gently jogging away in orderly fashion
>these two chefs

>Orange and Blue: The Movie

the american godzilla was like eating at mc donalds.

the nipponzilla was like eating at an expensive sushi restaurant.

This movie was complete shit im sorry I love Evangelion but for the running time there was almost no plot and no godzilla wrecking shit.

The editing is horrendous, the pacing is cocaine fueled at times, forgettable characters that have maybe 5 lines each in an almost 2 hour movie.

The movie just starts with Godzilla coming almost in real time and it doesnt stop, well what the fuck is wrong you fag you might be wandering? THERE WASNT ENOUGH GODZILLA BREAKING SHITTTTTTTTT I cannot make it clearer, this motherfucker pepper some scenes here and there and kept me hard with anticipation....finally the movie its about to end AND OH NO NO BIG EVANGELION FIGHT LELE WE FROZE HIM AND HE TOOK MAYBE 6 STEPS TOTAL LELELELEL..

Dont waste your fucking time, just youtube all the godzilla scenes.

Fucking Hulk in Avengers had more screen time, let that sink in.


The autistic googly eyes ruin it
>HUR HURRRRRR that's what it's supposed to look like!!!!!! It's supposed to be like an eels eyes
I don't give a FUCK what it's supposed to look like. Bottom line is it looks fucking stupid on Godzilla

>the boring dialogues between the gov officials
I found a pleb.

Too bad, Ameripoor.

but the cutoff chicken arms are okay?

not really bud lmao

good analogy if you replace the word expensive with cheap yet cosy

Those aren't good either

So, is that like some inbred spastic cousin of american Godzilla?

>people still heavily judge a Godzilla film on his screen time
smdh tbqh

I don't care about shitposting against ShinGodzilla anymore.
I love this film.
It's good enough for me.

Watch the full kaiju-kino, onii-chan